With Casey's team out of the finals, I was able to go watch Abby's team play their final tournament game this morning. It was a good game, and the icing on the cake was a victory! I had contemplated staying home, because I don't feel so great, but I'm glad that I went.
Abby really struggled with her batting all of last season, only getting a hit in the last game of the season, and she started this season with the same struggle. The last few games though have seen a bit of a turn around for her. She has finally managed to get a few hits under her belt, including two in today's game. In fact, she got on base for each of her three turns at bat!
Apparently she played well in yesterday's games, but hearing about it just isn't the same as seeing it. I'm glad I saw her play today, and I know that she's glad I was there to watch her, too!
Tomorrow is almost an off day for us. The only action going on is Casey umpiring a game.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mighty Casey
Casey's baseball team is hosting a tournament this weekend, and we've dug ourselves into a deep hole. After 3 of 4 round robin games, we are sitting at 0 wins, 1 loss and 1 tie. It looks unlikely that we will make it into tomorrow's final.
The first game was a blow out. The second game started out poorly for us, but we managed to rally and hold on for the tie. This morning's game was very close and likely our best game of the three. We even managed to take a 3 run lead, but we couldn't hold on and lost by one run. Our bats failed us in the last few innings.
Casey wasn't very successful at the plate today in terms of getting on base, but he made contact and had a great sacrifice bunt to score our first run of the game. I don't think Casey has ever really been much of a bunter, but he's laid down 3 really good bunts over the last two games! He might not be getting the big hits, but he's doing his job at the plate!
He's also been pitching rather well. He came in as relief in the 6th inning today with bases loaded and our team down by one run. Not only did he get us out of that inning without any further damage, but he also shut down the opposition in the 7th and final inning. He kept us in the game and gave us the chance to come back and take the win. Obviously we didn't, but Casey has repeatedly shown us that he is a valuable member of the team. He even won the MVP award for his outstanding pitching in our first game loss.
There might not be any joy down in Mudville today, but mighty Casey is doing his thing!
The first game was a blow out. The second game started out poorly for us, but we managed to rally and hold on for the tie. This morning's game was very close and likely our best game of the three. We even managed to take a 3 run lead, but we couldn't hold on and lost by one run. Our bats failed us in the last few innings.
Casey wasn't very successful at the plate today in terms of getting on base, but he made contact and had a great sacrifice bunt to score our first run of the game. I don't think Casey has ever really been much of a bunter, but he's laid down 3 really good bunts over the last two games! He might not be getting the big hits, but he's doing his job at the plate!
He's also been pitching rather well. He came in as relief in the 6th inning today with bases loaded and our team down by one run. Not only did he get us out of that inning without any further damage, but he also shut down the opposition in the 7th and final inning. He kept us in the game and gave us the chance to come back and take the win. Obviously we didn't, but Casey has repeatedly shown us that he is a valuable member of the team. He even won the MVP award for his outstanding pitching in our first game loss.
There might not be any joy down in Mudville today, but mighty Casey is doing his thing!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Crazy Days Ahead
The weather widget on my desktop tells me that it is 28 C outside right now, and I've heard rumours that the weekend temps could reach as high as 32 C. My back is kind of sore and achy from work today. I've been home for little more than an hour, and a headache has begun to blossom. (See! There's that achy back=headache thing I mentioned a while back.) In an hour, I will need to trudge myself to Casey's baseball game...on foot!
Life during baseball season is rarely simple and straight-forward. If one child is in a weekend tournament, we are virtually guaranteed to be simultaneously pulled in another direction. This weekend is no exception. Casey's team is hosting a tournament. Abby's team is playing in a tournament in a neighbouring association. Since we only have one reliable vehicle, I've graciously given that up for Kane and Abby, which leaves Casey and I to walk the 15-20 minutes to the ball park (and then back home again after). As much as this might sound like whining on my part, it isn't! I would much rather walk than drive the unreliable van!
My body may not feel like walking tonight, but I think tomorrow will be even worse. We won't have to walk home after tonight's game, because Abby's game will end by the time Casey's game starts. We won't be so fortunate tomorrow though, and I fear that the heat will make the journey that much more uncomfortable. Casey has two games tomorrow: one at 10:30am and the other at 6:00pm. That is far too much time in between games to simply hang out at the ball park! The glimmer of good news is that we won't have to walk home after the 6pm game.
Sunday's game schedules have yet to be determined, but I wouldn't be surprised if we're walking yet again. If I keep telling myself that this is good exercise, will I forget how uncomfortable I'm going to be all weekend?
Life during baseball season is rarely simple and straight-forward. If one child is in a weekend tournament, we are virtually guaranteed to be simultaneously pulled in another direction. This weekend is no exception. Casey's team is hosting a tournament. Abby's team is playing in a tournament in a neighbouring association. Since we only have one reliable vehicle, I've graciously given that up for Kane and Abby, which leaves Casey and I to walk the 15-20 minutes to the ball park (and then back home again after). As much as this might sound like whining on my part, it isn't! I would much rather walk than drive the unreliable van!
My body may not feel like walking tonight, but I think tomorrow will be even worse. We won't have to walk home after tonight's game, because Abby's game will end by the time Casey's game starts. We won't be so fortunate tomorrow though, and I fear that the heat will make the journey that much more uncomfortable. Casey has two games tomorrow: one at 10:30am and the other at 6:00pm. That is far too much time in between games to simply hang out at the ball park! The glimmer of good news is that we won't have to walk home after the 6pm game.
Sunday's game schedules have yet to be determined, but I wouldn't be surprised if we're walking yet again. If I keep telling myself that this is good exercise, will I forget how uncomfortable I'm going to be all weekend?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
New York, New York!
Last night was a band trip meeting for parents and students. The school band is looking to take a big trip in May 2010, so this meeting was to disperse information and vote on a destination. The choices were Cuba and New York City. Sam was hoping for Cuba, but NYC was the ultimate winner.
It is exciting, regardless of destination, to think of Sam having the opportunity to make such a trip; however, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by the costs. I walked into the meeting with realistic expectations of what the costs would look like, and my expectations were quite in line with what was projected. Still, $2100-$2300 is a lot of money to raise between now and next spring. Even more stressful is the $350 deposit which will be due by June 12, just a few weeks away! We certainly cannot afford to pay for Sam's trip, and even coming up with the deposit so quickly will likely be doable but tough. Then there are the extra expenses that will pop up along the way: passport, spending money, and any other non-included costs. Sam needs to find a job and soon! Hindsight is 20/20, of course, but I can't help but think that Sam could have earned close to half of his trip if he had decided to umpire this year!
It is exciting, regardless of destination, to think of Sam having the opportunity to make such a trip; however, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by the costs. I walked into the meeting with realistic expectations of what the costs would look like, and my expectations were quite in line with what was projected. Still, $2100-$2300 is a lot of money to raise between now and next spring. Even more stressful is the $350 deposit which will be due by June 12, just a few weeks away! We certainly cannot afford to pay for Sam's trip, and even coming up with the deposit so quickly will likely be doable but tough. Then there are the extra expenses that will pop up along the way: passport, spending money, and any other non-included costs. Sam needs to find a job and soon! Hindsight is 20/20, of course, but I can't help but think that Sam could have earned close to half of his trip if he had decided to umpire this year!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Parenting 101
Sometimes parenting sucks.
Kane and I discovered something recently, and Casey is the culprit. Of course, Casey denies everything. I am really not surprised. This is Casey's modus operandi for every 'caught in the headlights' moment in his life. And that is, perhaps, the biggest issue of all.
I think that Kane and I handled the discovery well. We didn't over-react with fire and brimstone. We didn't dissolve into puddles of emotional goop. In fact, I'd say that we were quite calm and rational for our first parental foray into these particular dark waters. We sat Casey down and talked. He listened, played with the tassels on a throw blanket, denied everything, and then turned his face and body away from us.
It was a reaction I expected but not what I hoped for. Denial is always Casey's first response, followed quickly by casting blame elsewhere. We received both responses last night. I think we said all that needed to be said last night, but I cannot be content with Casey's denials. The original issue is fairly serious, and our conversation last night just might work to nip this problem in the bud; however, I believe that his proclivity for denial is just as serious an issue. If Casey cannot see the need to admit his wrong-doings, regardless of how big or small, then he is building tremendous stumbling blocks in his life, and he has no idea how crippled he will be for years to come.
We sent Casey to bed last night with assurances of our unconditional love, but he continued to "hide" himself from us. I think he was embarrassed and ashamed, or so I hope. Kane and I discussed things further and decided that there needs to be repercussions with an emphasis on Casey's unwillingness to be honest and forthcoming with us. He will experience serious restrictions to his X-box playing, TV viewing, and computer usage for a minimum of one week. However, such restrictions will extend beyond one week if he refuses to tell us the truth.
We mentioned this all to Casey today. He didn't start whining or pouting and was quick to recognize why these restrictions were put into place. Only time will tell if he is willing to come to one of us with the truth.
Kane and I discovered something recently, and Casey is the culprit. Of course, Casey denies everything. I am really not surprised. This is Casey's modus operandi for every 'caught in the headlights' moment in his life. And that is, perhaps, the biggest issue of all.
I think that Kane and I handled the discovery well. We didn't over-react with fire and brimstone. We didn't dissolve into puddles of emotional goop. In fact, I'd say that we were quite calm and rational for our first parental foray into these particular dark waters. We sat Casey down and talked. He listened, played with the tassels on a throw blanket, denied everything, and then turned his face and body away from us.
It was a reaction I expected but not what I hoped for. Denial is always Casey's first response, followed quickly by casting blame elsewhere. We received both responses last night. I think we said all that needed to be said last night, but I cannot be content with Casey's denials. The original issue is fairly serious, and our conversation last night just might work to nip this problem in the bud; however, I believe that his proclivity for denial is just as serious an issue. If Casey cannot see the need to admit his wrong-doings, regardless of how big or small, then he is building tremendous stumbling blocks in his life, and he has no idea how crippled he will be for years to come.
We sent Casey to bed last night with assurances of our unconditional love, but he continued to "hide" himself from us. I think he was embarrassed and ashamed, or so I hope. Kane and I discussed things further and decided that there needs to be repercussions with an emphasis on Casey's unwillingness to be honest and forthcoming with us. He will experience serious restrictions to his X-box playing, TV viewing, and computer usage for a minimum of one week. However, such restrictions will extend beyond one week if he refuses to tell us the truth.
We mentioned this all to Casey today. He didn't start whining or pouting and was quick to recognize why these restrictions were put into place. Only time will tell if he is willing to come to one of us with the truth.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In Need of a Little Relief
Nearly every window in the house is open wide to welcome the cool, fresh, rain-kissed breeze. After several days of sun and heat, this is a welcome relief. I'm not complaining really. Winter was so long and so cold, that hot days are a very good thing. It is just nice to have a little bit of rain to cut down the dust and cool the house. Besides, I've got banana bread baking in the oven, and a hot day is not a good day to do baking!
Today is our 10th straight "day" of baseball with baseball also consuming the next 5 days, too! Last weekend was crazy. The coming weekend looks to be even more insane. Casey is looking at 4, maybe 5 games for his tournament, while Abby is looking at 3, maybe 4 games, plus a skills competition for her tournament.
Did we sign up for this? I guess we did!
Today is our 10th straight "day" of baseball with baseball also consuming the next 5 days, too! Last weekend was crazy. The coming weekend looks to be even more insane. Casey is looking at 4, maybe 5 games for his tournament, while Abby is looking at 3, maybe 4 games, plus a skills competition for her tournament.
Did we sign up for this? I guess we did!
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Weekend of Baseball
Abby all smiles after stealing home.
It was a long, hot weekend. My eyelids were heavy by 8:00 last night. We get to do it all over again this coming weekend, but I think it will be just a bit crazier. Abby is in a tournament on the Westside, while Casey's team is hosting a tournament.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Friday, May 22, 2009
She Bangs?
My hair is in need of some TLC and soon! Split ends are threatening to take over the world, and I have reached the stage of resorting to a pony tail to keep my hair out of my face. In an ideal fantasy world, I would have my own personal hair stylist at my beck and call, because I know the limits of my ability to do anything with my hair.
I always delay a trip to a hair-dresser for as long as I can. Partly because of the expense but mostly because it just isn't my thing! I have never been the kind of girl who spends hours primping and preening before going anywhere. My hands consist of ten thumbs, and I cannot seem to navigate blow dryers or curling irons through a reflected image. Quite honestly, I can't even be bothered to blow dry my hair 99.9% of the time!
I am not without some vanity though, a microscopic as it may be. I don't want to look like a slob, but I am sure to come across just that way too many times. And so my hair-cutting dilemma!
I need a haircut, if for no other reason than to get rid of split ends, but I am also incredibly uncertain about what I want the end result to look like. My bangs have grown out, which is an indication of how long it has been since my last haircut! I am not convinced that the bang-less look suits my face; however, I am equally unsure that bangs would suit my face. What I want is simply a haircut/style that is perfect for my face and my inability to re-create what was done in the salon. Is that too much to ask for? Just sit me down in the chair and let someone else make the call...so long as it is the best one!
I won't even talk about the grey starting to show at the roots, because that brings up the 'which colour' dilemma.
I always delay a trip to a hair-dresser for as long as I can. Partly because of the expense but mostly because it just isn't my thing! I have never been the kind of girl who spends hours primping and preening before going anywhere. My hands consist of ten thumbs, and I cannot seem to navigate blow dryers or curling irons through a reflected image. Quite honestly, I can't even be bothered to blow dry my hair 99.9% of the time!
I am not without some vanity though, a microscopic as it may be. I don't want to look like a slob, but I am sure to come across just that way too many times. And so my hair-cutting dilemma!
I need a haircut, if for no other reason than to get rid of split ends, but I am also incredibly uncertain about what I want the end result to look like. My bangs have grown out, which is an indication of how long it has been since my last haircut! I am not convinced that the bang-less look suits my face; however, I am equally unsure that bangs would suit my face. What I want is simply a haircut/style that is perfect for my face and my inability to re-create what was done in the salon. Is that too much to ask for? Just sit me down in the chair and let someone else make the call...so long as it is the best one!
I won't even talk about the grey starting to show at the roots, because that brings up the 'which colour' dilemma.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Walking the Greenway
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I need to catch up on the weekend, but it isn't quite over yet and I already feel baked. The ultra-condensed version is as follows:
-Casey hurt his finger in PE class at school on Friday. Walk-in clinic Saturday morning and ER for x-rays in the afternoon. Nothing broken. Finger still sore, sometimes wrapped in a splint.
-I woke this morning, looked at my clock and panicked when I saw that it was 7:34! Why didn't I set my alarm? I nudged Kane awake to let him know what time it was, only to have him say that we didn't need to get up. Silly me! For some unknown reason, I thought it was a regular Monday morning, Kane was late for work, and the kids were behind on getting ready for school.
-I came home from baseball this afternoon to see my one real good plant sitting in a different location than it was planted years ago. I flipped out-seriously! This is the second time that Kane has dug it out and "replanted" it, and I am still not amused. It's not replanted, but it looks terrible. I'll be surprised if it survives this time.
-It is early to bed for me tonight, as I am working at the unholy hour of 6am. It's a holiday, so we'll likely be short-staffed and crazy busy. I won't care too much, so long as I can work in the drive-thru. A little crazy busy is a good thing, especially for such a shift as I have.
-Casey hurt his finger in PE class at school on Friday. Walk-in clinic Saturday morning and ER for x-rays in the afternoon. Nothing broken. Finger still sore, sometimes wrapped in a splint.
-I woke this morning, looked at my clock and panicked when I saw that it was 7:34! Why didn't I set my alarm? I nudged Kane awake to let him know what time it was, only to have him say that we didn't need to get up. Silly me! For some unknown reason, I thought it was a regular Monday morning, Kane was late for work, and the kids were behind on getting ready for school.
-I came home from baseball this afternoon to see my one real good plant sitting in a different location than it was planted years ago. I flipped out-seriously! This is the second time that Kane has dug it out and "replanted" it, and I am still not amused. It's not replanted, but it looks terrible. I'll be surprised if it survives this time.
-It is early to bed for me tonight, as I am working at the unholy hour of 6am. It's a holiday, so we'll likely be short-staffed and crazy busy. I won't care too much, so long as I can work in the drive-thru. A little crazy busy is a good thing, especially for such a shift as I have.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sam fainted at school yesterday near the end of his final class. One moment he was sitting watching the video, the next thing he remembers is lying on the floor with everyone standing around asking if he is okay. I picked him up and took him to the doctor. We were in and out relatively quickly and with no more knowledge than when we had arrived. His blood pressure was a bit low but okay, and there doesn't appear to be any obvious cause or damage. Well, Sam might be feeling a bit embarrassed at school today, or he might be getting more attention which could be a good or bad thing.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Headache Again
I am finished work for the day, the work that I get paid for and not the work that earns no praise or pay! I only had a little 4 hour shift today, but it felt like 8. I hate days like that! Give me craziness and chaos over minutes that feel like hours. To top it off, my back started killing me about half-way through my shift which started a headache. Once the head and back start hurting like that, time isn't the only thing dragging!
I've been noticing a little trend with the headaches. I think I can safely say that I no longer have a headache all the time; however, I do get headaches rather frequently now. When my back starts screaming at me, a headache forms. When my neck feels tight, a headache forms. Of course, there are times when a headache starts without any noticeable cause, but I think it is helpful to recognize some of these new triggers. I wish I could go back to life before the accident when I'd only get a headache maybe once a month or even less often!
I've been noticing a little trend with the headaches. I think I can safely say that I no longer have a headache all the time; however, I do get headaches rather frequently now. When my back starts screaming at me, a headache forms. When my neck feels tight, a headache forms. Of course, there are times when a headache starts without any noticeable cause, but I think it is helpful to recognize some of these new triggers. I wish I could go back to life before the accident when I'd only get a headache maybe once a month or even less often!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today is 'Cram It All In' Day or 'Cram As Much As I Can' Day, depending on how much actually gets accomplished! The second load of laundry is in the wash with another 2 or 3 loads yet to go. I've picked up some groceries and voted in our provincial election. Bread dough is rising on the counter with shaping in another 40 minutes, followed by another 40 minute rise and 30 minute bake. The dishwasher is running.
Still to do...finish putting away groceries, wash the few remaining dishes by hand, think about supper, take out the recycling (or leave it for Sam when he gets home), shower, and try to get some housework finished. I would also like to get to the library, but I'm not sure if that will happen today. I could potentially squeeze in a book drop-off on the way to baseball later, but I don't think I'll have time for getting any books. What are the chances that the book waiting on hold for me will still be there on Thursday? I'd say slim. :o/
Still to do...finish putting away groceries, wash the few remaining dishes by hand, think about supper, take out the recycling (or leave it for Sam when he gets home), shower, and try to get some housework finished. I would also like to get to the library, but I'm not sure if that will happen today. I could potentially squeeze in a book drop-off on the way to baseball later, but I don't think I'll have time for getting any books. What are the chances that the book waiting on hold for me will still be there on Thursday? I'd say slim. :o/
Monday, May 11, 2009
Well, I'm a little disappointed with my Canucks being out of the play-offs, but I am happy that the Washington Capitals managed to pull out a win to force game seven at home! I'm a Canuck fan first and foremost, followed by rooting for any Canadian team, but I am also a fan of Alexander Ovechkin and would love to see his team go all the way.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday: BC Environmental Mind Grind Play-Offs
Abby's school finished 3rd in the province
Saturday: Casey's double header in Kamloops
Sunday: Mother's Day and the only baseball is the Toronto Jays game on TV!
Kane made breakfast: bacon, hash browns, omelets and orange juice.
The kids gave me hugs, cards and gifts. Chocolates, a microwave magic bag, and flowers!
I made it to the gym today!
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Friday, May 08, 2009
Today was the BC Environmental Mind Grind Play-offs. Abby's team lost their first game but managed to get themselves into the semi-finals. They lost that game, finishing third. It was fun and exciting.
Now my head is pounding, and my neck feels tight. Sam has tennis tonight. Casey is umping. I may or may not go to the gym before watching Casey ump. It all depends on how the head feels.
Tomorrow we are gone for virtually the entire day as Casey has a double-header in Kamloops. We need to hit the road by 7:30 in the morning. Oh joy! Hopefully the weather is nice. It is bad enough sitting for one game in miserable weather. A couple of hours of travel one way followed by 4-5 hours of sitting for two games in bad weather would be most terrible.
Now my head is pounding, and my neck feels tight. Sam has tennis tonight. Casey is umping. I may or may not go to the gym before watching Casey ump. It all depends on how the head feels.
Tomorrow we are gone for virtually the entire day as Casey has a double-header in Kamloops. We need to hit the road by 7:30 in the morning. Oh joy! Hopefully the weather is nice. It is bad enough sitting for one game in miserable weather. A couple of hours of travel one way followed by 4-5 hours of sitting for two games in bad weather would be most terrible.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Road Trips
We have our first baseball "road trip" of the season tonight. It isn't terribly far but still far enough that a 6pm start time is stressful. On Saturday, we have a double-header in Kamloops which is a little bit bigger road trip. I don't yet know how I feel about spending an entire day travelling, watching baseball and travelling. I must be getting older...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Girls Just Wanna...
Now I have the pleasure of watching my daughter play baseball, not softball, and she gets to do it on an all-girls team! I watched her game last night and mentally groaned at all the "errors". It would have been more exciting to stay home and watch Ovechkin get a hat trick in the hockey game on TV; however, I got to watch my little girl play ball and have strike out with a smile on her face. There is just something special about watching the girls play in this male-dominated sport. How many boys praise a teammate's cheering?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Casey's team played their second game of the year yesterday afternoon. After an humiliating 12-0 loss in the first game earlier in the week, we picked up our game and earned a 9-6 victory.
I forgot to blog yesterday, caught up with baseball and play-off hockey, but such is life for the next two months.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Sweet. That's the NaNoBloPoMo theme for May. Can I successfully blog every day in May? I'd like to say that I can, but my track record isn't so good; however, I have been blogging more often since I've started "using" NaNoBloPoMo. I guess that is a good thing.
I don't particularly feel sweet today. I had to drag myself out of bed and then struggled to keep myself awake until the kids had left for school. Once the house was empty I curled up on the sofa and slept for nearly two hours, disjointed though it may have been. Even then it was a struggle to get myself up off the sofa and into the shower. I left the house long enough to pick up some more Advil and will be returning to the sofa shortly, though I don't think I'll fall back asleep now.
I've been struck with a cold this week. It isn't anything too serious, just a stuffy/runny nose, occasional cough, and a sometimes froggy throat. I didn't sleep well last night though, and my low back is killing me.
I don't particularly feel sweet today. I had to drag myself out of bed and then struggled to keep myself awake until the kids had left for school. Once the house was empty I curled up on the sofa and slept for nearly two hours, disjointed though it may have been. Even then it was a struggle to get myself up off the sofa and into the shower. I left the house long enough to pick up some more Advil and will be returning to the sofa shortly, though I don't think I'll fall back asleep now.
I've been struck with a cold this week. It isn't anything too serious, just a stuffy/runny nose, occasional cough, and a sometimes froggy throat. I didn't sleep well last night though, and my low back is killing me.
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