Sunday, July 27, 2008

Building Castles in the Sand

I realized something today...that our summer so far has not flown by at the speed of light! We have become accustomed to spending the first half of the summer moving at a crazy pace: work, baseball practices, baseball games, baseball tournaments in town and out. By the time we hit August, we would be too burned out to do anything more than work and exist. Not this year!
The decision to opt out of All-Star baseball this year was not made lightly nor easily, but it has been one of the best decisions we've made in a long time. What a change of pace it has been. No need to rush through dinner or whip through a drive-thru on our way to the ball park. No crazy weekends spent in hotels, campgrounds and ball parks. No stress over losing games, winning games, line-ups, coaches, bad calls, or difficult teammates.
Instead, we've been enjoying the summer and taking it easy. Our little trip to Seattle was so much fun and so relaxing despite the typical stress of travel/holidays. We haven't really done a whole lot so far, but it is certainly nice to have the time, the money, the option to do what we want.

We went to the beach last weekend. The sun was hot, the water cold, but we had a good time. Except for Sam who barely tolerated being dragged as far as the sand. He doesn't enjoy water and stayed full clad playing Sudoku on the beach.

We went to see The Dark Knight after our time at the beach. It was awesome!

Kane and the boys have made several trips to the driving range and a couple of trips to the golf course. Kane's golf clubs are more than 20 years old, some in poor condition. After years of mild whining for new clubs, he finally bought himself a new set last week.

I have had time to do a little bit of baking. Freshly baked blueberry scones are simply irresistible.

Kane put in a retractable screen door in the kitchen yesterday, and we're still getting used to the idea of the door being wide open unattended. The extra breeze through the kitchen is lovely, especially in the evening, and I love to listen to the whisper of the wind through the maple leaves.

Kane and the boys took in some of the BC Summer Games yesterday, watching some baseball and track events.

The kids and I made it to the library last week for the first time in months, and I think we will even make it back there tomorrow. It feels good to be reading again.

After a two year hiatus from barbecuing, Kane replaced the burner and briquettes, and we're back in business. No longer must I tamp down jealousy with every whiff of steak on the grill somewhere in the neighbourhood. Now I just need to teach Kane how to grill a perfectly rare steak and I'll be in heaven!

We've even eaten out on the deck for the first time in years!

And July isn't quite over yet!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

It was a long, hot and busy weekend. My uncle and cousin arrived at our place very late Thursday evening and left Sunday morning. We didn't get to spend a lot of time visiting, but we gave them a place to stay and they took care of Abby while the rest of us were at the ballpark. My cousin is only a couple of years older than Abby, so they were both pleased with the situation.

Friday and Saturday were extremely long days as both boys umped several games throughout each day for the Valley of Champions tournament. They also umped on Sunday but that was a "shorter" day though just as hot. They will be pleased with the money they earned and have plans to buy an Xbox 360. As for me, all I got was a little bit of sunburn.

Sam's 15th birthday was on Friday, although we really didn't have the time to do much of anything. As it was I had to hunt down a suitable cake at two different grocery stores Friday evening on our way home from the ballpark! The cake was good even if it did have blue roses on it, and Sam enjoyed his gifts. He received a pair of Toronto Maple Leafs work gloves, a new golf bag, and an 8x10 photo of Alexander Ovechkin which says To Sam and is autographed. He loves it. I am jealous and wish my name was Sam.

I can't believe I have a 15 year old child! Aside from the physical aches and pains of aging, I still feel like I have barely finished my own teen years. Sam has also grown so much in the past year; it is amazing! It is difficult to believe that we were once concerned, because he wasn't growing much at all. Just over a year ago, Casey was slightly taller than Sam, but Sam has now surpassed his brother by a significant margin. He has grown just over 8 inches in eleven months and is about two inches shorter than me now. I think he'll be taller than his mom by the end of the year!

Casey had his final two baby teeth pulled this morning as they were being stubborn and the permanent teeth were growing in over top. For all his bravado, Casey can be quite nervous about such procedures, but he did just fine. It took him quite a while to get settled for sleep last night. The thought of the needles made him very nervous. He's sucking on a Popsicle now.

Last week during a routine clean and check-up, we learned that Sam is completely missing his top two 12 yr. molars! They never came in and they aren't hiding anywhere in his mouth, but he does have two upper wisdom teeth waiting for their time to erupt. I guess it is only natural then that Sam does not have any lower wisdom teeth. Everything balances out in the end!

Saturday night, Brent called Kane about meeting for coffee and a chat on Sunday afternoon. So, Kane met with him yesterday and things went well enough, I suppose. Brent didn't want to talk about what has happened over the past couple of weeks, except to say that Pat has certain times of the year that are more difficult than others. Huh? Sometimes I swear that Brent is as dense as slab of marble. What are we supposed to infer from his comment? Should we overlook her insults and hatred because it is July? How on earth does she get along with other people if she can't even maintain a basic level of decency with family? How many excuses can Brent make for her behaviour without even acknowledging the brutality of her actions or attempting in any way to apologize for it?

Come on! Lots of people have bad times...of the day, the week, the month, even the year! We've personally had a lot of those in the past year, but we're not lashing out at Brent and Pat the way they have to us. When Kane and the kids hit a deer in May, Pat lashed out at us in anger because she had bought a lot of food for them to eat while at her place but they never even made it to her house! She was mad at us, because my kids wanted to go home instead of to her house while I stayed at the hospital with Kane. She was mad at me for sending my kids home with one of my best friends of nearly 20 years instead of sending them with her, the psycho aunt that hasn't exactly been a stable figure in their lives for the past 10 years. She was mad at us for not thanking her enough for her help. I guess I didn't realize that we should have been entitled to lash out at Pat because we were going through a bad time...have to remember that for next time!

I'm not surprised. I expected as much as soon as I knew that Brent wanted to chat with Kane. I knew he didn't want to apologize. He is only interested in keeping Kane from getting too ruffled, because Brent and Pat have already alienated the other two brothers and who would Brent go golfing with if he completely alienated Kane, too. My feelings don't matter. But, he's wrong! This cannot be swept under the rug and "forgotten". We cannot pretend that it didn't happen, and Brent's desire to spend time with family just won't happen unless these things are dealt with properly.

I've been thinking a little about Pat and wondering about her social life. Of course, she is now in a new city and would be starting from scratch with the friend-making, but I wonder about her friends even from their previous residence. Pat talks a lot, all the time, non-stop, and yet I never hear her talk about her friends. She talks a lot about the parents of Payton's friends and schoolmates or neighbours but never about real friends of her own. Kind of makes me wonder...She doesn't seem to have a good relationship with her brother or father and, as I mentioned, Brent and Pat have destroyed their relationships with Brent's other two brothers. With Pat's words and actions toward us lately, I just can't see her carrying on a healthy relationship with anyone. Her expectations of others are so narrow and rigid, and her anger towards someone who fails to meet those expectations is volatile and unforgiving. I can't imagine a "friend" putting up with that for very long. I kind of feel sorry for Pat, because she is obviously a very troubled and lonely person, but I am not so much the fool that I want to be slapped around some more.

Well, I guess my pie crusts are sufficiently cooled by now to begin the task of making the filling. I have been wanting to make a cream pie for a long time now, but I don't have the energy to follow up on that urge. So, I'm taking the easy route and using frozen pie crusts and boxed mixes for a banana cream and a coconut cream pie. I am so lazy that I am going to combine the two mixes rather than cook two separate batches! What can I say?! It was a really long and draining weekend, today is my only real free day, and I am working the rest of the week. I suck at making pie dough from scratch anyway, but I still do want to make some cream pies from scratch one day.

Friday, July 04, 2008

No More

You know, I thought I had managed to keep my email to Pat on a calm and mostly non-confrontational level. I thought I had done very well considering the degree of my ire only a couple of hours before writing that response. I didn't then, nor have I ever done anything to her or said anything to her with the intention of trampling on her feelings or her character, but she certainly had no qualms about doing just that to me! Her response to my email was off the wall not only in terms of her anger and poison but also in her logic.

There is no point in copying her words to me here or even Brent's words. I'll summarize instead. Let's see...I was called a free-loader (several times) and an unmotivated taker. I am inhuman with no emotion. I am witless. I am unwelcoming and boring. I am a bad example for my children because I choose to work at Tim Horton's and for several other reasons that she labelled as "etc., etc., etc." I am rude. I am a little girl living in a fantasy world. I know nothing at all. I think only of myself, and I am a loser. I never do anything. I am a hypocrite. I was told by Pat that she has never liked me and never did care.

And I don't care anymore either! The drama this past weekend was the last straw, and I am finished being their doormat. They said years ago that I wasn't worth their time or effort to get to know and that I would need to change before they would spend time with me (or us). It's funny then how they continue to berate us for not spending enough time with them! I especially get a kick out of Brent's comments to Kane about this whole fiasco. He can live with me apparently, while Pat needs more from me (us) not for herself but for Payton! They both feel that I don't want to be around them, and that is what led to Pat's frustrated email! There is a reason why I don't feel comfortable around them...their own comments and attitudes towards me that have been going on for years, and there was nothing frustrated about Pat's email, it was pure venom, anger and disdain!! And what started all this in the first place?! She called to ask if Kane could build a fence for her last weekend, and I told her that he was already committed to helping a friend with a plumbing problem and we were going away. That's it!

Brent had the gall to ask why we didn't invite Pat and Payton (but mostly just Payton) to come with us on our holiday and tried to make us feel guilty for not even considering it and making the offer. Hello?! Even if our relationship with them was peachy, we wouldn't have considered inviting them to come along. This holiday was for us, our little family of five. The past 10 months have been incredibly crazy for our family, more than normal, and we all needed a break. I don't think we should have to invite a niece along just to keep Pat from going psycho on us. And if they are disappointed in us for not extending that invitation how is that our problem to deal with?

It really doesn't matter anymore, because I am finished. Pat told me not to bother emailing her ever again and strongly expressed to me that she will never email me again, and I can only assume/hope that includes phone calls, too! I will not call her. I will not go to visit her. My kids will never go to her house or spend any time with her outside of our presence. I will be instructing my kids to not open the door to her should she ever show up at our home while I am at work. Payton will be welcome to come spend time with Abby, but she can only be dropped off while Kane or I are home. I do not want my kids to ever be alone with Pat!

She burned whatever bridge there was between us with her poisonous attack on my character and the character of my family. That bridge will not be so easily repaired, and I honestly don't believe that she has any interest in apologizing or mending anything. She doesn't even see any fault within Brent or herself-nope, Kane and I are the sole source of conflict and issue here! Brent doesn't even seem very eager to mend the bridge that his wife destroyed. Oh, he's interested in golfing with Kane but that's about it. He obviously holds the same position about me as Pat does, so I'm done with him, too.