Thursday, April 27, 2006

Raising the Bar

Sam brought his report card home this afternoon. The first thing he said as he walked in the door was, "You can't give me a hug!" least it sounded positive.

It was very positive! Here are Sam's grades from term 1 and this one, term 3:

Advise Team term 1: C- term 3: B
Band term 1: C- term 3: A
English term 1: C- term 3: C+
Math term 1: C term 3: B
P.E. term 1: A term 3: A
Science term 1: C term 3: C+
Socials term 1: C term 3: B
Information Tech. term 3: A (he only started this class this term)

Also, his homeroom teacher wrote, "Super 3rd term Sam!!!" on his report card, and he received an 'academic recognition' sticker and a 'work ethic recognition' sticker. They aren't honour roll, but this report card is simply outstanding for Sam. Not only did he improve his letter grades, but his work ethic marks also improved in all the subjects where he was only 'satisfactory' before. I am so proud of the hard work he has put into his school work this past term!

To celebrate, I took him out for "coffee", actually hot chocolate and brownies, at the new Blenz coffee shop not too far from home.

You know, it has been a very good week! God is good.

Stashing Food and Other Stories

Casey is a walking, talking stomach. I kid you not. He is. It does not matter that he may have just finished eating supper half an hour ago, he will still come to me with pleas for a snack because he's starving. Nice try, kid. At the ball park last night, he asked if I would buy him fries. I told him, "No, I am not going to buy you any food here. You had supper at home before we came." So, he asked if I would buy him chicken strips!

Last week, I had bought a package of blueberry bagels. We don't have bagels at home very often, and when we do, they don't last very long. One morning, I was looking for the bagels and could not find the package. Casey had hidden it the night before as there was only one bagel left, and he wanted it.

On Sunday, I bought a box of Wagon Wheels. I don't know if I have ever actually bought Wagon Wheels before; they just aren't something that I purchase even though I love them. In my mind's eye, they are a special treat, something I was excited to find in my pillow case at the end of my Halloween trick-or-treating. My mom certainly never bought Wagon Wheels. Anyway, I bought some, because they were on a really good sale, Casey asked, and I caved. Yesterday, while the kids were at school, I had one, leaving only two left. I removed those final two from the box and put them on a shelf in the pantry. Casey left for school early this morning for his running club, so he had made his lunch and gone before I began making lunch for the other two kids. I went to the pantry for juice boxes and granola bars, thinking that I would put those last two Wagon Wheels into their lunches. One problem...where were they? It took some digging, but I finally found ONE tucked in behind some cans of kidney beans! Obviously, Casey had taken one for his lunch and hidden the other for his own consumption later. Won't he be surprised to find it gone.

I keep telling myself to take some pictures of the view from the front of our house, simply because it is in the process of change and has been for a few years now. It wasn't all too many years ago that you would see a pear orchard and a mountainside. The mountain is still there, but it has a road running down it, and houses now pepper all the usable land down the side. The orchard was mostly cut down to make way for a huge development project. The project started with a big pit being dug, a huge crane erected, minimal work done, and then nothing. For over a year-nothing, except the crane being removed. A few months ago, they finally started back to work on the Conservatory and making visible progress. Soon, we'll find our view of the mountain blocked. Gotta love that.

I went to sign my taxes today, so they can be efiled. This is the first time in a very long time that our taxes have been prepared so soon. In mid-March, Kane got into a tax panic. He was snarky towards me for not having the same motivation to sift through mounds of papers to gather tax receipts and such. Instead of simply asking if I knew where these papers were, which would have saved him a lot of time and hassle, he carried on like a bull in a china shop. But, we got the information together, and Kane dropped it all off with the accountant. Only after that did Kane realize that the tax return deadline wasn't until the end of April! For some strange reason, he thought the deadline was the end of March. All that panic for nothing.

So, our returns had been ready for us to come in and sign for a few weeks now. I know that I was reluctant to go sign, fearful that we might end up owing lots of money to the government. It seems Kane was also worried for the same reason. He finally went in on Tuesday and was surprised to find out we're both getting refunds! Knowing there was good news, I went in and signed mine this morning. I hate money.

I'm back to work tomorrow after three days off. What did I accomplish in my days at home? Honestly, not as much as I would have liked. It seems I did a lot of running around. Tuesday, I picked up only a couple of grocery items and had my trip to the dentist. Yesterday, I made a trip to Wal-mart for a few more items for home and for Kane's baseball team. I also stopped at Sears to inquire about a replacement sunglass clip for my glasses. I don't know how or where, but I must have lost mine. Watch me find them once my replacement comes in. After Wal-mart and Sears, I stopped at the sporting goods store to pick up some ball equipment for Kane. By the time I got home, there was no motivation or desire to do any housework, but I did wash some dishes and cleaned the counter before working on a scrapbooking page. Today, I once again had to run around town. First, to the accountant, then back to Wal-mart to buy a birthday present (Abby received the invitation yesterday; the party is tomorrow), and then to the grocery store for milk and bread and another package of bagels. I'm home. I've had lunch, but I just can't feel any enthusiasm about housework. Laundry is in progress though-that's something.

But, we don't have baseball tonight. Or tomorrow either. Casey has a practice Saturday morning, and Abby has a practice later Sunday afternoon. I don't need to go to Casey's practice; I can sleep in instead. I'll miss Abby's practice, because I'll be at work. No baseball for me until Monday night! There won't be many of these long, free stretches, so we need to enjoy them when we get them.

Forget the housework. It's a beautiful day, not that I'm planning on going back out the door, but I can find something else to do, like scrapbooking or reading. That reminds me...I haven't even cracked a book in a long time.

One more thing...a friend recently changed the theme for his blog. It looks great! But, I've tried to leave a comment three times, and it isn't working. So, if you read this Keith, you need to fix that. It's quite frustrating.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pearly Whites

I went to the dentist today for the first time in about 7 years. That's not true, not quite. I've been to the dentist many times since then, especially in the past year as we've had to deal with the consequences of Casey's broken tooth. However, I haven't sat in the dentist's chair, except to have my wisdom teeth surgically removed two years ago. It's never been high on my priority list, because I rather dislike going to the dentist, and I've been busy making sure my kids get proper care first.

At some point though, you realize that you just need to do it, uncomfortable or not. I made the appointment and pushed all thought of it from my mind until the last minute. Butterflies invaded my stomach as I walked into the office, but they disappeared when I filled in the new patient questions about previous dentists. What did I like most about my old dentist? Hmmm...let me think. Nothing. What didn't I like about my old dentist? Ha! I simply wrote that it is a long story. I'm sure our current dentist would only have to look at the name of our old dentist to understand the tone behind my responses; he's well-known for all the wrong reasons. This other dentist traumatized my then 6 year old son and verbally abused his hygienist. Some people just choose the wrong profession.

My teeth are clean now. The lengthy span between dental visits resulted in a bit of tartar and a small cavity, but my teeth were in remarkably good shape considering. And Kane thinks that I don't do a good job brushing my teeth! I guess quality is better than spending 5 minutes brushing.

A few days ago, I had mentioned to my kids that I was going to be seeing the dentist. Casey and Abby were both quite excited until I told them that they weren't going to be the ones seeing him. Then, they started talking about how that didn't matter, they could simply "see" the dentist. No. They didn't get it. I was going to the dentist while they would be at school! Disappointed again. Where did this eagerness to go to the dentist come from? They did ask me though if I would have the fluoride treatment. The dreaded fluoride.

Yes. I did get the fluoride treatment; the thing I hated most about dental visits as a child. Somethings have changed since then. The trays only need to stay in the mouth for about a minute now. How long did they need to stay in when I was a kid? I don't really remember, but it felt like an eternity, though it was likely only 10 minutes or so. Of course, now there are a variety of flavours to choose from, but they still taste disgusting.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Things That Make You Go "Ouch!"

You know how painful it is to walk off a step or a curb when you're not expecting that drop? Yeah. I know.

Last night, I was walking across the parking lot at my local grocery store, unaware that I was actually walking along the length of a speedbump. Of course, I was watching my destination instead of my path and took that bone-jarring step off the edge. It wasn't far from the ground, but it rattled my entire skeleton, particularly the left side.

The lower left side of my back began to ache almost immediately and is raging unabated today. Just lovely.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Little Bit of Everything

Let's see...

A friend had a baby boy on Easter Monday. He's had a rough start, but we're praying that he will gain strength and improve quickly.

Sam is an official umpire once again. He did his "test" last night and is certified until the end of the year.

My pumpkin pie is all gone now. I think I only had 3 or 4 pieces (out of 2 pies). Not all at one time, of course.

I am trying a new recipe to use up some turkey and make an easy supper as tonight is another baseball night. It is called Mexican Turkey Hot Pot soup. The picture looks yummy! So, I have turkey carcass in a pot simmering for broth. Smells good.

I cleaned Abby's room yesterday while she was at school. She had plenty of warning and had made some progress, but her closet was a disaster.

This morning, I cleaned my bedroom. It wasn't nearly as bad as Abby's room, but there were clean clothes piled on a chair and the dresser was cluttered with all sorts of stuff. The dust was heavy on everything, and the floor was a busy playground for dustbunnies...the joys of hardwood floors! Now, the floor is swept, surfaces dusted, everything put away, and the bed made. Do you know how much I dislike making beds?

It's so nice today. The furnace is shut off, and I've opened up all the bedroom windows for a breath of fresh air. While Maggie the cat has no interest in being outside, she loves to sit in an open window.

The phone rang around 6:30 this morning. I, of course, was asleep with no intention of waking that early. Kane was up, took a look at the call display and left it unanswered. The rings eventually roused me enough to realize the phone was ringing and to wonder why Kane didn't answer it...until he came to the bedroom to let me know it was Tim Horton's calling. That's a phone call I don't want to take that early on a day off! They wanted to know if I could come in and work today. I called back after 7:00 to say no. I didn't elaborate, but I have plans for today. They aren't important or special, but they are my plans. Housework isn't exactly an important reason to avoid going in to work, but if I slough the housework off, I'll never get it done. Besides, my uniform was at the bottom of the laundry hamper, dirty and wrinkled, waiting to be washed today.

The most frustrating thing about watching '24' is waiting an entire week for the next episode!

Here's a joke I shared with Sam (he hated it): How do you know it is spring? The "Leafs" are out!

He can cry about his beloved Leafs, and we'll cry over our Canucks and Rockets. This is the only time of the year that I will cheer for Calgary or Montreal, any other Canadian team really. On the other hand, it is baseball season. Who wants to be watching hockey now?!

I decided this morning to put my tea towels, oven mitts and trivets back into the two kitchen drawers where they belong. These were the drawers visited by mice. The traps have sat undisturbed since the beginning of Spring Break. Maybe the mice like the nice weather and found a new home outside?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Get me off this thing

It was a busy but good weekend. I had five days off, worked today, and now have the next three days off. I am so glad. I am so tired.

Of course, I ate too much turkey and such yesterday. No sooner had the table been cleared away than I sprawled on a sofa and napped for over an hour. It's very rare that I nap at all, even when I feel like having one.

Why don't I make pumpkin pie more often? Every time I make it, I receive rave reviews. It's so creamy and scrumptious. Note to self: make pumpkin pie more often!

Kane did the dishes for me yesterday! I hate doing dishes, especially after cooking a big meal.

We are at the ballpark every day this week. Sam had practice yesterday. He also has practice tonight and Wednesday, an exhibition game on Friday, and an umpire test on Tuesday. Casey has practice on Tuesday and Thursday. Both boys are taking a baseball clinic on Saturday. Kane is doing a coaches' clinic on Sunday, and our opening day is Sunday evening. Games begin next week. We still haven't heard anything about Abby's schedule.

Last Saturday night, I finally cut Casey's hair! I admit that he did look quite cute with his long hair, but I know that he would come to hate it during the ball season. He doesn't believe me, but I know my son. Casey wanted it to remain at least a couple of inches long, but it is much shorter than that! He hates it, but it is the Casey of "old". Besides, hair will grow again. I took before and after pictures; I'll post the pics when I can get the cord for my mom's camera.

It is 3:30pm, and I've been on the computer for almost an hour and a half. Not for fun either. One coach keeps making big changes to his schedule which I then have to change and/or enter on the website. If he keeps this up, by the end of the season, just the sight of his name might make my blood pressure soar.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter

I took the kids to church this morning on my own. Kane stayed home sick. He was also home sick most of yesterday. Needless to say, I am grouchy. I'm not very sympathetic when he gets sick. It's terrible of me, I know, but does he need to act like the world is coming to an end? There is no question where Casey gets his melodramatic tendencies from.

Still, I enjoyed the Good Friday service. Always do. I think that the Easter weekend services are my most favourite services of the year. It was very nice to have this weekend off work. I do need to work on Monday, but at least I am able to enjoy the rest of the weekend with my family.

Tomorrow will be a busier day than today. I'll be busy in the kitchen, baking pumpkin pies, trimming Brussel sprouts, dicing onion and celery, and making sure the turkey is thawed and ready for Sunday morning. Kane needs to go work on a job. It's not the best day to work, but it's at time and a half, plus it gets him out of my freshly-coloured hair. The kids will be put to work vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, general tidying, and Sam has homework and trombone practice to attend to. But first, I get to sleep in!

I've decided to forego the hiding of candy and chocolates this year, much to my children's chagrin. It's laziness and an unwillingness to spend more money needlessly. For the past several years, I've put the candies into those plastic eggs before hiding them. Those plastic eggs were stored in the cupboard where the mice decided to pay a visit. Kane washed them all after the first time. Then, he put everything back into the cupboard! Sure enough, the mice visited again, and I wasn't going to wash those eggs again. I tossed them in the garbage, and I don't want to buy new ones. They aren't expensive, but we really don't need the clutter. So, my kids will be given a paper bag with their portions of candy and chocolate. It won't be the same as searching for it all, but they really only want the candy anyway.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I do believe I discovered a grey hair or two the other day. I had been to considering re-colouring my hair for a month or so now, but this recent discovery prodded me into almost immediate action. Yesterday, I bought a kit, and today I coloured my hair.

I didn't think I was that vain; guess I was wrong. Meanwhile, Sam is reading over my shoulder and laughing hysterically.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Great Quote

Saw this in my daytimer. Love it.

"I am woman! I am invincible! I am tired!"
-author unknown

Monday, April 03, 2006

Change of Plans

I left for work this morning looking forward to my shift and the two days off which were to follow it. My happy mood dropped like a lead balloon once I got to work and peeked at the schedule. A shift had been added in for me for tomorrow.

It isn't that I hate my job or hate working, but I had plans for tomorrow which I now have to drop. They weren't BIG plans to anyone but me. I need to try and get a doctor's appointment for myself-nothing out of the ordinary, but it needs to fit around my schedule. I have a lot of housework waiting for me to have enough time and energy to do it. Projects stack up quickly, too. So, I wasn't going to have an exciting day tomorrow anyway, but it was going to be busy and productive. Not now. Instead, I have to try and fit two days worth of my plans into Wednesday, the only day I have off now until the weekend. The weekend also will be a busy time for me.

What annoys me about this unexpected shift is that it was unexpected. This schedule was posted last week, and I dutifully made note of my shifts. I wasn't called and asked if it would be okay to add another shift. If they had called, I probably would have said yes. It's the not asking that bothers me. What if I did have important plans for Tuesday? What if I had already made that doctor's appointment? When the schedule for a week has been posted then I begin to plan the rest of my life around my shifts. When I have days off, I make plans, because I want to make the most of what little free time I have.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Saving Time?

Sometimes I am quite glad to see the end of a weekend; not often, but it does happen. I think today is one of those times. We've had a full and busy weekend.

Kane and the boys had a ball hockey tournament at the Salvation Army church on Friday night and most of Saturday. Sam missed Saturday's games, because he had an umpire clinic from 8am to noon followed by peewee evaluations from 1 to 4pm. Abby went garage sale-ing with grandma Saturday morning, and then spent the rest of the day with a friend, first at Planet Spacewalker and then at her friend's house.

We went to church this morning and enjoyed listening to the African Children's Choir. After rushing home to change, we split up once again. Kane and Sam went back to the ball park for day 2 of evaluations, while Abby and I dropped Casey off at a kung fu academy for a birthday party. Then, Abby and I went to Michael's to pick up some cardstock and to Wal-Mart for cheese and cat litter. Kane and Sam went from baseball to a hockey wind-up party at a bowling alley.

We're all home now. Casey has been showing some displays of irritability and grouchiness since he arrived back home. Sam is working on homework and feeling flustered over it. He is also complaining of a headache but refuses to take anything for it. I am quickly losing control of my temper; the time change got to me, too. I hate losing an hour of sleep!

It's a good thing two out of three kids are now in just might save my sanity.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

An April Fool

My kids have been anticipating this day all week long. April Fool's Day. Their conniving little faces have been giggling and smirking for the past couple of days. They delighted in telling me how good they were going to get me, but I couldn't get them to reveal their plans. :o)

Yesterday, Sam kept asking if we had any elastic bands. Silly me, I didn't understand why and gave him the one green elastic that I had. Before he went to bed last night, he made a random comment about how he wished he had a "black" elastic band, and the lightbulb in my head suddenly snapped on with a blinding light. I burst his bubble telling him that he was planning on placing the elastic band on the spray nozzle in the kitchen sink, so I would get soaked when I turned on the faucet. Ha ha! One plot foiled.

This morning, I got out of bed at the usual time of 7am, sauntered to the kitchen and took up residence at the computer, where I sit until I wake up. Kane asked me if I needed to use the bathroom. Not yet I replied. So, he warned me that Casey had put plastic wrap on the toilet seat...with his help. Ah! I went to the bathroom to check it out and make Casey's day without really making his day.

My husband is a rookie! They wrapped the wrap around the actual seat rather than the bowl. There was no way I would have not noticed; well maybe if it was dark and I didn't turn the light on. When I left the bathroom, Casey was waiting in the hall with a mischievous look on his face. I acted like there had been nothing out of the ordinary in the bathroom.

Abby still hasn't put any evil plots into motion, and when I asked her what she was planning her only response was in regards to her brothers. She is going to write love notes to the boys "from" girls in their classes, put them in envelopes and place them in the mailbox. I got a chuckle out of that. We'll wait and see if she actually does it or not. Unless she's that good at keeping a secret, I think I'm safe.

So, I thought I was beyond reach from practical jokes. After all, Casey's wasn't executed very well, and I had figured Sam's out before he had the chance to put it together. Boy, was I wrong!

A short while ago, I was checking on the mouse traps we have had set up for the past couple of weeks. Again. Grrrr. Two of the traps are inside drawers which means they're more easily triggered by human actions. One of the traps had been triggered and flipped over, so I reset it and turned to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. Yup. I ended up being sprayed; Sam had put the green elastic on the sprayer after all! The stinker. Even this morning I had asked if he was going to do his practical joke. No, he said, because I had figured it out. Obviously, he is much sneakier than I gave him credit for.

So, here I sit with a damp sweater and jeans on and slightly humbled.