Okay, so I sometimes say really cheesy things in exclamation even if I do my best to keep them stuck in my head when in public situations, but I had to use the exact expression that popped into my head when I took a look at my blog and realized how long it had been since the last time I posted.
Hokey Dinah!
What can I say? In my own way I've been busy, though not so busy that I don't have more than enough time to twiddle my thumbs. My boss has been most sympathetic to my "recovery" and is more than willing to adjust my schedule. I have been working 16 hours a week: two 4 hours shifts during the week and an 8 hour shift on Saturdays. The kids always keep us busy, and it seems that there is hardly a day of the week that doesn't have some activity requiring our attention. Monday is ball hockey, Tuesday is ice hockey, Wednesday is youth, Thursday is
Xplore, Friday is supposed to be ball hockey, and there is always at least one hockey game on the weekend, sometimes two. I didn't even include the before/after school sports! I have come to accept that my life will be perpetually busy until the kids are grown and self-sufficient.
Still, I have had lots of time but not always the motivation or energy. I still have a headache; I'm not counting the days right this minute but it has been nearly 2 months since the accident and I've not had one minute without this blasted headache! The past week or two has been more painful than it was in the middle of October which, coincidentally, is also the last time I blogged. The back pain has also been worse this week but that could be partially due to my back being used as a pin cushion by my physiotherapist earlier in the week. He did warn me that my back would be worse for a couple of days, and he wasn't joking. Even before the acupuncture, my back still is prone to pain. I've been using my heating pad religiously.
I'm afraid that my idle time has quite simply been spent being idle. I've been reading lots, and I've begun another cycle of jigsaw puzzles. That's what happens when I visit Value Village! I don't go there often, but Casey was in need of a "cowboy" shirt for Halloween so I dragged myself across town to
VV. Not only did I find a suitable shirt, but I also brought home a stack of puzzles. The only problem is that I find it difficult to read and do a puzzle at the same time. I can watch TV and read at the same time, or I can watch TV and do a puzzle at the same time, but reading and puzzles just cannot co-exist in the same moment. Multi-tasking only goes so far! So, do I work my way through my stack of books or the stack of puzzles? Sadly, I am just silly enough to attempt both.
Speaking of books...the annual library book sale is this Wednesday through Friday! I'm not working on Thursday, so guess where I'll be heading?