Sunday, August 27, 2006
Keeping Busy
This week will see me up before dawn most days. Can you hear me whimpering? I am. Still, I have enjoyed working these early shifts...once I'm at work, that is. But, this past week has been busy and the week ahead will be full of busyness of another sort. Kane has been working hard to get the house into good shape prior to tomorrow morning when it will be inspected for an appraisal. No, we're not selling, but we are hoping to redo our mortgage with an increase so we can do some renovations in the basement. Gone are the cracks in the walls in the living room and dining room. The dining room has been given a temporary coat of paint to match the living room. Ceiling tiles have been put back into the laundry room ceiling, and window and door trim has been painted. Most of these tasks have been waiting for years to be done, so it is good to see the work in progress or completed.
We went to church this morning. It was good. The afternoon has been spent on housework, laundry, and more little projects around the house. I'm fading fast but cannot take a nap, or I wouldn't be able to get to sleep when I go to bed at 9pm. I need to sleep well as I need to get up at 5am. I hate it. It doesn't matter how exhausted my body is, I have difficulty falling asleep that early in the evening. The good news is that I won't be home when the inspector comes tomorrow! I hate being present for such things.
I have Tuesday off, but there is a staff BBQ and mini golf party in the evening. Since I am working the rest of the week, Tuesday will be my only day to really relax, return library books, and do any errands needing done. Also, my uncle and cousin will be arriving either Tuesday or Wednesday and pitching their tent in our backyard. We have a family reunion on the weekend which is why my uncle is making the trip here from Saskatoon. Abby is excited for her "cousin" to get here. Chelsea is the same age as Casey, so they get along really well. Since I am working on Saturday, we'll miss that day's reunion activities, but we'll be there on Sunday.
It is hard to believe that school begins in just over a week. I asked for the first day of school off, so that I could see the kids off to school. Actually, I will need to take Abby and Casey to help them determine which class they are in as that won't be revealed until that morning. I believe that I should be entitled to have the holiday Monday off as well which would be very nice indeed. After this week, I will need my version of a long weekend.
All that and my feet still hurt. They've been hurting since I came home from work on Friday. Maybe I need new shoes for work. Nightly foot soaks and foot rubs have done little to ease my discomfort, but at least when I'm at work I no longer notice the pain. Who has time to notice that? In the past 4 days of work I have had a large ice cap spilled down my backside, burned my knuckle on the toaster, had the back of my hand banged by a corner of a till drawer, cut two knuckles on something, my left ankle was hurting off and on during one day, and I was left in charge of the store for 3 hours yesterday.
Now it is almost 5pm. I've sat here staring mindlessly at the monitor more than I have actually typed. Kane is now waiting for me to get the picture hooks out, so he can finally re-hand the pictures in the living room. They've been down for a year now...from when I painted the living room last August! Guess I'd better move before I fall asleep in this chair.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Demoting Pluto
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
14 Years Ago Today

Fourteen an instant it feels so incredibly long ago and yet how quickly it passed! Sometimes I still feel like the 20 year old newlywed, but it becomes increasingly difficult to remember life before kids or even before toilet training and first days of school.
Sometimes I wonder what my in-laws think of our marriage, knowing the failed marriages of one brother-in-law, the rocky marriage of another, and the unrepentant bachelorhood of another. Did they ever expect us to last this long, or did they expect it to end in divorce after a handful of years? I don't know what they thought back then and I don't know what they think now. I doubt that they even remember that today is our anniversary. But, while I may not have been able to see where we'd be in the future, I never doubted that we would make it together. There was never any other option.
I don't believe in divorce. That's a black and white belief, although I do believe that there are biblical reasons for divorce and I'm not going to point a wagging finger into anyone's business. Kane and I entered our marriage with the same beliefs and opinions on marriage and divorce. Divorce is ugly and marriage is not something to be thrown out the window like last year's fashion fads. We walked into our marriage knowing that we had no option for divorce.
Some might argue that we need to leave that option open, that closing that door will only drive each other apart. I don't buy that. If, for some bizarre reason, Kane were to want a divorce, I wouldn't roll over and simply give it to him. If he were determined to take that course, I can't imagine any other option but to let him go. However, letting go of someone who is determined to leave is quite different from keeping the option out of the equation to begin with. Kane and I have always known that we would stick it out through thick and thin, and so we do. If we allowed ourselves to believe that we had that out, we would always hear it whispering in our ears every time we found ourselves in the midst of a storm. The more you hear the whispering the easier it is to allow yourself to actually listen to it and plant those seeds within your heart. Those aren't the type of seeds that I want planted in my marriage.
Praise the Lord that we have never had any serious discord in our marriage. We have rough patches. There are times when I am frustrated and irritated and downright angry with my husband and I'm sure he could say the same about me, but we get through it. We don't always agree, but there are only a small handful of things that we truly butt heads on. When it comes to personalities, we're as different as night and day, but there isn't anyone I'd rather spend time with. I have been blessed with a man who makes me laugh. He still opens the door for me and he helps out with dishes, taking out the garbage, and mopping floors. He spends time with his kids not just because they are his kids but because he loves spending time with them. He puts up with my chick flick movie selections and ends up enjoying the show and is probably glad that I enjoy action flicks, too. Slipping my hand into his is like putting on a comfy, old sweater. I think I love him even more today than I did way back when.
The photo I included here is one of my favourite, because we are hand in hand, ready to walk the road before us, together.
Happy anniversary!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Monday, August 21, 2006
PeeWee 'A' Provincials, part 2

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
PeeWee 'A' Provincials, part 1

Sam checking the signs before stepping into the batter's box.
Sam catching. He was catcher a lot during the All-Star season, and he did a fantastic job!
Sam, number 50, along with his co-captains and coaches at a pre-game plate meeting.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
PeeWee 'A' Zones

Sam coming in to score a run...I believe that this was the first inning and our first run.
Sam diving back to first base after an attempted pick-off. He's quick though and managed to make it around the bases to score.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Valley of Champions, part 2
Sam is in the middle, number 50, as the Rutland Rockies huddle for a team cheer.
I don't know why this photo isn't in the order that I uploaded it, but this is Sam receiving his third place medal.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Valley of Champions, part 1
Casey playing shortstop. Here he has scooped up the ball and is getting ready to make throw the ball to first for the out.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
The Devil Went into Wal-Mart
However, Wal-mart is one of those places that inspires criticism and loathing. I feel the same way about Superstore, but I shop there anyway. For the same reason...I like paying less for most everything I buy. If it were up to me, Superstore would be laid out in a sensible fashion rather than the mish-mash it tends to be. Why can't the toothpaste be in the same department as soap and shampoo? But, I noticed that they are making changes once again, so maybe their departments will begin to make sense. Or not. You just never know. If I had my way, Wal-mart would ticket and tow every RV and camper that parks for the night in their parking lot. Instead, they promote their paved paradise. Do they really need a dozen RVs taking up parking spots? Do Wal-mart customers really want to see Jimbob eating breakfast through his open camper door? I seem to have a memory of once seeing a tent being taken down one Saturday morning a year ago. If you can afford an RV and the gas to take it out for a vacation, I'm sure you can afford to pay the fee at a campground, and honestly, wouldn't a campground be a little more attractive to spend your time in? How lovely to fall asleep to the smells and sounds of highway traffic.
Obviously, I'm a little miffed at Wal-mart at this very moment. It's true. I am. Late yesterday afternoon, I dropped off two rolls of film at their photo centre to be developed. I kindly told the employee that I could easily wait until today for them. He said they'd be ready by 10:00am, but he wasn't exactly attentive to me as a customer. No big deal. This morning, I arrive at the photo centre at 10am and wait in line for my turn to be served. The employee searched high and low for my pictures before finding one set. Eventually, she discovered that the second set was still being processed and informed me I would need to wait for 15 minutes. I was irritated, but since I was planning on browsing the rest of the store, it wasn't too much of a problem. My browsing took longer than I had anticipated, so it had been 40 minutes by the time I returned for my second set of photos. Again, I waited in line. There was a different employee this time, so I had to explain what I was wanting as I hadn't been given my little receipt-thingy back before. She searched high and low before discovering that the guy hadn't done a good job on the developing and was in the middle of re-doing it. Did I want to wait? Now I was quite mad, but was there any other option but to wait? I wasn't going to take the crappy photos and I didn't want to come back to the store later. So, I waited and fumed and waited and fumed. More than half an hour later, I finally got back into the line to ask if my photos were ready. Gee, you would think that maybe they would be considerate enough to let me know when they were ready knowing that I've had to wait a long time, but no. I guess Wal-mart employees aren't taught to do that. Of course, by the time I am being served again, it is a different employee helping me and I need to explain everything once again only this time I made a point of saying that I had been waiting a very long time. She eventually found my photos, put them in the little envelope thing and rang it into her till. She took my money and gave me my change but instead of handing me my receipt and the photos, she went to answer the phone! I could not believe it! Another 20 seconds later, she's off the phone and starts walking towards the back of the room...what?! She stopped half way with a move of her hands as if to show that she suddenly remembered that she hadn't finished with me yet, came back and began trying to get a bag for my photos. Highly irritated, I practically grabbed the photos out of her hand saying that I didn't need a bag, I was leaving right away.
Honestly. I understand that they get backlogged and busy, but I dropped my film off yesterday not just an hour before. An hour of my time was wasted waiting in Wal-mart, an hour that I did not want to spend there. I was told/asked to wait twice for something that should have been ready when I arrived.
To top it all off, I discovered once I got home that the photos of Sam's 13th birthday didn't turn out. Not a single one! It's not Wal-mart's fault, I know, but it just bothers me.
Friday, August 18, 2006
In Doubt of Scales
I stepped on the scale last night before bed because I'm still in shock over my recent weight loss, and the numbers spun around and landed at a different one than I had expected. It would appear that I have lost another 5 lbs over the past couple of days.
Yes, I stepped on the scale again this morning before going to work and again just a short while ago after work. The scale appears to be telling the truth but can I believe it.
I want to. This is what I have been wanting to see for some time, but I just can't believe my eyes. Other than keeping an online log of what I eat and what activities I do, I'm NOT doing anything special. I had ice cream with caramel sauce last night before bed...and I am always generous with the ice cream! But maybe the difference is in the portioning at meal times. I've been using a smaller plate at supper and not always going back for seconds.
I just don't know. My original weight has been static for so long that this sudden loss of 10 lbs seems a little too good to be true, but whatever the case, I'm ecstatic.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tipping the Scale
The next morning, I stepped on the scale once again, just in case last night had been a dream or a mistake. Nope...still 5 lbs lighter than I had been maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago! Okay, I can live with that.
Yes, I want to lose some weight and get into better physical shape. However, I haven't exactly been too intentional about it; at least not in a regimented way. I have been keeping track of what I eat and what physical activity I do but that's about it. It seems to be enough to "see" how much I eat. At least that's the theory...
Whatever the case, I am glad to have seen a drop on the scale. There's more to go, but WoW! I still find myself stepping on the scale for confirmation and reassurance.
And, the best part, I haven't given up my junk food indulgences!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Duh! I forgot to answer one of the questions from the quiz, namely...what books am I reading?
Well, we just happened to go to the library this morning, so I have four books to read. They are:
Alligator by Lisa Moore, a Canadian author
Things Unspoken by Anitra Sheen
Knights of the Black and White by Jack Whyte
Passion by Jude Morgan
I'm a sucker for quizzes
Dressing: while I like caesar salad dressing on, you guessed it, caesar salad, my favourite is simply Italian
Regular or decaf: I don't drink coffee so I don't care. If we're talking Coca-Cola, then it's caffeine all the way.
Have you had your appendix and/or tonsils removed?: My tonsils were removed when I was in third or fourth grade. I remember eating lots of jello and ice cream and throwing up in the hospital hallway between the TV room and my room.
Shampoo or conditioner?: both otherwise my hair feels like straw
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: no
One pillow or two?: one normal pillow under my head and one body pillow to lean against
Would you bungee jump?: not for anything less than a million dollars in cold, hard cash
Favourite ice cream?: it depends on my mood; I'm not usually too fussy. Ice cream is ice cream and I love it.
Favourite soft drink?: anything Coca-Cola. Currently, diet coke black cherry vanilla
Favourite perfume or cologne?: I love, love, love Giorgio and Red, but I almost never wear perfume. So many places request no scents because of allergies that I just don't bother.
Favourite subject in school?: history and English
Anything "different" about you?: I'm a girl and I dislike shopping, or I'm a girl and I love action movies just as much as chick flicks. I'm a girl and love sports. I don't that different enough?
Favourite book?: To Kill a Mockingbird and anything by Bodie Thoene
Cake or pie?: either, depending on the options and my mood. I'd almost kill for a Saskatoon berry pie.
What book are you reading?:
What is on your mouse pad?: nothing but black...our optical mouse doesn't like patterned or glossy mousepads.
What is your screen saver?: ya know, I can't remember! I think it might be stars or something stupidly simple like that.
Favourite board game?: More a card game than board game but I love Dutch Blitz. I enjoy playing most board/card games and I always play to win though I am a gracious loser. ;o)
Favourite smells?: lavender, lilacs, roses, fresh spring rain, a crisp fall day, turkey roasting in the oven, fresh baked bread, Double Bubble bubble gum, the smell of a midway, the smell of a lake or the ocean, baby soap and lotion, campfire, lumber, old books
Favourite sounds?: violin, children's laughter, crickets and night noises, the wind blowing across a field of wheat, praise songs, the sounds of a hockey or baseball game
Zodiac sign?: capricorn but I couldn't care less
Do you eat the broccoli stems?: most of the time
What colour pants are you wearing?: chocolate brown capris
Do you wish on stars?: no
How old are you today?: 34
Siblings?: 3 sisters and 1 brother
Summer or winter? I love/hate both equally. Autumn is my favourite.
What are you afraid of? harm coming to my kids or husband, although I have smaller fears like spiders and wasps and stuff like that
Can you juggle? not in the literal sense but I think life is one big juggling act
Monday, August 14, 2006
No Height, No Depth
No Height, No Depth
(Keith Getty/Kristyn Lennox)
Once I was far away
but now my life is found in You
once I was without hope
but now I have a vision of heaven
fallen from grace
by faith lifted up
Now I believe no height, no depth
can keep us from the love of Christ
no life, no death, no trial
can tear us from the love of God in Christ
How wonderful the love
our Father God has given us
that we could still be called
Children of God
Fallen from grace
by faith lifted up
Now I believe no height, no depth
can keep us from the love of Christ
no life, no death, no trial
can tear us from the love of God in Christ
Sunday, August 13, 2006
It's a Small World
About a year later, this June, my children brought home the last newsletter of the school year. Surprise, old art teacher would be teaching at my children's school in the fall. Casey has a 50/50 chance of being in his class.
And then this morning...Kane and the boys were delivering newspapers around our little neighbourhood. The kids have given nicknames to several of the homes along the route. The 'jungle house' was a favourite as the old woman who had lived there often gave the kids bags of candy and chocolate. However, she was old and moved into a "home" several months ago. The house sold and has been undergoing quite the transformation. The kids had bestowed this house with the name of 'jungle house', because the yard was overrun with plants and trees. I don't think a drop of sunshine ever hit the house there was so much foliage. Kane is often interested in houses and the comings and goings of residents and opportunity must have presented itself this morning. He came home and asked me to guess who was living in the jungle house. Of course, I had absolutely no idea. It could have been anyone or no one. Turns out that it is my old art teacher! The teacher that gave me a 10/10 on a drawing I did of a deer now lives so close that I could walk there without breaking a sweat.
It really is a small world after all.
Commercial Craziness
It never fails to bother me when I see television commercials for TV programs or upcoming movies with violent, sexual or horror themes. Often, these few seconds of advertising depict intense scenes not appropriate for children or even older people, for that matter. And yet, these ads are aired at the oddest times.
My family is easily caught up in the hype of American or Canadian Idol. Although we were too busy to get drawn into Canadian Idol early in it's season this year, we have recently begun to watch the program again. It airs on a weeknight at 8:00pm on CTV. Very young children might/should be in bed, but CI tends to be a "family" kind of show. During the show last week, there were frequent commercials for a new horror movie, Pulse. Yeah, just the kind of stuff I want my kids watching before they go to bed! Why do they have to time such a preview with a family program?
Ironically, a night or two later, I was watching a movie on one of the specialty channels. I believe it was the Womans Network. The movie was called The Affair of the Necklace, a story concerning an elaborate ruse surrounding a necklace, a young woman, and Marie Antoinette. It began at 9:00pm and ran until about 11:30pm. During each commercial break, the network would repeat a viewer warning of nudity, sexuality, and so on. The movie was okay but not great. The nudity was quite brief and the other adult themes were microscopic compared to many other more popular movies. I wouldn't let my kids watch this movie, but I don't let them watch Austin Powers either. And yet, shortly after 11:00pm, there was a most interesting commercial. At this time of night, I would expect to see the more riske and mature commercials, but this is not what I observed in shock at 11:04pm. The commercial was for Crayola crayons and felts! I couldn't believe it.
So, children across Canada are subjected to 20 seconds or so of horror at 8pm while watching a popular family program, while hours later, when all children should be dreaming in their beds, adults watching a movie aimed at adults are watching advertising for children's crayons.
I don't get it.
Walking & Talking
It was so good to walk into church and be in the service. We've attended this church for about a year and a half, but we really still don't know very many of the people. Baseball season is probably the biggest reason for that, although hockey season can keep us busy, too. Hockey season is busy, but baseball is a completely different level of busyness! Even though we are virtual strangers in our own church home, walking into the building felt very much like curling up with a beloved book and my favourite cozy blanket. It was home and comfortable and where we belonged.
I had a rough spell last week, a day or two of feeling swallowed by darkness, chewed up and spit out. I looked forward to this day, today, and being able to go to church, knowing how much I needed to be there. My work schedule had me scheduled to work the following Sunday from 7am to 3pm and my heart sank. I didn't want to go to church one week and then not the next, but I had no choice. But God knows and sees and moves in ways unexpected. On the day when I felt the lowest, the phone rang. It was someone from work asking for a favour. Would I change shifts with her next week...her Saturday 7-3 shift for my Sunday 7-3 shift? I was already supposed to work on Saturday, but she needed that day off and would find someone to cover my original shift if I could switch with her. Yes! A teeny ray of light broke through the darkness and touched my face with a kiss of warmth and hope. I can go to church next Sunday after all.
I realize that it has become a popular trend these days to not go to church, and I am not going to judge anyone who has made such a choice; however, while I can understand reasons and seasons for not going to a church, I can't imagine making that choice myself. Is the modern church perfect? Is it what God wants His church to be? No, I don't think so. We do have faults and flaws and often make more of an effort to appear godly than to be godly, but we are still a people chosen by God for His glory and purpose. If the Lord can use a short-tempered fisherman and a tax collector, certainly He can also use a church full of imperfect people and traditions. Right? Whether we attend church or not, we are God's children and representatives in a fallen world. Who is the better witness: the church-going Christian or the non-church going Christian? I can't answer that question, because there are good examples and bad examples in both groups. Ultimately, what non-believers notice in us shouldn't boil down to whether or not we attend a church, it should be the love of God at work in our lives.
But, there is still something about going to church on a Sunday morning (or Saturday evening or whenever your church holds a service). I have Christian fellowship outside of church, but how often do I have the opportunity to worship with other believers outside of a church building? There is something special about hearing God's Word preached or sharing communion or singing praise songs with a congregation or seeing babies dedicated to God or watching a baptism or even just shaking hands and saying 'hello' to members of God's family. I don't need to have a close, personal relationship with each person in the church in order to feel at home there. And so I go to church because I want to and need to, not because of a sense of obligation or expectation. It is certainly not the only way that I can worship, pray, or fellowship with God, but going to church is an integral part of my spiritual walk.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
It was a woman that I do not know, but she apparently got my name and number from a kiosk at the Interior Provincial Exhibition two years ago! I find that rather difficult to believe simply because she represents a financial company, and I avoid those like the plague. Whatever. I prepared myself for a spiel about investing or using their services; however, drumming up business wasn't on her agenda. Instead, she was looking for recruits!
I told her that I wasn't interested, but she wasn't giving up on me yet.
Was I currently employed? Yes.
Was I happy with my job? Yes.
Did I know anyone who might be looking for a job? No.
Would it be worth her while to leave her name and number? No.
End of phone call.
No longer are telemarketers only seeking to they're looking for fellow employees, too.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
A Final Sour Note
Our first game today was against West Richmond. We had good innings and terrible innings, came up from behind and then gave it away. Final score was 17-12 for West Richmond. Sam took that loss very hard. He was our final out of the game, and he struck out. We came home between games and he went to bed for a nap with tears in his eyes. It isn't like Sam to take a nap, but I guess he needed it.
The final game was against Victoria, but our team really didn't even show up. By the end of the third inning it was 17-1. The game was finally called halfway through the fifth inning when the score was 20-2. I had expected Sam to be upset with this loss, but the entire team seemed more relieved and happy once the game was called. It was a nothing game for us. We were out of the play-offs and knew this was our final game regardless of the outcome. It would have been nice to end with a bang, but the team had already written it off, I think. Sam had only one turn at bat this game. He walked and scored.
I'm feeling rather bereft at the moment. The baseball season is finally over for us, and while I am glad, I also feel quite sad. I need to talk to my boy, but I can't. He went to sleep over at a teammates along with several other teammates. All I had time to say after the game was that I love him and I'm proud of him. There's so much more to say than that. Tears are welling in my eyes now, so I guess I'm done writing for tonight. I'll have pictures to share when I get around to it.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Provincial Ponderings
Vancouver was our opponent yesterday. Our team came out flat and nervous, hardly displaying the caliber of ball that they are capable of playing. We were mercied 11-1. Today, our opponent was Ridge Meadows. They had a team of big boys, but we played better and lost 8-5. Still, we didn't play to the best of our abilities.
Our first game tomorrow is against West Richmond; a team that has lost all three of their previous games. It's easy to think that perhaps we will have a fighting chance to pull off a victory. We'll see. In all our years of sports, teams from the coast have typically been better skilled than teams from our region. I don't know why that is...maybe because they have a bigger pool of kids to choose from or maybe because they have the resources and interest to play spring and fall seasons or maybe they are just pushed harder and coached better. I don't know. All I know is that I won't enter this game tomorrow expecting a cake walk simply because the opposition is winless. We still need to play our 'A' game.
The final round robin game we play is against Victoria, a team that is sitting pretty with two wins so far. I saw a bit of one of their games today, and they are a good team. I'm pretty sure that this will be our final game of our All-Star season. But, that's okay. We made it further than we had thought we would, and we are playing our game.
So far, we haven't been too impressed with how the tournament is being run. Yes, I am being picky. If I hadn't been the director for the Mosquito 'A' Provincials last year, I don't think I would be as observant, but then again maybe I would. Perhaps I am just spoiled knowing how many awesome volunteers we have within our association and the effort they put out to make things work well. We arrived at the ballpark this morning shortly after 8am. There were already several players from our team and the opposition there to warm up for our 9:30 game. It wasn't until nearly 9am that tournament volunteers began to set up the fields and tents and such for the day. In fact, we overheard a comment that they'd be happy if they had everything set up by lunchtime. The concession didn't open until about 9:30, and there was almost a shortage of umpires for our game. We have played two games now, but I've never once seen anyone come by for a 50/50 draw even though they have the winning numbers posted on a sign. They ran out of player-sized t-shirts by the second game of the tournament yesterday. During the opening ceremonies this evening, they held a base race for all the teams but had to ask the spectators for a stop watch to time it.
Just little things, but they make a difference. 50/50 draws are a great way to generate some income for your association, so you should have people doing the draws that are interested in actually selling tickets. I would have bought some if anyone had come within 50 feet of my chair and announced what they were doing. A concession is another source of income, and there are always people willing to spend money for food and drinks. Unfortunately, it only works that way if you're open.
We have it good in Rutland Minor Baseball. We may not win Provincials, but we have winners where it really matters!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Negative Reaction
Tuesday was my niece's birthday, and we were going bowling to celebrate. I took some Dayquil before we left home. We had a lot of fun while bowling. Casey started the game with three strikes in a row! Yes, that is a turkey and the term certainly applies to Casey. Although, I joked that we should change the term to a ham. After bowling, we went to my sister's place for cake and ice cream. At this point, I wasn't feeling too great but chalked it up to being tired, having a cold, and it being nearly my bedtime.
Wednesday morning, my alarm goes off at 5:12 and I get up, get dressed and ready for work. Before I leave, I take some Dayquil although I am feeling okay. Stuffed up, yes, but generally fine. At 6am, I start work and by 7am I am beginning to feel not so great. For some reason, the a/c vent directly above our position in the drive-thru was blowing hot air instead of cold. Lovely. By 8am, I felt like I could keel over at any moment. My thighs felt like jello and my hands were shaking. I felt weak all over, and if I moved my head too quickly, I felt somewhat spacey. I asked if it would be possible for me to go home. The manager took some time pondering the schedule and the options available to her. By the time she actually came and talked to me about it, it was about 8:40 and she wanted to know how much longer I could stay. She wanted to get some breaks done before I left, if possible, although she didn't want me passing out on her either. In the end, I stayed until 10am, but I was moving rather slowly by that point.
I came home and laid down, slept for a while. Around noon, I was awake but still feeling weak and quivery, though not as bad as before. By mid-afternoon, the weak feeling had left, but my legs still felt strange. It wasn't until about 6-6:30pm that I finally felt "normal". Yes, I definitely think I had a bad reaction to the Dayquil...guess I won't be taking that anymore.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Zone tournament photos
This is Sam's team having a little team meeting after our second game of the tournament. It had been a tough loss to Salmon Arm, the team that we went on to beat the next day to earn a spot at the Provincials.

Here's Sam at bat, getting his signs from the third base coach. Sam has been given the nickname of "RBI King". He is a consistent batter, getting on base by walk or hit most of the time, and he does have quite a few RBIs under his belt. Sam isn't likely to hit it out of the park, but he is a good batter to have at the plate when you need someone on base.