1. I love making lists.
2. Green beans are funny things. I love them from a can. I can tolerate them fresh, but I cannot stand frozen green beans!
3. I absolutely abhor mushrooms in any way, shape or form. They make me gag. My parents often forced me to eat mushrooms as a child, and liver.
4. I don't force my children to eat food that makes them gag.
5. I am comfortable with the sounds of silence.
6. I rather enjoy cooking a large turkey dinner for a houseful of people, but I don't want to do the clean up.
7. I'd rather scrub the toilet than wash dishes.
8. I am 5' 8" tall. My mom will say that I was always the shortest kid in my class, but I always thought I was one of the tallest.
9. My 15 year old son is barely an inch shorter than me now.
10. I've been to almost every hockey rink in Southeast Saskatchewan, and I grew up to the sounds of Hockey Night in Canada, the Canadian Football League, and Stampede Wrestling.
11. I played only 3 years of organized softball. I played softball and
slo-pitch with adults more than I ever did with my peers.
12. I am fascinated with Russia.
13. I collect Coca-Cola
14. I am a night owl with clipped wings.
15. I played the clarinet for two years way back in junior high.
16. I'm trying to learn how to play the violin. I'm teaching myself.
17. I do not have one favourite colour, or even two favourites.
18. I once owned a Wayne Gretzky doll.
19. Aside from babysitting, my first job was helping with the West Coast Amusements bingo when the fair rolled into town.
20. I spent most of my 3 day bingo pay on a pair of Reebok shoes and a pair of acid-washed jeans.
21. In grade 6, I had the lead role in our school's Christmas drama production of The Greatest Christmas Card. I was the mom. I had wanted to be Mary or an angel.
22. I love to write using funky, coloured pens.
23. I love to read, and I will re-read my favourite books/authors over and over again.
24. I love jigsaw puzzles; the bigger and more difficult the better. I'm partial to landscape photos. 25. Depending on the puzzle and the day, I can do a 1000 piece puzzle in a day or two.
26. I love watching my kids do their things.
27. I often get teary while watching my kids do their things, because I am so proud of them.
28. My eyes leak. Usually at the worst possible time.
29. I have a like-hate relationship with my doctor. I like him, but I hate going to see him.
30. I have some really good friends.
31. My husband is my
bestest friend.
32. I am very good at remembering faces. Names...not so much. I can even remember a face that I've never been introduced to, and it will drive me nuts months down the road when I see that face again and wonder why it is familiar. 9 times out of 10 I will figure it out, but it could be something as random as someone that I saw at a hockey game making a fool out of himself.
33. I make awesome banana bread and pumpkin pie.
34. I have been
journaling for nearly 19 years, and I still get excited every time I open a new book.
35. I'd much rather write a letter or email than talk on the phone.
36. I'm a barefoot kind of girl, except in the winter when my feet get icy cold even with socks on. Ironically, my bare feet can tough out the chilliest of spring days!
37. Autumn is my favourite season.
38. I have scars on the inside of my lip from a
tobogganing accident. I walked away with a bloody, fat lip, while the guy I hit wound up with a dislocated shoulder. I was a teenager. He was an adult. And a paramedic!
39. I have a perfect, little triangular scar on my finger, but I don't know why.
40. My favourite dog breed is an English bulldog, but I've discovered that I'm really not dog owner material.
41. I fall asleep to the roar of waves and the call of seagulls. It's a compromise. My husband needs music or talk radio to shut his mind off enough to fall asleep; I need quiet. Music and talk radio keep me awake, because my brain will strain to hear the words no matter how low the volume.
42. I am rather easy-going, never wanting to make waves or push my opinion on others.
43. I hate shopping. I hate the mall. I hate brand name expensive stores. And, I think dressing rooms were designed to pulverize whatever flimsy illusions I might have about the cuteness of an article of clothing hanging on the rack.
44. I could stand to lose anywhere between 20-50 pounds. Can't believe I admitted that 'out loud', but how many people actually read my blog anyway?!
45. I'd much rather soak in a tub of hot, bubbly water at the end of the day than have a shower first thing in the morning.
46. I get restless if I can't re-arrange furniture every few months.
47. I love the mountains, but I miss the beauty of the prairies. Perhaps I've been away too long and my memories have softened with age...no, I still have strong feelings about the bitterness of winter and the plague of grasshoppers in the summer, but there is splendour in the waving fields of grain and the unending sky. And, I miss the clouds! Clouds just aren't the same in the mountains.
48. I did well enough in school, but I know that I could have done so much better. Mostly I coasted.
49. Once upon a time, I wanted to be a teacher, a reporter, a writer, a chef, and a professional wrestler. In many ways, I am all of those things and more.
50. I wear masks.
51. I am trying not to wear masks.
52. I create stories in my head to help me fall asleep. I seldom actually finish a story though, because I fall asleep before I can even get to the good parts. The next night I need to backtrack and re-set the stage before continuing the story...and then I fall asleep again!
53. I have a strong aversion to the taste of coffee. As the TV commercial used to say, "I like my Coffee Crisp!" I've also grown to appreciate a Tim Horton's Iced
Capp, but coffee flavour in anything else is a major turn-off.
54. Strangely, my entire job revolves around the making and serving of coffee.
55. I am a Star Wars geek. I've read almost every Star Wars book that I can get my hands on and could recognize most alien species and planets. Most of my fall-to-sleep stories take place in the Star Wars universe.
56. My husband is a Trekkie. We disagree as to who would win in a battle: the Enterprise or a Super Star Destroyer.
57. The Force is on my side!
58. I watch a lot of movies.
59. I love to do my own research into historical people or events after watching a movie based on real life.
60. I had pizza with DC Talk on their tour bus after a concert.
61. I think it is funny that my son likes to listen to Toby Mac who was a member of DC Talk. My son tends to think that the music I like is not very good.
62. I like silver
jewellery more than gold.
63. I lost the diamond from my engagement ring twice.
64. My favourite restaurant order is
filet mignon with baked potato and some steamed veggies. The steak needs to be rare...red and juicy! A little bit of butter, sour cream and bacon on the potato.
65. I was already sewing before entering grade 9 Home
Ec. In class we sewed sweat pants. At home, I sewed a dress for my grade 9 graduation.
66. I don't particularly like sewing.
67. I am more adventurous with food as an adult than I ever was as a kid. There are still things that I will not try and things that I've tried and don't like at all. I had kale for the first time the other day and liked it. I had
rapini for the first time the other day and just couldn't get past the taste.
68. I've never been fond of my name, but I can't imagine being called by any other name.
69. You can call me Angela,
Anj, Ange, or even Angie...it doesn't really matter to me. Inwardly I cringe at Angie, but I won't be offended if you use it.
70. I love Dr. Seuss.
71. I am not a morning person.
72. Despite #71, I like working at 6am on a Saturday morning...that is, of course, if I
have to work on a Saturday!
73. I'd be lost without my fridge calendar and family day-timer. I'd be even more lost without 6 different colours of high-lighters to use on the calendar/day-timer!
74. I am a homebody. I sometimes have to work up enough motivation to get out of the house, even for a planned activity, because my preference is usually to simply stay home.
75. I have owned 3 different vans within the past year and a half.
76. My grade 8 art teacher from Estevan, Saskatchewan is now a teacher at my daughter's school here in
Kelowna, British Columbia. He is also a neighbour, and our kids often play together. I find it very bizarre.
77. I love to curl up on the sofa with my favourite throw blanket, a book, and a cup of Earl Grey tea.
78. I never really liked tea up until a couple of years ago. I started drinking tea when I was breaking my Diet Coke addiction.
79. A London Fog is a special treat!
80. My oldest son can get his driver's license this summer, but that doesn't worry me as much as when my younger son will get his license!
81. I don't feel old enough to have two teenagers. My body tells me every day that I am older than I think I am.
82. I enjoy
scrapbooking, but I am not very creative.
83. I talk to myself often.
84. I'll sing along with my
ipod when no one else is at home.
85. I take great pleasure in successfully sneaking healthy stuff into my kids, especially Sam.
86. I amass scads of recipes that look interesting but fail to try even half of them.
87. I go on regular purges throughout the house in an effort to reduce clutter and simplify life.
88. I'd really love to have a laptop, but I really don't need one.
89. I hate politics in kids' sports.
90. I'm a big believer in fair play.
91. I am highly competitive, but I am gracious in defeat.
92. I love word games and puzzles.
93. I'm a child of the King, so I guess that makes me a Princess!
94. I don't think I've ever had aspirations of being a princess.
95. I think I was always more of a tomboy.
96. I love shoes, but I refuse to give into the temptation.
97. I seldom eat breakfast. I know that I should. I'm trying.
98. It's taken 3 or 4 days to get this far...
99. Abby is home sick today. She has a bad cough, stuffy/runny nose, sore throat and headache. I feel much the same way.
100. I have had an almost constant headache since Sept. 6, 2007. It is exhausting, draining, frustrating, annoying, and I no longer remember what it feels like to have a clear head.