Okay, I admit it. I watch The Biggest Loser, although I have only begun to watch it this season. While I know that it is
just another reality TV show, I love it. I cannot fully explain why I enjoy this show as much as I do. Perhaps it is all about timing and the fact that this season began at the same time that Kane and I started our weight-loss/lifestyle changes in January. Regardless of the reason, I find myself connecting with the participants on many levels. Last night's episode was a prime example of that.
Jillian, the trainer, was trying to get inside the head of one contestant to find out what was holding her back and why she got to where she was in the first place. Initially the contestant answered in a typical 'I don't know' fashion, but she eventually started to talk about never feeling good enough. She didn't feel like she was a good enough person, a good enough daughter, because she wasn't beautiful and slender. I may not be obese, but her sentiments echoed within me.
I have grown up, lived my life, believing that I am not now, or ever will be, good enough. On one level I can recognize that snare in my path, yet, in many ways, I can still be blind-sided by the truth of what fuels my actions and thoughts. It's not always very pretty.
In my school days, I never felt good enough. I was never a part of the 'in' crowd. I wore the wrong clothes. I didn't have the trendiest gadgets and
gizmos. I didn't have the looks, and I didn't have enough skill or talent to thrive in the arts or sports. I was not good enough.
The adult world is really not all that different from the juvenile world. Only faces and places change. I still feel inadequate. I still don't have the looks or the right styles. I don't have the money or desire to collect all the trendiest gadgets and
gizmos. My skills and talents are still mediocre at best. Even my job is low on the value scale. Most everyone seems smarter, more talented, more graceful, more skilled, and better than me. I often feel like a failure in the parenting category. I live my life feeling not good enough.
Even when I do recognize this negative thought, capturing it and releasing it are not so easy things to do. It's so much easier to swallow the lies, sit down in my miserable and dirty pit and stay there. One thing I realized last night, while watching
TBL, was that a part of me was afraid of success, of being good enough. That may sound strange and silly, but I think there is real truth in that statement. As much as I might deny it, I am frequently desperate for recognition and praise. I need to hear that I am appreciated. I need to know that I have done a good job. But, when I am put in that spotlight, I feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, almost ashamed, as if I am an
impostor stealing the spotlight from the more deserving person. I feel like a fraud.
So much of me is a struggle between opposing factions. I want to be confident, but I am so self-conscious. I want to lose weight and get in shape, but I feel like success will never be within my reach. I make so many good plans, and then I set myself up for failure. I want to be the one who has her act all together, and then I realize how much of a fraud I am because I don't.
Coincidentally, I saw the following quote on
Facebook yesterday:
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
ee cummingsThat's quite a lot to think about...and all from watching The Biggest Loser!