So, I have ruined my posting streak on this blog, but it is difficult to post on two blogs every day and keep both fresh. Oh well!
Abby made a discovery last night while frantically cleaning a portion of her bedroom. We were given a new-to-us bed, which we expected to receive today, but it came yesterday, about an hour after we were given the heads-up! Abby's room is in a perpetual state of chaos, so she had to work like mad to clear enough space to get rid of her old bed and bring in the new one. In the process, she found an ipod nano behind a bookshelf.
Both boys did own ipod nanos, but both ipods had gone missing several years ago. The one found last night turned out to be Sam's, but we're all flabbergasted as to how it ended up in Abby's room. I am very confident that Sam's ipod had gone missing well before that bookshelf had been positioned in Abby's room, and I do a major clean/purge in her room at least once a year. Since I also do those purges in the boys' bedrooms, I had long assumed that both ipods must have been lost outside of the house. Maybe the cat has been playing with it all this time...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Winter Wonders
How quickly the weather can change! It was snowing and grey, when I left for work this morning. Midway through my shift, it was still snowing, fat and lazy flakes, that made me wish I could go out for a run. And now, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and snow is melting.
I realized something as I drove to work this morning. I realized that I haven't minded the snow and cold too much this year. In years past I have ardently hoped for little snow to fall, and I would bemoan the cold of winter. This year, while perhaps still not loving winter, I have at least come to enjoy it.
Why the change? Maybe it is because I am no longer simply hiding in the house, dreading the weather and waiting for spring. Instead, I am getting out and running, regardless of the temperature or the snow on the ground. Just another shift in the way one thinks...
I realized something as I drove to work this morning. I realized that I haven't minded the snow and cold too much this year. In years past I have ardently hoped for little snow to fall, and I would bemoan the cold of winter. This year, while perhaps still not loving winter, I have at least come to enjoy it.
Why the change? Maybe it is because I am no longer simply hiding in the house, dreading the weather and waiting for spring. Instead, I am getting out and running, regardless of the temperature or the snow on the ground. Just another shift in the way one thinks...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Work Out
I did a 40 minute workout this morning. It was good. It was tough, even though it wasn't really. If anything, it reminds me just how weak my core is right now, but I hope to change that. Eventually.
I passed on a run today, so that I could do this workout. My running fitness is in far better condition than the rest of my fitness, although I do still have a lot of work to do on my running, if I want to run up Knox Mountain in July. But, working out is where I flounder the most.
Last night, I cut up a bunch of magazine pages that I have accumulated over the past couple of years. Every time I come across exercises in one of my magazines, I rip out the pages to add to my file folder. The problem is that they stay in the folder and seldom get used. So, I cut out each individual exercise and glued them onto index cards. Then, I punched a hole in each card and clipped them all together. Now I have a portable collection of exercises that I can flip through. Hopefully, this will help me branch out and know best where to focus my efforts.
I passed on a run today, so that I could do this workout. My running fitness is in far better condition than the rest of my fitness, although I do still have a lot of work to do on my running, if I want to run up Knox Mountain in July. But, working out is where I flounder the most.
Last night, I cut up a bunch of magazine pages that I have accumulated over the past couple of years. Every time I come across exercises in one of my magazines, I rip out the pages to add to my file folder. The problem is that they stay in the folder and seldom get used. So, I cut out each individual exercise and glued them onto index cards. Then, I punched a hole in each card and clipped them all together. Now I have a portable collection of exercises that I can flip through. Hopefully, this will help me branch out and know best where to focus my efforts.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I had an unexpected visit with an out-of-town friend yesterday afternoon! A few weeks ago, she had told me that she was going to be in town for a few days, beginning on the 13th. I had told her that I would likely be working on the 14th and 15th, and that was the last I heard from her until she called yesterday. For once the timing worked for both of us, so she dropped in for some tea and catching up.
It was good to see her and catch up with her, to have some one-on-one time with her, because that is something that so rarely happens. In fact, I cannot remember the last time just the two of us hung out together!
After she left though, I caught myself harboring tendrils of bitterness about the visit. I was mentally questioning why she didn't contact me again until the last minute. (She and her family were planning on heading back home today.) I have struggled with feeling left out and neglected for a long time, so my thoughts were quick to return to that rabbit trail of destruction. And that is what I realized was happening. I took those thoughts and recognized that they were false. Yes, she did contact me at the last minute; however, I did get to spend time with her! It was an enjoyable visit, and that is all that I ask for. There is no need to sabotage those positive feelings with thoughts that only seek to destroy.
It was good to see her and catch up with her, to have some one-on-one time with her, because that is something that so rarely happens. In fact, I cannot remember the last time just the two of us hung out together!
After she left though, I caught myself harboring tendrils of bitterness about the visit. I was mentally questioning why she didn't contact me again until the last minute. (She and her family were planning on heading back home today.) I have struggled with feeling left out and neglected for a long time, so my thoughts were quick to return to that rabbit trail of destruction. And that is what I realized was happening. I took those thoughts and recognized that they were false. Yes, she did contact me at the last minute; however, I did get to spend time with her! It was an enjoyable visit, and that is all that I ask for. There is no need to sabotage those positive feelings with thoughts that only seek to destroy.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Climb
I ran this morning, the same route I ran on Sunday. It is short but not so sweet, at least not yet. The hope is that one day this little route will be a breeze, but right now it is tough. It is tough because of the elevation difference. There is one "big" hill, which is really not terribly big but big enough for someone unaccustomed to running hills. This route is only 2.6 kilometres, but I run this one hill twice, right at the beginning and end of my run. I am pleased to have run this route twice with the exact same finish time of 18 minutes, 40 seconds. Sure, that isn't particularly fast for such a short distance, but I know I can bring that time down with more training.
In six months, I want to be able to run up a much, much larger hill within 30 minutes. Today, that goal looks like Mount Everest, but I don't have to worry about the end result today. Today is the only thing needing my attention at this moment. Step by step, one day at a time!
In six months, I want to be able to run up a much, much larger hill within 30 minutes. Today, that goal looks like Mount Everest, but I don't have to worry about the end result today. Today is the only thing needing my attention at this moment. Step by step, one day at a time!
Monday, January 17, 2011
It's Monday. Again. This means that today is also my Friday! Unfortunately, before I can experience the thrill of the three day weekend starting tomorrow, I must get through today. It's not that today is inherently bad, because it isn't. It's my work shift that drags me down. After that, I just have busyness to contend with, and possibly the headache that is beginning to form.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's been a good day!
Church was wonderful. The message was bang on. A lot of good stuff to chew on and swallow.
The sun was shining. Snow was melting, and it was +6!
I went for my first run in two weeks, which was a little challenging but good. My thighs might be a bit stiff in the morning though.
I got Sam to finish two of his missing English assignments. I cannot guarantee that he will hand them in, but at least they are completed.
My kitchen is reasonably clean at the end of the day.
Casey is going to have a hard workout for two and a half hours. It is exciting to see him taking charge of his health and fitness and his goals.
I anticipate a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is my "Friday".
Church was wonderful. The message was bang on. A lot of good stuff to chew on and swallow.
The sun was shining. Snow was melting, and it was +6!
I went for my first run in two weeks, which was a little challenging but good. My thighs might be a bit stiff in the morning though.
I got Sam to finish two of his missing English assignments. I cannot guarantee that he will hand them in, but at least they are completed.
My kitchen is reasonably clean at the end of the day.
Casey is going to have a hard workout for two and a half hours. It is exciting to see him taking charge of his health and fitness and his goals.
I anticipate a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is my "Friday".
Saturday, January 15, 2011
To the Point
It's been a good day, but my feet are still sore, a headache is brewing, and I am exhausted. I have only recently been able to actually sit and relax, and I have to say that I really don't want to get back up. I did manage to get supper cooking, which is something that I usually don't do on a Saturday night. Still so much to do...
Friday, January 14, 2011
X-Weighted 2011
What a gorgeous day! I have finished work, and I am fighting the urge to go for a run in the warmth and sunshine. I probably shouldn't be fighting it, but I am. My back is a bit sore, I have plenty of things to do yet today, and tomorrow will bring a heap of body aches. It's been almost two weeks since I last went for a run. Another day or two won't make that much difference!
Tomorrow is the start of X-Weighted's 2011 National Challenge, and I am excited to begin. I took part in last year's challenge and did well. I surpassed the weight loss goal set for me, losing 20 pounds over the six months. I also lost about 12 inches and started running. It was good, but I have been bad the past couple of months.
I've gained a handful of pounds and a couple of inches here and there, because I have not been watching what I eat at all since October. I completed my first 5K and just let go of everything, except running. Well, I did also break my diet coke addiction, so that was a good thing. But, I have been eating too much and too poorly, and I need to incorporate more exercise into my life. Running is great; it's just not enough.
I don't know what I will be given as a weight loss goal, but I would love to lose another 20 pounds. Even 15 would be fine. And more inches! I'm ready to lose...
Tomorrow is the start of X-Weighted's 2011 National Challenge, and I am excited to begin. I took part in last year's challenge and did well. I surpassed the weight loss goal set for me, losing 20 pounds over the six months. I also lost about 12 inches and started running. It was good, but I have been bad the past couple of months.
I've gained a handful of pounds and a couple of inches here and there, because I have not been watching what I eat at all since October. I completed my first 5K and just let go of everything, except running. Well, I did also break my diet coke addiction, so that was a good thing. But, I have been eating too much and too poorly, and I need to incorporate more exercise into my life. Running is great; it's just not enough.
I don't know what I will be given as a weight loss goal, but I would love to lose another 20 pounds. Even 15 would be fine. And more inches! I'm ready to lose...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thursday, the Tire, and the Tow Truck
I should have learned my lesson yesterday. I put off my run on Tuesday for Wednesday, and woke up to a whole heap of snow yesterday. Last night I deliberated on whether or not to enjoy a long, soaking bath at that time or have a short shower today after a morning run. Once again my plans fell apart in the light of a new day.
Kane wanted me to drive him to his book-keeping class this morning, which shouldn't have been too much of a hassle, being only a few minutes away. I was a little irritated though, knowing that even such a small disruption would wreak havoc with my plans for the day, but I still never anticipated just how big that disruption would be.
As we were driving to Kane's class, we heard a new sound. The streets were bad, covered with remnants of yesterday's snowfall and some fresh snow from the night. This noise sounded like a snow plow was riding on our tail, but there wasn't a snow plow in sight. We weren't far from our destination, so we kept driving, thinking that a bunch of snow must have accumulated in the wheel wells. Once we arrived, we discovered that one of the rear tires was entirely flat, punctured on the sidewall. Kane called for a tow truck, gave me instructions, and went to his class. I waited, first inside the building lobby for the twenty minutes we had been told to expect, and then inside the van for another forty minutes. Yes, I waited for an hour for a tow truck...for a tow truck that never arrived!
Instead of a tow truck, a service truck showed up. The driver said he could put our spare on for us or call in a tow truck which would require more waiting. I chose the spare, tired of waiting already. A half hour after that, the spare was finally on, and I proceeded to the nearest tire shop, where good news and bad news awaited me.
The good news is that I could wait in a warm building on a comfy chair, and I didn't need to wait too long. The bad news is that my tire model has been discontinued. The good news is they found me a tire. Bad's in Vancouver and won't be here for 2-3 days. Good news is they gave me a 'loaner' tire to use until my new tire arrives. Bad news is that the service truck driver broke the pin (or whatever it is called) that holds the spare tire in storage (and didn't tell me). Good news is the tire shop people told me about it and fixed it!
Two and a half hours after leaving the house this morning, for a 15 minute excursion, I am finally back at home and able to start on my day! So, there goes my plan for a morning run. I still need that shower, but it will have to wait until later in the day now. I promised my son that I would make cinnamon rolls (it's a bribe), so I still have to get those started. I will need to go pick up my husband in a few hours. I had hopes of going for lunch with a friend today. Not gonna happen now. It's just one of those days when a rewind button would be great.
Kane wanted me to drive him to his book-keeping class this morning, which shouldn't have been too much of a hassle, being only a few minutes away. I was a little irritated though, knowing that even such a small disruption would wreak havoc with my plans for the day, but I still never anticipated just how big that disruption would be.
As we were driving to Kane's class, we heard a new sound. The streets were bad, covered with remnants of yesterday's snowfall and some fresh snow from the night. This noise sounded like a snow plow was riding on our tail, but there wasn't a snow plow in sight. We weren't far from our destination, so we kept driving, thinking that a bunch of snow must have accumulated in the wheel wells. Once we arrived, we discovered that one of the rear tires was entirely flat, punctured on the sidewall. Kane called for a tow truck, gave me instructions, and went to his class. I waited, first inside the building lobby for the twenty minutes we had been told to expect, and then inside the van for another forty minutes. Yes, I waited for an hour for a tow truck...for a tow truck that never arrived!
Instead of a tow truck, a service truck showed up. The driver said he could put our spare on for us or call in a tow truck which would require more waiting. I chose the spare, tired of waiting already. A half hour after that, the spare was finally on, and I proceeded to the nearest tire shop, where good news and bad news awaited me.
The good news is that I could wait in a warm building on a comfy chair, and I didn't need to wait too long. The bad news is that my tire model has been discontinued. The good news is they found me a tire. Bad's in Vancouver and won't be here for 2-3 days. Good news is they gave me a 'loaner' tire to use until my new tire arrives. Bad news is that the service truck driver broke the pin (or whatever it is called) that holds the spare tire in storage (and didn't tell me). Good news is the tire shop people told me about it and fixed it!
Two and a half hours after leaving the house this morning, for a 15 minute excursion, I am finally back at home and able to start on my day! So, there goes my plan for a morning run. I still need that shower, but it will have to wait until later in the day now. I promised my son that I would make cinnamon rolls (it's a bribe), so I still have to get those started. I will need to go pick up my husband in a few hours. I had hopes of going for lunch with a friend today. Not gonna happen now. It's just one of those days when a rewind button would be great.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow Day
Oh boy, did we get snow last night! The snow on the deck is easily 6 inches deep, and it is still snowing, with another big dump expected overnight. It is lovely and beautiful and disappointing.
I put off yesterday's run for today, and now I don't think I'll be running today at all. I've run in snow before, but this is a lot of snow. I have no doubt that my poor feet would be soaked and frozen, wool socks or not. Guess that's a lesson for me not to procrastinate!
But, I did finish cleaning my kitchen!
I put off yesterday's run for today, and now I don't think I'll be running today at all. I've run in snow before, but this is a lot of snow. I have no doubt that my poor feet would be soaked and frozen, wool socks or not. Guess that's a lesson for me not to procrastinate!
But, I did finish cleaning my kitchen!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tentative Tuesday
This isn't the Tuesday I had anticipated when I went to bed last night. I slept well enough, I think, and yet I claw my way to semi-consciousness to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock at 7:00. Those nine extra minutes of sleep still weren't enough, but I had no choice but to get out of bed and get everyone moving.
Usually my first day off is more productive than the following two days off. Not today. It will be productive enough, though not necessarily the way I had planned. I had planned on going for a run, my first since the Resolution Run, but I am putting it off until tomorrow. Aside from the run, any other canceled plans were inconsequential in the long run. I just don't like not getting things done!
Laundry is in progress. I have some paperwork to do before my baseball board meeting tonight. There are my daily list of things to do: Bible reading, blogging, writing, and Bible study homework. And my kitchen is a disaster...
Usually my first day off is more productive than the following two days off. Not today. It will be productive enough, though not necessarily the way I had planned. I had planned on going for a run, my first since the Resolution Run, but I am putting it off until tomorrow. Aside from the run, any other canceled plans were inconsequential in the long run. I just don't like not getting things done!
Laundry is in progress. I have some paperwork to do before my baseball board meeting tonight. There are my daily list of things to do: Bible reading, blogging, writing, and Bible study homework. And my kitchen is a disaster...
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Little Stone
Another week, another Monday. Or Friday, depending upon how I look at it! It is kind of like whether the glass is half full or half empty. In another hour I will be just about out the door for work, my sucky little Monday shift that I strongly dislike. It could be a good day or a long, not so good day, but a lot of that outcome depends on my attitude. It is rather easy to blame a bad day on grumpy customers, cranky co-workers, or a bunch of little speed bumps that catch me off-guard, but all those things are only as powerful as I let them be. I have the greater power.
In recognizing this truth, I have been making the effort over the past few weeks to be on the alert for my own temperamental mood changes. It isn't always easy to catch them as they arise, and I sometimes miss some completely, but, in general, I am getting better at taking those negative thoughts captive.
A number of weeks ago, everyone in our church congregation was given a small stone to remember the point of the sermon. Okay, so I don't recall what the exact point was, but I did take something out of that sermon, and I've been running with it ever since. That being that the words I say or the things I do can be for good or for bad. The choice is mine to make. The congregation was encouraged to carry that stone around for the week as a reminder. I have chosen to carry that stone on my body ever since. When I find myself feeling a little frustrated at work, I feel the stone and remember that my words, my attitude have long-lasting power, and, if I am able, I hum a few worship songs to myself and turn my focus away from myself. It's a much better place to be!
In recognizing this truth, I have been making the effort over the past few weeks to be on the alert for my own temperamental mood changes. It isn't always easy to catch them as they arise, and I sometimes miss some completely, but, in general, I am getting better at taking those negative thoughts captive.
A number of weeks ago, everyone in our church congregation was given a small stone to remember the point of the sermon. Okay, so I don't recall what the exact point was, but I did take something out of that sermon, and I've been running with it ever since. That being that the words I say or the things I do can be for good or for bad. The choice is mine to make. The congregation was encouraged to carry that stone around for the week as a reminder. I have chosen to carry that stone on my body ever since. When I find myself feeling a little frustrated at work, I feel the stone and remember that my words, my attitude have long-lasting power, and, if I am able, I hum a few worship songs to myself and turn my focus away from myself. It's a much better place to be!
Sunday, January 09, 2011
This is a big step, an expensive leap, for him and for us, but I think the time may be right. Over the next few months, Casey will be practicing baseball three, possibly four times a week! He will also need to go to the gym and work on his own fitness and nutrition. Parents are discouraged from attending practices, which is both a relief and disappointing, at least to me. If he makes the team, the rigorous practice schedule will continue, and he will also have a heavy game schedule, with four games every weekend.
I think Casey can make it, and I hope that he does. This is a level of sport that is new to us. It is exciting and frightening!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Some days you just don't want to do much of anything! It has been a good enough day, but I am finished. I was so done about four hours ago.
I have a love/hate relationship with working on Saturdays. I would love nothing more than to have a full normal weekend off of work, but I also enjoy working on Saturdays, often more than I do the rest of the week. Saturdays have a flavour all it's own. They are frequently crazy busy, chaotic days, but that is part of the appeal. Busy days tend to pass much more quickly than slow days, and I find a wee bit of chaos to be a tantalizing challenge. I usually perform well under pressure. There is no staff drama on Saturdays, unless we hit a slow period and the teens start talking about their wild nights, and that is drama that I can tolerate. Give me a week full of Saturdays over a Monday shift anytime!
So today was a good enough day. Sales are typically slower at this time of the year, and we were slow enough today, with about two hours of crazy to keep us hopping. My feet are throbbing, my back is sore, and I am physically wiped out. As much as I love Saturdays, they suck the life right out of me!
Next up is Monday. Yuck!
I have a love/hate relationship with working on Saturdays. I would love nothing more than to have a full normal weekend off of work, but I also enjoy working on Saturdays, often more than I do the rest of the week. Saturdays have a flavour all it's own. They are frequently crazy busy, chaotic days, but that is part of the appeal. Busy days tend to pass much more quickly than slow days, and I find a wee bit of chaos to be a tantalizing challenge. I usually perform well under pressure. There is no staff drama on Saturdays, unless we hit a slow period and the teens start talking about their wild nights, and that is drama that I can tolerate. Give me a week full of Saturdays over a Monday shift anytime!
So today was a good enough day. Sales are typically slower at this time of the year, and we were slow enough today, with about two hours of crazy to keep us hopping. My feet are throbbing, my back is sore, and I am physically wiped out. As much as I love Saturdays, they suck the life right out of me!
Next up is Monday. Yuck!
Friday, January 07, 2011
Snapped. Shot.
I am not much of a photographer, although I like the idea of taking great photos. I love my Nikon D40, and I don't even mind our little Olympus digital camera. I keep telling myself that I will learn how to use my Nikon more effectively and technically, but I still feel lost in a sea of f-stops and aperture numbers. What's what?! I don't know.
Spurred on by my success with my goals last year and a friend's 365 day photo blog, I am attempting to get to know my camera by taking on my own little daily photo blog challenge. (Click on the link to go to that blog.) I see-sawed back and forth for several days over the idea of doing the year, a month, and whether to start on January 1st or wait. The bullet was eventually bitten, and I started on January 1st, still battling the voices telling me that I won't succeed. Every day has been a struggle, and the photos are nothing to get excited about; however, I can feel a slight tingling of excitement and possibilities growing in my extremities. Like my running goals last year, I just need to keep plugging away and eventually all the pieces will fall into place.
I do hope to learn how to use my camera properly. Of course, first I need to find out what is wrong my regular lens. It has been stuck since January 1st, when Kane was taking photos during my Resolution Run and the battery died. I've tried charging the battery, removing and inserting it, and removing the lens, etc. The lens still won't move. Maybe some dirt is stuck inside? I will have to see if I can take it somewhere next week, because I can't use it the way it is...not unless the focal point is at just the right distance! I do have my zoom lens, but that won't work for close-up shots. Until I get that lens fixed, I've been using the Olympus camera, which is okay but just a point and shoot.
My goals for this photo challenge are not too stringent. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, or shoot.
Spurred on by my success with my goals last year and a friend's 365 day photo blog, I am attempting to get to know my camera by taking on my own little daily photo blog challenge. (Click on the link to go to that blog.) I see-sawed back and forth for several days over the idea of doing the year, a month, and whether to start on January 1st or wait. The bullet was eventually bitten, and I started on January 1st, still battling the voices telling me that I won't succeed. Every day has been a struggle, and the photos are nothing to get excited about; however, I can feel a slight tingling of excitement and possibilities growing in my extremities. Like my running goals last year, I just need to keep plugging away and eventually all the pieces will fall into place.
I do hope to learn how to use my camera properly. Of course, first I need to find out what is wrong my regular lens. It has been stuck since January 1st, when Kane was taking photos during my Resolution Run and the battery died. I've tried charging the battery, removing and inserting it, and removing the lens, etc. The lens still won't move. Maybe some dirt is stuck inside? I will have to see if I can take it somewhere next week, because I can't use it the way it is...not unless the focal point is at just the right distance! I do have my zoom lens, but that won't work for close-up shots. Until I get that lens fixed, I've been using the Olympus camera, which is okay but just a point and shoot.
My goals for this photo challenge are not too stringent. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, or shoot.
- One least to start.
- Photos taken by me, unless it is a photo with me in it, taken by my family.
- I will strive to take each photo that day, but I reserve the right to use a photo taken on a previous and recent occasion.
So, that seems fairly simple and easy. The point of this exercise is to get me taking photos. Practice makes perfect, right?
Thursday, January 06, 2011
It's been a lazy kind of day, and I have enjoyed it. It's back to work tomorrow, for two days, then a day off and work for one day, then three days off again. Even though I did work this past Monday, it seems like I have been off work for a long, long time.
I am enjoying a week off from running. It isn't that I really need much physical recovery time, but I'm taking it anyway. Without a specific goal on the calendar, I fear that my running may become sporadic and unfocused, but I have yet to find a local race that works for me. Something will probably pop up in the spring, and, if not, then I can always do my own thing. I am hoping to do the 10K in October, but I don't know if I want to attempt a 10K in the spring or just do another 5K. I think it will come down to the fatigue factor, which is why I am not rushing out for a run this week.
I did see a 30 day challenge to run 30 miles on I use that website a lot, and that challenge looks appealing, even though I am not eligible to win any prizes because I'm not American. 30 miles works out to slightly more than 48 kilometres, which is more than I currently run in a month; however, I think it is entirely doable.
I am enjoying a week off from running. It isn't that I really need much physical recovery time, but I'm taking it anyway. Without a specific goal on the calendar, I fear that my running may become sporadic and unfocused, but I have yet to find a local race that works for me. Something will probably pop up in the spring, and, if not, then I can always do my own thing. I am hoping to do the 10K in October, but I don't know if I want to attempt a 10K in the spring or just do another 5K. I think it will come down to the fatigue factor, which is why I am not rushing out for a run this week.
I did see a 30 day challenge to run 30 miles on I use that website a lot, and that challenge looks appealing, even though I am not eligible to win any prizes because I'm not American. 30 miles works out to slightly more than 48 kilometres, which is more than I currently run in a month; however, I think it is entirely doable.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
A Good Day
My birthday was a good day. Low key but quite good. A birthday is always best when good friends are involved, even if only to express good wishes, and so I have indeed been blessed. I went out for dessert with two good friends on Monday night. I received lots of birthday greetings via email and Facebook from good friends and acquaintances, and another good friend took the time to phone. I am generally not the sort of person to expect a lot of fuss and fanfare, but, unspoken or not, there is always a hope that I won't be forgotten. It's good to know that I'm not!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
It's been a good day, busy and productive and ordinary. Sometimes ordinary is quite enjoyable! After two weeks of school holidays, Christmas, New Year's, and sickness, it was wonderful to do regular things once again, and to have nothing but silence in the background.
It might be a quiet birthday, but I am just fine with that. I think there will be ice cream cake in my near future...and a gift. Maybe I can even strong arm my affection-resistant son into giving me a hug. Sounds like a good way to spend a 39th birthday!
It might be a quiet birthday, but I am just fine with that. I think there will be ice cream cake in my near future...and a gift. Maybe I can even strong arm my affection-resistant son into giving me a hug. Sounds like a good way to spend a 39th birthday!
Monday, January 03, 2011
And We're Back
It seems like we are all over the hump and on the road to feeling back to normal, although I know that my gut is still roiling throughout the day. While I had to return to work today, the kids did a bit of housework. There is still plenty for me to begin catching up on over the next three days, but any progress is wonderful and appreciated. At least that sticky spot on the dining room floor is now gone!
Work was crazy busy, and we were short-staffed. It wasn't quite the day I had hoped for, but neither was it as bad as I first thought it would be. The time went by fairly quickly, which is always a good thing for a Monday.
Work was crazy busy, and we were short-staffed. It wasn't quite the day I had hoped for, but neither was it as bad as I first thought it would be. The time went by fairly quickly, which is always a good thing for a Monday.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
I have so many good goals and plans for 2011, and here I sit, stalled. Even though I am feeling better, I am still essentially unwell. Thankfully, there are no more explosive episodes, but my belly still churns. There are moments of feeling shaky, too hot, and flushed. It's been four days now, and I sure hope to get back to 100% soon!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Resolution Run 2011
about the 2K point

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
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