Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Snow Day!

I have been reading through my old journals. It is something that I like to do from time to time. I'll curl up on my bed and sift through time and memories. So much has happened over the years. I'm not the same person that I was when I first started journalling, and it is exciting to see the journey. Here's an excerpt from December 28th, 1998:

Today I played with the boys. No orders. No rules. No discipline or correction. Just snowmen, snow angels and snow forts. We had a wonderful time enjoying each others company for the fun of it. It wasn't really a mother and sons moment as much as it was a time of three friends hanging out. We were equals. I wasn't standing in authority over them anticipating their every mistake. I was with them at their level. Playing. We worked together. I made little snowballs and passed them round to the boys, who then took the snowballs and did with them as they chose. At times, they rolled the snowballs in the sticky snow until they were too big and heavy for their little arms. That's when they would call for me to carry their burden. I'd lift that big ball of snow and place it atop the previous one. I'd used my mittened hands to shape and strengthen our snow creations. What had once been a blob of snow was now a regal looking snowman! The children didn't remember how heavy the balls were once they saw the finished work.
Several times Casey would take that small snowball and cast a sly glance. Casey would let it fly when Sam turned his back, but with all the layers of warmth secured on his body, Sam never noticed the feeble shot tossed his way.
I see many images of God in this day: a God who is always with us, not a God who is holding a checklist. Not a God who is off in the distance watching us, but a Father here in the presence of His children, interacting with them, laughing, encouraging, loving, and crying with them. I see people struggling to carry heavy burdens that are just too much for their feeble hands. I see people who refuse to give it up, forever straining to carry the load. I see people who humble themselves and cry for help. People who find their load easier, not because of luck or fate, but because Someone much stronger is carrying it for them. I see the Father's hands touching our hearts: pruning, shaping, prodding, mending. His hands strengthen us. They heal and mend. I see how, as children of the Father, we have protection from the enemy. The missiles and arrows of deceit can fall harmlessly to the ground when we remember that we are protected by spiritual armor.
At one point during our play, Casey fell in the snow and could not get up on his own. He sat there in the cold, deep snow and waited, remarkably patient. He merely lifted his arms to signal me that he needed help. Of course, I obliged him. How often I feel just like Casey! There are many times when I'd like to just sit and wait for someone to do the hard work for me. At the same time, how easy it is to forget that there is Someone like that: someone willing to reach down and pull out. He is right there waiting for me to hold my arms.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

We have no baseball today! This is the third baseball-free day we've had since April 23rd!!

I tried to sleep in and in a way succeeded; anything past 7am is sleeping in these days. However, I didn't sleep well. A siren woke me deep sleep around 3:45am and it took a very long time to get back to sleep. How much traffic would be on the road at that time of the morning? Was a long, loud siren really necessary?

Today has been uneventful. The kids did only as much housework and yard work as was minimally required. The last load of laundry is in the wash. I took a trip to Wal-Mart to find a new pair of shoes for work. I am hoping that new shoes might help the ankle problem; at this point I am willing to do almost anything. I bought an elastic kind of support last week which I wear while working and occasionally at home, but I'm not sure that it has made much of a difference. The boys were asked to go golfing with one of Casey's team-mates. I'm sure that Sam was thrilled at the opportunity to do some golfing as it has been a while since he last went. Casey hasn't actually golfed before, so this will be a new adventure for him. He enjoyed his lessons and time spent at the driving range, but an actual round of golf is quite different. Abby is currently on a walk with Grandma. Kane has taken a load of yard waste to the dump. I am at home.

Tonight, Kane and I are going out, although I would hardly call it a "fun" evening by my standards. Our baseball association is having a Pub Night fundraiser. While Kane enjoys a beer now and then, I hate the taste of beer, really don't like the taste of wine, and might have a cooler once or twice a year. This isn't really our scene. I'm hoping that the food will be good; the choices didn't thrill me.

Tomorrow, we have two ball practices. One for Casey and one for Abby. I am off on Monday which will be nice. Someone is coming to test our water quality Monday morning. We have been having water issues since last Monday. There is a strong chlorine smell and taste to our water which we haven't had before. When I called about it, the receptionist tried to tell me that the levels were normal and well within acceptable limits and some people are just highly sensitive to the smell of chlorine. All well and good but we have never had this problem before and we always drink our tap water. Taking a sip of water that tastes like it came from a pool is rather disgusting.

Last week, I bought two 10" planters filled with flowers/plants. They look lovely and the price was right. I just hope that I can keep them alive through the summer. My thumb is notoriously black and all my gardening good intentions wither under the summer sun.

Kane brought me roses last week! They were lovely then, not so lovely now. There were red ones, yellow ones, white ones, a lilacy coloured one, a couple of coral coloured, and some two-toned red ones. I love roses.

Just over two weeks until Casey heads to Vancouver and Victoria with the rest of the grade 6 students from his school. When this trip was first mentioned back in September, Casey was adamant about NOT going. Even just a couple of months ago, he would get quite angry and upset every time we mentioned the trip. He did not want to go! Now, he seems to be looking forward to it. I know that he'll have a good time. He's only ever a monster for us, never for anyone else.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I guess I have a lot to catch up on but lack the time and motivation to take it all from thought to cohesive sentences...soon. In the meantime, I've been collecting a bunch of quotes and will share...

To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
- Anon.

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer."
- Albert Camus

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing is so gentle as real strength."
- Ralph W. Sockman

"The fearless are merely fearless. People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave."
- James A. LaFond-Lewis, November 11, 1999

"A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort."
- Sydney Smith

Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy if anything can.
- Thomas Merton

"We are all cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out."
- Ray Bradbury

Feeling without judgement is a washy draught indeed; but judgement untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition.
- Charlotte Bronte, "Jane Eyre"

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
- Anon.

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor
without having victims.
-- Harriet Woods (1927-) American Politician

When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
- Edward Teller

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

It has been busy the past few days and it is becoming increasingly difficult to crawl out of bed each morning...for all of us! I am off work today, tomorrow and Thursday! It is a weird schedule for me, but I'll gladly take it.

Over the weekend, we had two baseball tournaments: one for Casey and one for Abby. On Saturday, I was at the ball park with Abby by 7:30am. Except for about 45 minutes, I wasn't home again until nearly 8:00pm! I watched Abby's game in the morning followed by Sam's practice. After the practice, we hurried from Rutland to the Kelowna ball park close to our home for Casey's first tournament game. After that game, we were able to "rest" for a brief time at home before splitting up to head to two different ball parks for games.

Sunday was a little easier. We didn't have to rush out the door quite so early, so I was treated to breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. Though I do have to wonder if that would have happened had I not purchased the necessary supplies late the night before as we had one of Casey's teammates sleeping over. I doubt it. That was the extent of my Mother's Day. The boys had to be coerced into even saying the words to me. We watched Abby's final tournament game, came home for lunch and went to Casey's semi-final game. If we lost we were finished, if we won we went to the final. It was a close game, but we lost 7-5. By that time it was supper, but Kane, Abby, Casey and the teammate wanted to stay to watch the final game. Sam and I came home. Kane picked up McDonald's and dropped some off for Sam and I before heading back to the ball park. Happy Mother's Day to me!

It has been eight years of having baseball on Mother's Day, and it isn't just one game but tournaments! This might be the last year. Abby will move up to Mosquito next year, and their tournament is the May long weekend. We'll have moved beyond the mini-tad/tadpole Mother's Day and Father's Day tournaments. I am soooo glad. I need these three days off just to recover.

PeeWee 'A' Tournament

Casey pitching.

Mighty Casey at the bat, realizing that he swung at a bad pitch.

MVP in our semi-final loss to Vernon.

Tadpole Tournament

Abby running the bases during the Skills Competition. Her team won the base-running event!

Scoring a run during a game.

Miss Most Sportsmanlike

Goofing off in the dugout.

Random Photos

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I'm home on a day off work just kind of moping. I attacked the house with a vengeance first thing this morning, because things will be crazy once the kids are done school and I wanted to run to the doctor.

So, I went to the doctor to follow up on the x-ray of my ankle that was taken a few weeks ago...my ankle has continued to be sore and painful. I waited close to half an hour in the waiting room before being shown into an exam room. Once there, I waited about one minute before the doctor came in. He began by telling me that my ankle wasn't broken (which I didn't think it was!) and that I should know that it can take up to six weeks for a sprain to heal (thanks for making me feel stupid!). I replied that I've been having this pain for six MONTHS to which he expressed a small sound of surprise but didn't waiver from his position that it was simply sprained. Then I was shuffled out the door...it had only been a minute, if that! I walked out feeling so stupid and frustrated and I still feel that way even as I am hobbling painfully around the house. I didn't sprain my ankle six weeks ago or six months ago. I know what it feels like to sprain an ankle; I've done it many times as a youth, but I have not sprained it since I've been married. I feel dismissed. I feel as if the doctor views me as a hypochondriac who has nothing better to do than waste his time. So not me! I hate going to the doctor. I will delay going to the doctor simply because I don't feel as if my problem is serious enough. So, if I do go to the doctor, it is because I am in real pain or really sick! I didn't even go to the doctor about my ankle for several months for that very reason. I kept hoping that it would just go away on its' own, but it didn't and six months seems like an excessively long time to be having pain in one's ankle from a sprain (especially when there is no recollection of such sprain ever happening!).

It is amazing how that sixty second exam managed to snuff the joy out of me. My ankle has been especially painful for the past four or five days. A couple nights ago after Sam's ball game, I was walking from the diamond to our van, less than a 100 yards. The pain increased with every step until I was limping so badly. I'm sure that anyone watching was wondering what on earth I was doing as I had been walking just fine before the game ended, but that's just the way this pain has been. My ankle has felt continuously "off" but the pain varies in intensity and in how it affects my ability to walk. Sometimes I walk normally while other times I can barely walk and worry that my ankle won't hold my weight. Right now, it is killing me and I'm just sitting. So, I'm slipping into a funk because the doctor just brushed it off and he wasted my time as much as I "wasted" his. And just how long do I need to suffer before this "sprain" finally heals? And when did I sprain my ankle? It must have been when I was sleeping, because I think I would have noticed if I was awake. But that's just my opinion...and I don't have years of medical school to give me medical wisdom.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Lord save me from this insanity! Mr. Hyde has been living in my house for nearly a week now and I don't know how much more I can take. It is more exhausting than a day of work. The cries of "mean mom" no longer sting but succeed in raising my ire even more. The threats of running away or finding a new family still squeeze my heart in a vise, but I have been pushed to the brink. Casey doesn't realize that he is fighting a losing battle; I love him too much to let him stay the way he is.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I am tired, so tired that I napped on the sofa for nearly half of the first disc of The Fellowship of the Ring extended edition. The weekend hasn't been insanely busy, but I guess it has been busy enough. Add Casey's behaviour and attitude into the mix and I am wiped out. He's been ornery for days and today was no exception. Tell me how Sam could possibly kick Casey's knee when Sam is sitting in his seat in the van directly behind Casey's seat?

Last night I grabbed my stack of old journals and began reading through the very first one. That first journal was given to me by a youth leader and friend upon my graduation. It was dated June 24, 1990! How long ago that feels! Nearly seventeen years later, I am working on journal number 10, unless I lost one somewhere in my bedroom. Seventeen years is a lifetime of memories.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Mighty Casey has Struck Out

I ruined his entire life! Or so I've been told. Personally, I don't agree but I'm just the Mom.

Casey was fine up until we pulled into the driveway around 8:30 tonight after Sam's baseball game. His problem? He somehow forgot that he was umping tomorrow morning and insisted that we had neglected to tell him this important news. Through tears, angry glances and stomped feet, Casey worked himself into a frenzy that could not be self-contained. He exploded. Or maybe he imploded.

Either way, he is in bed now, earlier than he had thought he would be and mad at the world. And, I ruined his life! It seems that he had wanted to play with his friend tomorrow morning, a task that could not be tucked into the rest of the day apparently.

It was obvious to me that he was tired even if he disagrees. He lost perspective and the ability to reason. I am quite positive that Casey was in the room when the call came asking him to ump this game, yet he claims ignorance. It has been on the calendar all week long. Highlighted in green; his colour. He was unreasonable in his insistence that he wouldn't ump tomorrow in order to play with his friend. He has the freedom to turn down umping assignments, but he can't choose not to fulfill his duty after accepting an assignment, not without a valid reason. The game is only a couple of hours long and we have no further appointments for the rest of the day; lots of time to play and have fun. Besides, he sees his friend every single day and spends lots of time playing with him!

Hopefully, Casey will be a little more reasonable in the morning. We never really know if he'll wake up a different child from when he went to bed. I hope so.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Keeping Score

I love keeping score at my kids' baseball games. By no means am I an expert score-keeper, but I am competent enough to do the job well. So far, in the first six games of the season, I have only kept score once.

I miss it and feel lost without a scorebook on my lap.

Abby's team doesn't need a score-keeper. Her coach's wife does the job.

Kane told the parents on his team that he doesn't want me to "have" to keep score all the time, because I am "too busy". He gives the same spiel every year, always without asking my opinion first. I've always been willing to teach anyone that wants to learn how to keep score, and I have given up the book several times. One mom said that she would learn this year, and she's done a good job. Now she asks if I'd like her to keep score every game and what can I say?

I've only seen one of Sam's games and that was the only game I've scored. A mom on the team seemed glad to have me do it instead of having that task fall on her lap, so maybe I can get my fix at Sam's games, if I can make it to them.