Friday, August 28, 2009


I could get used to this, I think!

I went on strike Wednesday evening. I had had enough of my children asking for the world and doing little in return. A quick family meeting was called to order, so that I could proclaim my temporary resignation from laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking/baking, and all other housework from the time of that meeting until the kids go to bed Saturday night, with the additional threat of an extension if results were less than favorable. They would even be woken up when I got up each morning, including 5:30 AM on Saturday! I told the kids that they were responsible for three suppers and Saturday's lunch and would have a $100 budget for any groceries over those days.

It has been interesting to see how the kids have had to deal with the menu planning and grocery shopping. Of course, they want to include pop and chips and candy...until they start to realize how much real food costs! They got off easy for supper last night, as Sam, Kane and I were at a tennis wind-up. Tonight's supper is spaghetti and Caesar salad. Tomorrow's supper is tacos. They have decided that tomorrow's lunch will be tuna melts and/or grilled cheese and leftovers.

I took Sam and Abby to the grocery store this afternoon to purchase their groceries and gave them some tips and advice on getting the most bang for the buck. Sam has always been rather thrifty with his own money, but Abby likes to spend every penny she gets as soon as it touches her hands. I think it was eye-opening for her to realize how much even some basic groceries can cost and the range of prices depending upon brands and serving sizes. They did a good job today. They had spent $25 on a few things Wednesday night, which left them with $75 for the rest of their groceries. They wound up spending $45 and even managed to include their pop and chips (although they were the last things put in the cart)!

The real test is yet to come though...the cooking, the baking, and the cleaning! Spaghetti and tacos are not difficult meals to prepare. In fact, they have been responsible for making tacos on more than one occasion, but they still need to work together which always presents a challenge. Abby wants to bake cookies tonight. I think she can do it. Then there are their regular chores and "my" chores of cleaning the toilet and tub. I expect to come home from work tomorrow to a sparkling clean house. The kids are not happy about being woken up at 5:30 tomorrow morning, but this is a one time thing, and if I can do it so can they!

Yes, I could get used to this!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

17 and Counting...

Kane and I were married 17 years ago today! We're going out for dinner in a couple of hours. It should be a nice, relaxing, enjoyable evening...but I'm already starving.

Friday, August 21, 2009


While cleaning earlier this week, I came across a notebook that I used for taking sermon notes. Coincidentally or not, the earliest, and perhaps most pertinent sermon note to myself, was dated August 21, 2005-exactly 4 years ago today! It is no big deal, but I often notice stuff like that. What is important is the topic of forgiveness, which was the theme of the sermon. Forgiveness is often a timely topic to touch on, because it is difficult to go through life without being hurt or wronged.

On a deeper level, this is an applicable topic for me when I consider a severed relationship. I would like to believe that I have forgiven this friend, but I have my doubts. I would like to think that I am a big enough person to have already forgiven and moved on with my life, but I know my frailties all too well. My memory can be very good, especially when it comes to recalling something I truly don't need to remember. Sometimes there is a warped sense of righteousness to be found within our pain, and so we keep our wounds fresh. It isn't pretty.

Life is busy and often crazy, and I've allowed myself to drift with the current, content merely to hold my head above the water and exist. I have been lackadaisical with forgiveness, because I have lost sight of what it truly means and entails.

Forgiveness is not denying that a hurt happened, nor does it require forgetting the transgression. It is not the same thing as trusting; trust is earned! Forgiveness is an action, an act of my will, not a feeling. Forgiveness breaks a cycle (revenge never gets even!) and carries a cost. (What that cost is I cannot say! I suspect that the cost varies from person to person and depends upon each situation.) Most importantly, forgiveness! There is an emotional toll to being at odds with someone. Why not let go of the bitterness and let God be God? I am only responsible for myself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It is difficult to accept that summer is drawing to an end. I think time flies regardless of whether one is having fun or not! Of course, I don't want to imply that I am not having fun, although work hasn't always been enjoyable this summer and life has been rather uninteresting. Here we are with scarcely two weeks left in August, followed by a few days of bonus time before the kids return to school...feels like just last week that they were set free for summer break!

I've been enjoying the change in weather of the past week. We had the rainiest day ever, which was lovely, even if I was stuck inside at work most of the day. The rainy days didn't disrupt life for us, and we enjoyed the cooler temps and fresh air. I was able to bake muffins one day, and I even baked bread this morning, although the temps are starting to climb again. I think the extreme highs are gone for good until next summer; I don't mind. I like warm weather, but I really enjoy crisp, fall weather, when a cup of tea hits the spot, a sweater or throw blanket makes you comfy, and the smell of fireplaces tickles the nose while you're walking outside. Oh yeah! I'm ready for that kind of weather!

Looking ahead to the fall, I have begun gathering school supplies and sorting through the kids' clothes and shoes. I cannot help but feel the urge to purge once again. There is always more junk to toss or give away to someone who sees it as treasure. Someday my house will be clutter-free, I hope. The biggest obstacle in my way is time. With my busier work schedule, I don't have very many consecutive free days. Most of my free days are crunch days. This is what this week looks like for me: work day, free day, work day, free day, and on it goes. My rhythm and momentum comes to a crashing halt when there is a day-long gap, not to mention the fact that I still have a dozen other things to take care of on my days off! Aargh. Sigh.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I am woefully behind but such is life!

The blog theme for August is 'tomorrow', and tomorrow is a day that I am looking forward to...and the next one, and the one after that! The next three days are days off work for me, and so I am excited to be able to:

-sleep in, although it is unlikely that I will sleep too late
-go to the library
-catch up on laundry and housework (I know that isn't terribly exciting, but I hate it when everything falls too far behind)
-stay up late if I want to, because I really don't like going to bed at 9:00pm
-do some cooking and maybe even some baking, especially if the weather remains on the cooler side

Last week was a crazy, busy week of work. I had nearly 40 hours which is not a typical week for me, and my back was feeling the effects by day 4. Last week was also not a very good week in terms of work environment. Saturday was a good day though. This week is closer to what I am used to, and I am glad.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

August Rush

It's been too hot, and I've been too busy to do much more than work and exist. Today is somewhat cooler, only 27 degrees Celsius, but I would really appreciate a couple days of rain. We have also been experiencing a lot of smoke and ash in the air from the Terrace Mountain fire across the lake. My throat has been somewhat sore for the past couple of weeks, and I'm sure the smoke is the cause.

The police caught the kid who stole Sam's friend's shoes. They caught him the next morning. T has had to do the police line up and go to court, and there is still the possibility that Sam may be required in court as well, but we haven't heard anything further at this point. I still find that whole situation rather mind-boggling! It is one of those things that you hear about in the big cities, not where you live.

Sam has been doing well in his summer tennis league. Last week, he pulled off a major upset by defeating the best player in the league. Sam started off strong winning the first four games, struggled a bit and lost the next four, but wound up winning in a tie-breaker! It was an exciting game to watch.

I am working a lot this week, because several key staff are away this week. I still have three more full days left in my week, but the following week looks a little more relaxed.

Sam looks to be travelling to Vancouver this weekend to watch some of the Vancouver Open (tennis). He will be going with his tennis coach and a couple of other boys from the league. It should be a fun time for him.