My carpal tunnel in both wrists has been giving me a fair bit of grief over the past month or so. I'm not very happy about that at all, but I have little choice but to suffer through it. Pain is my ever present companion. The head fuzziness and headache continue, as does the back pain.
As if my body wasn't dealing with enough stress, I was rear-ended once again three days ago! This was a minor accident compared to my previous one. No damage to the van whatsoever, but my body did not escape unscathed. The headache is a wee bit stronger, and I have new back pain between my shoulder blades up into the base of my neck.
The woman who hit me this time was most apologetic, maybe even fearful that I was going to chew off her head and spit it out. I confess the thought did cross my mind. Unlike the last accident, I didn't see this one coming and had a moment of 'what happened?' when I heard and felt the bump. It wasn't hard; I don't think my van even moved. The other driver slid on the ice and could not stop her vehicle from hitting mine, which is a vastly different from the driver speeding along and ramming into my van at close to full speed!
I think I handled this accident well; definitely better than the last one! I had no sarcastic comment for this driver, even if I mumbled a bad word to myself as she went to retrieve her insurance papers. I did not burst into tears when I called Kane to let him know what had happened, and I even managed to finish running my errands.
The kids had different reactions when they got home from school and were told of my most recent accident. Abby expressed shock, asked if the police had come, and finally asked if I was okay. Casey immediately asked if we had a new van. I guess he failed to see our old van sitting in the driveway looking just as it had that morning. Once I disappointed him with the news that the old van was still ours, he high-fived me for entering the "two accident" club. He's the only other member of the club. Sam was a little surprised but mostly unemotional and not overly concerned.
I'll live, but it sucks. I'm still dealing with physical issues from the first accident and really didn't need to add new pain to the mix. This accident was so minor that I believe I would have been fine had I not had been crashed into last year. But I was. Maybe I should put a big sign on the back of my van...STOP! Hey, they do it in minor hockey...
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