It's the final day of 2009. I have been awake since roughly 4:30 this morning, and I have worked a long day. Once again we were a little short-staffed, and I wound up working on the sandwich bar station again, which really wasn't a part of my plans for the day. I don't mind working the sandwich bar, but back to back 8 hour days is simply not good for my back, especially when we're short on staff! I survived though. Two days down for the week, two more to go.
I would like to reflect on the year's highs and lows, but that will have to wait until sometime in January, when I have a little bit more time and energy to think that far back. NaBloPoMo's theme for January is BEST, so maybe I can do some posts on that topic.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Back to the Grindstone
In some ways my work day was both long and short. My body tells me that it was a long, long day, but the time seemed to fly by rather quickly. I guess that happens when you're working nearly non-stop mostly by yourself! My feet are sore, my back is achy, and I feel worn out. One day down and three long days to go!
I am dreading tomorrow's shift, well, at least the getting up at 4:45 AM! I will need to be in bed before 9pm, and that doesn't always work out too well for me. Natural night owls have trouble falling asleep that early in the evening! But, I am pretty tuckered out already and my little pill should help make me drowsy, so maybe it won't be as difficult as I fear. Of course, I might not be in such great shape for partying until the New Year.
I am dreading tomorrow's shift, well, at least the getting up at 4:45 AM! I will need to be in bed before 9pm, and that doesn't always work out too well for me. Natural night owls have trouble falling asleep that early in the evening! But, I am pretty tuckered out already and my little pill should help make me drowsy, so maybe it won't be as difficult as I fear. Of course, I might not be in such great shape for partying until the New Year.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Boxing Day Blues
Christmas is over, and it was a good day, I think. We opened presents, had brunch, relaxed, and enjoyed a good dinner with family. Later that night, I took Sam and his friend to a late showing of Sherlock Holmes.
The movie was very good. I think it lived up to my expectations and surpassed any qualms I might have had before viewing the movie. It felt strange to be at the theatre and sitting alone, and I did have to fight off fatigue at one pint. We didn't get home until shortly after midnight, which made it a very long day.
With the disruption to my regular routine, I forgot to take my pill and didn't remember that tidbit of information until we were driving home from the theatre. Seeing as how I need to take it about an hour before bed and that it was already so late, I decided not to bother taking it. I figured that I was exhausted enough that I wouldn't need that little extra help to sleep. I was wrong.
I did start to doze off very quickly, but then Kane started snoring and I was wide awake without a speck of sleepiness. After several futile attempts to nod off, I finally moved to the living room and the futon, where I did manage to fall asleep, though fitfully and uncomfortably. Actually, I haven't slept overly well, since Kane began trying to follow his new sleep plan to get himself sleeping better.
Yesterday was not so great a day for me. I was exceptionally tired, and in a way that I haven't felt since I started taking those little pills every night. I also had a headache and fuzz for brains. I was irritable, too. As far as mood goes, yesterday stunk!
Now I have to wonder why yesterday was the worst I have felt for over a week. Was it all because I forgot that little pill? Or was it simply a result of not enough quality sleep that night? Maybe a combination of both reasons? I don't know the answer, but I do know that I did not like how I felt yesterday. Not one little bit!
The initial depression diagnosis hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I was crushed, upset and stubbornly opposed to the diagnosis, even though I was just realistic enough to realize how right the diagnosis felt. I didn't like it, but the symptoms fit all too well.
The little pill is an anti-depressant, but it wasn't prescribed as an anti-depressant! This pill has been found to be helpful with pain and difficulty sleeping, which is why my doctor prescribed it to me. It's a very low, low dose, so I don't really think that this little pill is the source for the change in my mood. Maybe it is more than I think.
All I know is that the first day or two from the diagnosis were still yuck days for me. I was exhausted, unmotivated, no energy, headaches and mental fuzziness, blah, blah, blah. And then, there was sunshine. Almost literally! I felt energized and alert. I wasn't exhausted. The headache was gone, and my brain felt clear. Until yesterday.
It could be six of one and a half dozen of the other. I suppose the real test will begin later this week, when I work four long and early morning days in a row!
The movie was very good. I think it lived up to my expectations and surpassed any qualms I might have had before viewing the movie. It felt strange to be at the theatre and sitting alone, and I did have to fight off fatigue at one pint. We didn't get home until shortly after midnight, which made it a very long day.
With the disruption to my regular routine, I forgot to take my pill and didn't remember that tidbit of information until we were driving home from the theatre. Seeing as how I need to take it about an hour before bed and that it was already so late, I decided not to bother taking it. I figured that I was exhausted enough that I wouldn't need that little extra help to sleep. I was wrong.
I did start to doze off very quickly, but then Kane started snoring and I was wide awake without a speck of sleepiness. After several futile attempts to nod off, I finally moved to the living room and the futon, where I did manage to fall asleep, though fitfully and uncomfortably. Actually, I haven't slept overly well, since Kane began trying to follow his new sleep plan to get himself sleeping better.
Yesterday was not so great a day for me. I was exceptionally tired, and in a way that I haven't felt since I started taking those little pills every night. I also had a headache and fuzz for brains. I was irritable, too. As far as mood goes, yesterday stunk!
Now I have to wonder why yesterday was the worst I have felt for over a week. Was it all because I forgot that little pill? Or was it simply a result of not enough quality sleep that night? Maybe a combination of both reasons? I don't know the answer, but I do know that I did not like how I felt yesterday. Not one little bit!
The initial depression diagnosis hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I was crushed, upset and stubbornly opposed to the diagnosis, even though I was just realistic enough to realize how right the diagnosis felt. I didn't like it, but the symptoms fit all too well.
The little pill is an anti-depressant, but it wasn't prescribed as an anti-depressant! This pill has been found to be helpful with pain and difficulty sleeping, which is why my doctor prescribed it to me. It's a very low, low dose, so I don't really think that this little pill is the source for the change in my mood. Maybe it is more than I think.
All I know is that the first day or two from the diagnosis were still yuck days for me. I was exhausted, unmotivated, no energy, headaches and mental fuzziness, blah, blah, blah. And then, there was sunshine. Almost literally! I felt energized and alert. I wasn't exhausted. The headache was gone, and my brain felt clear. Until yesterday.
It could be six of one and a half dozen of the other. I suppose the real test will begin later this week, when I work four long and early morning days in a row!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Twas the day before Christmas and...
Kane is at the gym. Casey is still asleep. Sam and Abby have been awake for a while, had breakfast and showers. I am making lists and checking them twice, as I anticipate the big family dinner tomorrow night. We're expecting a brother-in-law and niece for a visit this afternoon. There is a church service this evening, followed by a family viewing of White Christmas, possibly. A few more presents yet to wrap and tuck under the tree. Stockings to fill once the kidlets are in bed...the problem with kids getting older is that they stay up later! And I must remember to charge the camera battery!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Birthday, Casey!
The cake has been made and decorated and awaits the ritual candles and song later this evening. Casey has requested lasagna for supper, so that is what I am making, along with garlic bread and Caesar salad and raw veggies.
Happy birthday, dude!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bounce Back
My doctor referred me to a program called Bounce Back. It is a self-help program to help those with mild to moderate depression. The doctor gave me a DVD which introduces the program and outlines some helpful steps for changes in lifestyle and ways of thinking. I have also been contacted by phone by a "coach" who will talk with me several times over the course of the program, guiding me along and answering questions. A big part of the program seems to be a series of workbooks that I can work through on my own. The first two workbooks arrived in the mail today.
Normally a workbook would take a week to work through but, because of the busyness of the holidays, my coach is giving me some extra time before we talk again.
The program looks interesting and helpful. I suppose the hard part is putting everything into place in one's life. It's easy to watch a video that tells you it is okay to say 'no' to people, but it is something entirely different to actually pull it off with confidence when the expectation of a 'yes' is high.
Normally a workbook would take a week to work through but, because of the busyness of the holidays, my coach is giving me some extra time before we talk again.
The program looks interesting and helpful. I suppose the hard part is putting everything into place in one's life. It's easy to watch a video that tells you it is okay to say 'no' to people, but it is something entirely different to actually pull it off with confidence when the expectation of a 'yes' is high.
Monday, December 21, 2009
4 More Sleeps!
It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a few more days away! I can confidently state that I am virtually ready for the big day. All that I have left to do is take care of one last present and a couple of Christmas cards, wrap two gifts, buy the last necessary grocery items, and take care of food prep for Christmas dinner!
The vertigo is fading, although I feel a little dizzy today. I feel a little more energetic and motivated and hopeful.
The turkey is defrosting in the fridge. The house is basically tidy and clean. All is good.
The vertigo is fading, although I feel a little dizzy today. I feel a little more energetic and motivated and hopeful.
The turkey is defrosting in the fridge. The house is basically tidy and clean. All is good.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"In health news today..."
The official diagnosis on my dizziness is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused by a viral infection in the ears. It's a mouthful and can last a week or more. Sadly, someone who gets bppv once is more likely to get it again and again. Isn't that lovely!
I had my requested blood work done but, much to my dismay, everything came back normal. Really, it is a good thing to have no issues with my thyroid, blood sugars, or what-have-you, but I admit to feeling rather crushed to feel the way I do without a discernible cause. And then the doctor said that he felt I was depressed. The emotional dam broke. All the symptoms fit that diagnosis, even though it wasn't a diagnosis that I wanted to hear, not for myself.
As imperfect as I am, I strive to project an image of someone who is calm, cool, collected and in control of her life. Accepting a diagnosis of depression makes me feel like someone who is none of those things, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed. The logical and wise part of me knows that I am not a failure for being depressed, but the emotional part of me isn't ready to accept that as truth. The emotional part of me is a wreck right now, wounded by the diagnosis and resistant to being placed under the microscope.
I suspect that my journal and this blog could see a lot of emotional garbage over the next few months. Consider yourself warned!
I had my requested blood work done but, much to my dismay, everything came back normal. Really, it is a good thing to have no issues with my thyroid, blood sugars, or what-have-you, but I admit to feeling rather crushed to feel the way I do without a discernible cause. And then the doctor said that he felt I was depressed. The emotional dam broke. All the symptoms fit that diagnosis, even though it wasn't a diagnosis that I wanted to hear, not for myself.
As imperfect as I am, I strive to project an image of someone who is calm, cool, collected and in control of her life. Accepting a diagnosis of depression makes me feel like someone who is none of those things, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed. The logical and wise part of me knows that I am not a failure for being depressed, but the emotional part of me isn't ready to accept that as truth. The emotional part of me is a wreck right now, wounded by the diagnosis and resistant to being placed under the microscope.
I suspect that my journal and this blog could see a lot of emotional garbage over the next few months. Consider yourself warned!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Round & Round
Over the past several months, I have had moments of dizziness, but it has never been so prolonged as what I have been experiencing since yesterday afternoon. It's a little wearisome.
Nearly every head or upper body movement leaves me feeling as if the room is moving in the same direction, only lagging a second behind. At times, even my walking is affected, and I find myself leaning as I walk down the hall, unbalanced. Sometimes, just moving my eyes is enough to start the room spinning.
This is not a pleasant feeling, although I feel no ill-effects otherwise. There is no nausea, no vomiting, no actual falling has taken place yet...just weebling and wobbling and a sense of a slowly spinning walls and furniture.
I cannot believe that I am actually eager for Wednesday's doctor appointment.
Nearly every head or upper body movement leaves me feeling as if the room is moving in the same direction, only lagging a second behind. At times, even my walking is affected, and I find myself leaning as I walk down the hall, unbalanced. Sometimes, just moving my eyes is enough to start the room spinning.
This is not a pleasant feeling, although I feel no ill-effects otherwise. There is no nausea, no vomiting, no actual falling has taken place yet...just weebling and wobbling and a sense of a slowly spinning walls and furniture.
I cannot believe that I am actually eager for Wednesday's doctor appointment.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
15 Days and Counting
Fifteen days until Christmas, a day over two weeks! In some ways I am ready, and in other ways I am not.
The baking is finished! Aside from a birthday cake for Casey, I do not plan on doing any more baking for the rest of the year. I cannot believe that I am saying this, but I am seriously considering NOT even baking any pumpkin pies for Christmas dinner! Sacre bleu!
Okay, that will be a difficult decision to stick to. I love pumpkin pie. I love MY pumpkin pie, especially for left-overs, but I am baked out. Over the course of the past few weeks, I have baked: chocolate pistachio biscotti, white chocolate biscotti, rosemary nut shortbread, plain ol' regular shortbread, chocolate sugar cookies, sugar and spice cookies, coffee finger cookies, Earl Grey truffles, Chai truffles, and royal icing for decorating the chocolate sugar and spice cookies. I'd say I have more than met my baking quota for the holidays and beyond.
Most of my Christmas gift shopping is finished, and everything that I have has now been wrapped. I still need to get Casey's main gift and a little something for Sam, and maybe a few more stocking stuffers. There will be grocery shopping in my future though, for every day essentials and turkey and trimmings.
The tree was selected, put up and decorated last week. Poinsettias are adding ambiance to the living room, even if the mood is interrupted by unclaimed piles of clean laundry and random junk left to gather dust in the corners.
Tomorrow and Saturday are Abby's performances in Christmas Shop Around the Corner put on by our church's children's music program. Dress rehearsal is today, and I will be glad when this is over and done! As much as Abby loves the program, I get a little weary of shuttling her back and forth between church and home, especially this week with the extra practices. I know she will do a great job and pictures will follow. I'd like to say that I will have photos up Saturday night, but I highly doubt it.
I have only four more shifts before my week off for the holidays! My staff party is next week, and I am almost looking forward to it. Traditionally, we have gone bowling for the staff party, but this year we are going for a Chinese buffet. It's quite a change of pace; however, I think it might even be more enjoyable this way.
The pressure of finding Casey a birthday present has been removed by his very strong request for an expensive (and ugly) pair of DC shoes from West 49. It goes against my better judgement to put a $100 towards a pair of shoes for a rapidly growing teenage boy, but I appreciate how much he wanted these shoes and the desire to be as cool as his peers. I can roll my eyes at the oddity of being cool for owning a pair of ugly shoes, because I can remember being a teenager and having my own opinion on what was cool or not. I'm sure my parents didn't get it either; it's just the way of the world. So, Casey has his ugly/cool shoes. His friends have all expressed their delight in his cool shoes. Casey is happy...although he is still 13 for another 13 days!
The baking is finished! Aside from a birthday cake for Casey, I do not plan on doing any more baking for the rest of the year. I cannot believe that I am saying this, but I am seriously considering NOT even baking any pumpkin pies for Christmas dinner! Sacre bleu!
Okay, that will be a difficult decision to stick to. I love pumpkin pie. I love MY pumpkin pie, especially for left-overs, but I am baked out. Over the course of the past few weeks, I have baked: chocolate pistachio biscotti, white chocolate biscotti, rosemary nut shortbread, plain ol' regular shortbread, chocolate sugar cookies, sugar and spice cookies, coffee finger cookies, Earl Grey truffles, Chai truffles, and royal icing for decorating the chocolate sugar and spice cookies. I'd say I have more than met my baking quota for the holidays and beyond.
Most of my Christmas gift shopping is finished, and everything that I have has now been wrapped. I still need to get Casey's main gift and a little something for Sam, and maybe a few more stocking stuffers. There will be grocery shopping in my future though, for every day essentials and turkey and trimmings.
The tree was selected, put up and decorated last week. Poinsettias are adding ambiance to the living room, even if the mood is interrupted by unclaimed piles of clean laundry and random junk left to gather dust in the corners.
Tomorrow and Saturday are Abby's performances in Christmas Shop Around the Corner put on by our church's children's music program. Dress rehearsal is today, and I will be glad when this is over and done! As much as Abby loves the program, I get a little weary of shuttling her back and forth between church and home, especially this week with the extra practices. I know she will do a great job and pictures will follow. I'd like to say that I will have photos up Saturday night, but I highly doubt it.
I have only four more shifts before my week off for the holidays! My staff party is next week, and I am almost looking forward to it. Traditionally, we have gone bowling for the staff party, but this year we are going for a Chinese buffet. It's quite a change of pace; however, I think it might even be more enjoyable this way.
The pressure of finding Casey a birthday present has been removed by his very strong request for an expensive (and ugly) pair of DC shoes from West 49. It goes against my better judgement to put a $100 towards a pair of shoes for a rapidly growing teenage boy, but I appreciate how much he wanted these shoes and the desire to be as cool as his peers. I can roll my eyes at the oddity of being cool for owning a pair of ugly shoes, because I can remember being a teenager and having my own opinion on what was cool or not. I'm sure my parents didn't get it either; it's just the way of the world. So, Casey has his ugly/cool shoes. His friends have all expressed their delight in his cool shoes. Casey is happy...although he is still 13 for another 13 days!
Monday, December 07, 2009
This week is looking a little crazy, a little busy, and I feel almost overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, whether errands, household stuff, kid stuff, or Christmas stuff. The tired, energy-less me wants to crawl into a cave and hibernate, while the 'has-it-all together' me wants to get it all done, and in style, too! The temptation to cut corners or 'put off until another time' is very strong, but I want to persevere and get it all finished.
I am taking off from December 19th to the 27th, and since Christmas day isn't until the end of the week, I really do not want to waste my week off doing all sorts of things at the proverbial last minute. Those are the days that I can sleep in, do fun things with the kids, and see to the actual last minute details.
So, I will work like mad this week to finish up the baking and truffle making. I will drive Abby here and there and back and forth to rehearsals and parties and such. I will attend Abby's class/parent party and her church drama performances. I will do my shopping, laundry, and as much housework as I can manage in the gaps. I will work on Friday and Saturday this week and whatever days I am scheduled for next week. I will wrap presents, mail parcels and those last few Christmas cards. I will make my lists, because I can't function without my lists. I will fax off a registration form for an after-school ski program. I have a doctor's appointment, which I hope will be followed by a trip to the lab for blood work. I will drink copious amounts of tea in an effort to stay somewhat alert; it is suddenly much too cold for drinking Diet Coke.
In two weeks, I will sleep in.
I am taking off from December 19th to the 27th, and since Christmas day isn't until the end of the week, I really do not want to waste my week off doing all sorts of things at the proverbial last minute. Those are the days that I can sleep in, do fun things with the kids, and see to the actual last minute details.
So, I will work like mad this week to finish up the baking and truffle making. I will drive Abby here and there and back and forth to rehearsals and parties and such. I will attend Abby's class/parent party and her church drama performances. I will do my shopping, laundry, and as much housework as I can manage in the gaps. I will work on Friday and Saturday this week and whatever days I am scheduled for next week. I will wrap presents, mail parcels and those last few Christmas cards. I will make my lists, because I can't function without my lists. I will fax off a registration form for an after-school ski program. I have a doctor's appointment, which I hope will be followed by a trip to the lab for blood work. I will drink copious amounts of tea in an effort to stay somewhat alert; it is suddenly much too cold for drinking Diet Coke.
In two weeks, I will sleep in.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
More Baking
I chose not to post yesterday, and it felt a little strange. I was so cold, so tired that I resisted the urge to post simply to post. Besides, I had nothing to say.
I made it to church today. Well, I really had no excuse not to go to church, especially since Abby was performing in both services. It was mostly good. I bumped into a precious friend, which is always a blessing in itself. The sermon was good, I think, but I confess that I lost mental focus in spots and found myself having difficulty putting all the parts together. I was also a little disappointed that more Christmas music wasn't sung in worship, because that is one of my favourite parts of celebrating Christmas at church. Oh well.
The rest of the day was spent doing Christmas baking with my girlfriends for our annual bake & exchange day. The new recipe that I tried turned out well, and I like it even if it has coffee in it! My cookie supply is now overflowing, and yet I think I still want to bake more. I do need two dozen nut-free cookies to drop off for a Christmas program on Thursday, and most of my cookies do have nuts. More baking required! Plus, I plan on making my Earl Grey truffles this week, and quite possibly even the variant, Chai truffles. It all depends on my supply of chocolate and energy.
I made it to church today. Well, I really had no excuse not to go to church, especially since Abby was performing in both services. It was mostly good. I bumped into a precious friend, which is always a blessing in itself. The sermon was good, I think, but I confess that I lost mental focus in spots and found myself having difficulty putting all the parts together. I was also a little disappointed that more Christmas music wasn't sung in worship, because that is one of my favourite parts of celebrating Christmas at church. Oh well.
The rest of the day was spent doing Christmas baking with my girlfriends for our annual bake & exchange day. The new recipe that I tried turned out well, and I like it even if it has coffee in it! My cookie supply is now overflowing, and yet I think I still want to bake more. I do need two dozen nut-free cookies to drop off for a Christmas program on Thursday, and most of my cookies do have nuts. More baking required! Plus, I plan on making my Earl Grey truffles this week, and quite possibly even the variant, Chai truffles. It all depends on my supply of chocolate and energy.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Cold, Tired, Ick!
I am cold and tired. My feet feel like ice cubes, my hands are chilled, and all I want to do is curl up with a heating pad and my thick, fleecy blanket and sleep. But I can't.
There is supper to make...or at least reheat! Add a bag of salad mix and maybe some nachos or frozen chicken cordon will be a mixed bag, but I don't care.
I woke up exhausted beyond belief, even more than normal for me, and my mind and body has stayed in that weary/mental fog state all day. It might not have been noticeable to my co-workers, but I had a difficult time focusing on my tasks and I made many minor mistakes. I made it through my shift and took Abby for an overdue haircut.
There is an eight hour shift ahead of me tomorrow, and I am cringing on the inside at the prospect of my alarm buzzing at 6:15am. The fact that tomorrow is Saturday is some consolation, at least, because it will be a busier, more enjoyable day, and the time should fly fairly quickly.
But I also feel kind of icky...and I don't like feeling icky at work, or any day!
I am rambling, which means that I am tired. At least I can go to bed early tonight.
There is supper to make...or at least reheat! Add a bag of salad mix and maybe some nachos or frozen chicken cordon will be a mixed bag, but I don't care.
I woke up exhausted beyond belief, even more than normal for me, and my mind and body has stayed in that weary/mental fog state all day. It might not have been noticeable to my co-workers, but I had a difficult time focusing on my tasks and I made many minor mistakes. I made it through my shift and took Abby for an overdue haircut.
There is an eight hour shift ahead of me tomorrow, and I am cringing on the inside at the prospect of my alarm buzzing at 6:15am. The fact that tomorrow is Saturday is some consolation, at least, because it will be a busier, more enjoyable day, and the time should fly fairly quickly.
But I also feel kind of icky...and I don't like feeling icky at work, or any day!
I am rambling, which means that I am tired. At least I can go to bed early tonight.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
It's Crystal's Fault
I am always excited to start fresh in a new journal. Choosing a new journal can be a challenge. I am too reluctant to spend lots of money on a fancy book with leather cover, but I still want my journal to have some character. My newly purchased journal is sitting on the top of the stack, and I cannot wait to open to the first page and put pen to paper.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
O Christmas Tree
The tree is up and decorated, looking lovely now that we have wrestled and struggled and figured and spent more money! It seems that the plastic tree stand that I bought last year, to replace our lovely, old and rusted iron stand, was simply more hassle than it was supportive. After numerous attempts last night and a trip to Home Depot for washers and shims, we still had a tree that was ever attempting to topple over. So, we took it in the wallet and found a new stand this morning.
It is not the lovely iron sort that I hoped to find, and it was more money than Kane wanted to spend on a replacement item. In the end though, I think it was money well-spent. After all, a good tree stand will last for years and years, so if it lasts us even only 5 years, then it is only costing us $8.00 a year!
And you know, as much as esthetically I wanted an iron stand, this one is absolutely perfect! It was a breeze to assemble (and it can be easily taken apart and tucked into the box!), and there are no irritating screws to turn endlessly and hopelessly, as you dig into the tree trunk in a vain effort to effectively anchor the tree. Easy-peasy, done! I love it.
So, we had an adventure with the tree this Christmas. It isn't easy to keep fiddling with the stand or even to completely change stands when the tree is completely decorated, but we did it. The tree is upright, not leaning like the Tower of Pisa, and there isn't even a hint that tipping is in its' future.
If anyone wants a green plastic Christmas tree stand, then I have got one for you! Only used for last Christmas and about 18 hours this year.
It is not the lovely iron sort that I hoped to find, and it was more money than Kane wanted to spend on a replacement item. In the end though, I think it was money well-spent. After all, a good tree stand will last for years and years, so if it lasts us even only 5 years, then it is only costing us $8.00 a year!
And you know, as much as esthetically I wanted an iron stand, this one is absolutely perfect! It was a breeze to assemble (and it can be easily taken apart and tucked into the box!), and there are no irritating screws to turn endlessly and hopelessly, as you dig into the tree trunk in a vain effort to effectively anchor the tree. Easy-peasy, done! I love it.
So, we had an adventure with the tree this Christmas. It isn't easy to keep fiddling with the stand or even to completely change stands when the tree is completely decorated, but we did it. The tree is upright, not leaning like the Tower of Pisa, and there isn't even a hint that tipping is in its' future.
If anyone wants a green plastic Christmas tree stand, then I have got one for you! Only used for last Christmas and about 18 hours this year.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Did It!
Not only did I manage to blog every day for the entire month of November, but I also managed to figure out how to put a NaBloPoMo badge on my blog! Yeah me! (And isn't it just the cutest! In a dark side kind of way.)
In all the years that I have been blogging, I have never once, before now, posted so many consecutive entries. It feels amazing to have succeeded, and I found the entire process to be much easier than I had anticipated. Sure some entries were short or uninteresting to everyone but myself, but the act of forcing myself to write something every day was a wonderful stretch of the mental muscles.
The NaBloPoMo theme for December is MITZVAH. When I first saw the theme, I was stumped and decided that I just wouldn't follow the theme. What is a mitzvah anyway? All I really know is that Jewish boys celebrate a bar mitzvah and girls a bat mitzvah, but what those celebrations are is even an elusive generalization rather than concrete fact. So, I googled it.
According to Wikipedia, mitzvah means commandment and is used in Judaism to refer to the 613 commandments given in the Torah and the seven rabbinic commandments added later.
Oh joy! I'd love to blog about rules and laws and commandments...not so much! But wait-there is more.
Mitzvah has also come to express an act of human kindness.
Ah, now that is a big and juicy topic to chew on for the month of December!
In all the years that I have been blogging, I have never once, before now, posted so many consecutive entries. It feels amazing to have succeeded, and I found the entire process to be much easier than I had anticipated. Sure some entries were short or uninteresting to everyone but myself, but the act of forcing myself to write something every day was a wonderful stretch of the mental muscles.
The NaBloPoMo theme for December is MITZVAH. When I first saw the theme, I was stumped and decided that I just wouldn't follow the theme. What is a mitzvah anyway? All I really know is that Jewish boys celebrate a bar mitzvah and girls a bat mitzvah, but what those celebrations are is even an elusive generalization rather than concrete fact. So, I googled it.
According to Wikipedia, mitzvah means commandment and is used in Judaism to refer to the 613 commandments given in the Torah and the seven rabbinic commandments added later.
Oh joy! I'd love to blog about rules and laws and commandments...not so much! But wait-there is more.
Mitzvah has also come to express an act of human kindness.
Ah, now that is a big and juicy topic to chew on for the month of December!
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