It is spring, and with that comes spring weather. Unpredictable. Just moments ago when I looked out the window, it was pouring rain. Now, as I sit at the computer, the rain has stopped. The sun is shining through white, fluffy clouds.
I don't mind the rain, but could we please have warm, sunny weather for Saturday and Sunday afternoons?
Pretty please?
Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
It feels good to be back to a "normal" routine. What is normal anyway? I'm not sure that I even know the answer to that question, but there is definitely something to be said for routine.
Spring break was only two weeks long, but it felt much longer. That surprises me, considering I was sick for the entire first week. I know that Abby was glad to be going back to school today. Casey was quite likely happy also, but he wouldn't admit it except under duress.
We're finished hockey until the fall. What a relief! I think Sam did well this season. He scored more goals this year than any previous year. He finally won an MVP award, and he played well in almost every game. However, I am quite glad to be finished. No need to interact with certain parents or coaches anymore. No more stress over the horrible officiating that we frequently experienced this year.
Yup, no more hockey. Life is sane once again; at least until Saturday when we kick off our baseball season! ;o) I've never had a job outside the home during ball season before, so this could prove to be an interesting experience. Our schedule is insane, so I have asked for nearly all weekends off from now until the end of July. If by some chance we don't have ball on a weekend (yeah right!), then at least I can spend it with my family instead of at work. My weekdays will likely be work during school hours, come home and throw together supper, fit in a load of laundry and some housework, rush off to baseball, and get kids to bed once we're home again. Like I said, our life is insane for the next three months! But, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I just need to get my act together very quickly. If ever I have needed to plan meals in advance, now is that time! Can I keep my house from sliding into a state of semi-permanent disaster? Time will tell, I guess.
Two kids are home from school with the third expected in the next half hour or so. I need to start prep work for supper and make sure homework is done.
Routine-love it!
Spring break was only two weeks long, but it felt much longer. That surprises me, considering I was sick for the entire first week. I know that Abby was glad to be going back to school today. Casey was quite likely happy also, but he wouldn't admit it except under duress.
We're finished hockey until the fall. What a relief! I think Sam did well this season. He scored more goals this year than any previous year. He finally won an MVP award, and he played well in almost every game. However, I am quite glad to be finished. No need to interact with certain parents or coaches anymore. No more stress over the horrible officiating that we frequently experienced this year.
Yup, no more hockey. Life is sane once again; at least until Saturday when we kick off our baseball season! ;o) I've never had a job outside the home during ball season before, so this could prove to be an interesting experience. Our schedule is insane, so I have asked for nearly all weekends off from now until the end of July. If by some chance we don't have ball on a weekend (yeah right!), then at least I can spend it with my family instead of at work. My weekdays will likely be work during school hours, come home and throw together supper, fit in a load of laundry and some housework, rush off to baseball, and get kids to bed once we're home again. Like I said, our life is insane for the next three months! But, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I just need to get my act together very quickly. If ever I have needed to plan meals in advance, now is that time! Can I keep my house from sliding into a state of semi-permanent disaster? Time will tell, I guess.
Two kids are home from school with the third expected in the next half hour or so. I need to start prep work for supper and make sure homework is done.
Routine-love it!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Crime & Punishment

What a beautiful day!
I just got home from work, a long day of work. Now that I'm home, the kids are free to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. They'd love to play, but I have some work lined up for them first.
Sam swept the deck and cleaned up some recycling with only a minimal amount of whining. Sometimes he does understand the concept of getting the work done quickly!

Casey has a bit more work to do than Sam. It's called punishment. Kane rewarded Sam with $10 for his MVP award last weekend. Sam apparently put it inside a special box that he has on the bookshelf in the bedroom he shares with Casey. Yesterday, Sam noticed his money was missing. Casey claimed to have no idea what had happened to Sam's money and said so to Sam and to Kane. He tried lying to me as well, but I wasn't falling for it.
Casey had the money; claimed he found it just lying on the shelf. So, why lie about having the money? Casey knew that Sam was suddenly $10 richer. He should also have known that ten dollar bills simply don't lie around the house waiting to be claimed by the first person to spot them. Even if Casey truly did find the money lying on the shelf, why not tell the truth when asked about the money?! Taking the money was bad enough, but the lying after is what makes me the most upset.
This is how Casey responds to nearly every situation...with lies and denials. We talk about it over and over again. He knows how we feel about it. He knows what God thinks about it, yet he keeps on doing it. Even when we catch him in the act, his first response is always a lie.
Anyway, back to the punishment. Sam has his money back, but Casey needed an appropriate punishment. I explained to him that I only make $8.78 for every hour that I work; not even $10. So, he has to work for an hour and a quarter, and this is not ordinary work like sweeping the floor or cleaning his room. Casey is a great helper, so those tasks wouldn't carry the same weight. Instead, the work he must do needs to have a little more oomph behind it. Raking the grass is a good start. He hates it.
Will he learn his lesson? As much as I would love to say "YES", I know that he will fall into the same routines again very quickly. Some lessons are just more difficult to learn.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Pearly Whites
I feel human today. Yesterday was pure grogginess; I could have been living inside a bottle of molasses for all the energy I had. Or didn't have. Kane believes it was because I had too much sleep Monday night, but I think it had more to do with the prescription cough syrup I took. That stuff knocks me out and always leaves me groggy the next day.
I wanted to say more about Casey's dental visits last week. He broke his front permanent tooth last Mother's Day after falling on a metal bleacher at the ballpark. The tooth was repaired but lost its' vitality. It died. Last July, he had a root canal, but we knew it was only a temporary fix, because his tooth's roots had not yet closed together. Rather than fill the tooth in the normal fashion, a special substance was used which would inhibit infection without seeping into the gums through the open roots. Got it?
During last week's root canal, the same special substance was once again put inside the dead tooth. The roots are still not closed. In mid-April, Casey will be back at the dentist. I'm not sure if this is simply to check on the tooth, or if another root canal will be performed at this time. The dentist made it clear that the treatment would likely need to be redone again. Maybe more than once.
Long story short-take good care of your teeth!
In other tooth news, Sam lost two baby teeth in one day last week. He's at that age where he is beginning to lose his baby molars. At least he is old enough to handle it maturely. Of course, he does expect the tooth fairy to leave him the outrageous sum of $2 per tooth! She hasn't left him anything yet, but he knows where she lives.
I wanted to say more about Casey's dental visits last week. He broke his front permanent tooth last Mother's Day after falling on a metal bleacher at the ballpark. The tooth was repaired but lost its' vitality. It died. Last July, he had a root canal, but we knew it was only a temporary fix, because his tooth's roots had not yet closed together. Rather than fill the tooth in the normal fashion, a special substance was used which would inhibit infection without seeping into the gums through the open roots. Got it?
During last week's root canal, the same special substance was once again put inside the dead tooth. The roots are still not closed. In mid-April, Casey will be back at the dentist. I'm not sure if this is simply to check on the tooth, or if another root canal will be performed at this time. The dentist made it clear that the treatment would likely need to be redone again. Maybe more than once.
Long story short-take good care of your teeth!
In other tooth news, Sam lost two baby teeth in one day last week. He's at that age where he is beginning to lose his baby molars. At least he is old enough to handle it maturely. Of course, he does expect the tooth fairy to leave him the outrageous sum of $2 per tooth! She hasn't left him anything yet, but he knows where she lives.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Back to the Living
So, I'm back. Relatively speaking.
The flu hit me last Monday afternoon, and it sure packed a wallop! I called in sick for work for Wednesday and yesterday. On Thursday, I took Casey to the dentist for his root canal. He did fine; I barely survived standing in the cubicle with him for 3 minutes. On Friday, I had to dress and take Sam to his afternoon hockey game in Winfield. Thankfully, I was able to sit for that, but I was back in bed as soon as we got home. Basically, I've spent all week in bed, barely eating and weak as a jellyfish.
I went to work today; not because I felt up to it, but because I didn't want to miss anymore shifts. I survived the five hours, but it was tough. At one point, my thigh muscles were literally shaking. Or cramping; I couldn't tell the difference. Those were the most continuous hours of standing that I've done all week, and I get to do it again tomorrow...
I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight. In an effort to avoid passing my flu germs to my husband, I've been camped out on the futon since Monday. It's been quite the set-up really. Sleep, watch TV, sleep some more, and keep an eye on the kids. But, I do miss my bed. Hopefully, this nasty cough won't keep Kane awake!
Casey had a fever yesterday and this morning, but he says he's doing better now. I think he caught what I had. Thank goodness for spring break!
Hey! Sam won MVP in his final game of this weekend's tournament this morning! We played against a team from our organization. Before the game, Kane was talking with one of the moms from the other team, and he mentioned something about Sam and not winning an MVP. I don't know whether that conversation had anything to do with this honour, but I know that Sam is very thrilled to have finally earned an MVP! He was sure that he wouldn't get one, because he hadn't scored a goal and that's how the MVP has been awarded this weekend.
Now, I'm out of what little energy I had left. I'm starving and waiting for Kane to finish supper.
The flu hit me last Monday afternoon, and it sure packed a wallop! I called in sick for work for Wednesday and yesterday. On Thursday, I took Casey to the dentist for his root canal. He did fine; I barely survived standing in the cubicle with him for 3 minutes. On Friday, I had to dress and take Sam to his afternoon hockey game in Winfield. Thankfully, I was able to sit for that, but I was back in bed as soon as we got home. Basically, I've spent all week in bed, barely eating and weak as a jellyfish.
I went to work today; not because I felt up to it, but because I didn't want to miss anymore shifts. I survived the five hours, but it was tough. At one point, my thigh muscles were literally shaking. Or cramping; I couldn't tell the difference. Those were the most continuous hours of standing that I've done all week, and I get to do it again tomorrow...
I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight. In an effort to avoid passing my flu germs to my husband, I've been camped out on the futon since Monday. It's been quite the set-up really. Sleep, watch TV, sleep some more, and keep an eye on the kids. But, I do miss my bed. Hopefully, this nasty cough won't keep Kane awake!
Casey had a fever yesterday and this morning, but he says he's doing better now. I think he caught what I had. Thank goodness for spring break!
Hey! Sam won MVP in his final game of this weekend's tournament this morning! We played against a team from our organization. Before the game, Kane was talking with one of the moms from the other team, and he mentioned something about Sam and not winning an MVP. I don't know whether that conversation had anything to do with this honour, but I know that Sam is very thrilled to have finally earned an MVP! He was sure that he wouldn't get one, because he hadn't scored a goal and that's how the MVP has been awarded this weekend.
Now, I'm out of what little energy I had left. I'm starving and waiting for Kane to finish supper.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I am sick. It came swooping down on me so fast yesterday. I woke with a raspy cough deep in my chest but otherwise felt fine. Around noon, I began to feel achy and woozy. By the time Sam's final hockey game started at 4:10pm, I was in dire straits.
Every joint in my body hurts, but my hips and back are the worst. My head feels woolly. I have a fever, and I have no energy.
Great. I don't want to miss another day of work, but I will likely have to call in tonight. There is no way I can work tomorrow feeling like this.
Every joint in my body hurts, but my hips and back are the worst. My head feels woolly. I have a fever, and I have no energy.
Great. I don't want to miss another day of work, but I will likely have to call in tonight. There is no way I can work tomorrow feeling like this.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Hockey Heroes
This weekend is the first of three hockey tournament weekends for our family. Thankfully, all three tournaments are local, which means we don't need to stay at a hotel or eat at restaurants! This tourney is on the Westside. So far, it seems like a good tournament, although we're rather confused with the scheduling.
It is spring break, but parents still need to work. We played two games yesterday, but we were left waiting and wondering what time our next game would be. Would we play today at 2:00pm? Or, would we not play until Monday at 8:30am or 11:30am? The answer wouldn't even be available until 12:30pm today! As it turned out, we did not have to play today. We drove across the lake just in case we had to play; our coach didn't want to try and phone everyone. We play at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Our first game yesterday started so well. We took a 2-0 lead in the first period, and we were playing well. Mid-way through the second period, we self-destructed. Penalties killed us. Stupid, selfish penalties. We had 20 minutes worth of penalties that game; most were for roughing and unsportsmanlike behaviour. The same hot-heads on our team. Apparently, our coach chewed the team out after the game, but honestly, it doesn't hold water when you do nothing to discourage it all season long.
We lost that game 5-2. I can't believe how devastated I was following that game. I spent the first period on eggshells, knowing how quickly our lead could vanish but daring to hold onto gossamer threads of hope. Through it all, I was bursting with pride as I watched Sam play one of the best games of his hockey career. If ever he deserved an MVP in hockey, it should have been yesterday. It wasn't, and I think that is why I was so disgusted and disappointed after the game.
I'm not one of those parents who believes that my child is the next Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan or 'fill in the blank with a sports star'. I am biased towards my son, but I also recognize the underdog when I see one. In this tournament, an MVP award is given to two players for each team per game. After this game, our two awards went to our captain (best all-around) and an assistant captain (best defensive player). I think it is great that they have a defensive award. Our captain scored both our goals, but was he the best all-around player on our team that game? My sarcastic response would be when is he ever an all-around player?! He just isn't. He never passes, never back checks, and only forechecks when he thinks he might get a breakaway opportunity. So, why did he win an MVP award? He scored two goals.
Then, I watch someone like my son. I saw a boy who isn't the fastest skater skate as hard as he could back and forth across the ice. He never gets a penalty, but he did a great job digging in the corners and fighting for the puck against the boards. He did a fantastic job keeping the puck in the opposing end or clearing the puck out of our end. Not only did he position himself well, he set up plays, including the play for one of our goals. In that game, he was on the ice for both our goals but not on the ice for a single goal against us.
I guess that is one of the biggest complaints that I have with minor hockey (quite possibly other sports as well)...the way that kids are rewarded or not rewarded. I don't want to take away from our captain's ability as a hockey player. He has a wicked shot! But, I know he has a bunch of MVP awards, because he scores goals. Getting a goal is more memorable than the player who silently works hard for the entire game. In baseball, I've seen kids win the MVP for hitting a homerun, while other players win nothing but had basehits at every bat. I have even seen Most Sportsmanlike awards go to kids for a big play. If these sports are supposed to be for kids, for fun and development, why do we only reward those few shine for a moment? Why can we not also reward those that may not outshine everyone else on the team but do work hard to contribute to the team?
At the end of the day, if my son doesn't win an MVP award, I am fine with that. Truly I am, even if it sounds like I'm whining here. I don't want my kids to depend on something like an award to bolster their self-esteem. While I held a shred of hope for an award yesterday, I long ago accepted that Sam would never win an MVP award in hockey, because he isn't the flashy or high scoring player. I am sincerely happy when I see a child who has worked hard during a game win the award, especially when it isn't one of the golden boys on the team. It doesn't happen as often as I would like it to, but it does happen.
End of gripe.
Yesterday's win was our fifth win of the year! We play two games tomorrow. If we can pull off the impossible and win our first game, we can do no worse than fourth and will play on Tuesday. That's a pretty big IF though. Even if we lose our first game tomorrow, we can be proud. We can finish no lower than 8th out of 12 teams. For a team with our record of losing, we have nothing to lose!
It is spring break, but parents still need to work. We played two games yesterday, but we were left waiting and wondering what time our next game would be. Would we play today at 2:00pm? Or, would we not play until Monday at 8:30am or 11:30am? The answer wouldn't even be available until 12:30pm today! As it turned out, we did not have to play today. We drove across the lake just in case we had to play; our coach didn't want to try and phone everyone. We play at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Our first game yesterday started so well. We took a 2-0 lead in the first period, and we were playing well. Mid-way through the second period, we self-destructed. Penalties killed us. Stupid, selfish penalties. We had 20 minutes worth of penalties that game; most were for roughing and unsportsmanlike behaviour. The same hot-heads on our team. Apparently, our coach chewed the team out after the game, but honestly, it doesn't hold water when you do nothing to discourage it all season long.
We lost that game 5-2. I can't believe how devastated I was following that game. I spent the first period on eggshells, knowing how quickly our lead could vanish but daring to hold onto gossamer threads of hope. Through it all, I was bursting with pride as I watched Sam play one of the best games of his hockey career. If ever he deserved an MVP in hockey, it should have been yesterday. It wasn't, and I think that is why I was so disgusted and disappointed after the game.
I'm not one of those parents who believes that my child is the next Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan or 'fill in the blank with a sports star'. I am biased towards my son, but I also recognize the underdog when I see one. In this tournament, an MVP award is given to two players for each team per game. After this game, our two awards went to our captain (best all-around) and an assistant captain (best defensive player). I think it is great that they have a defensive award. Our captain scored both our goals, but was he the best all-around player on our team that game? My sarcastic response would be when is he ever an all-around player?! He just isn't. He never passes, never back checks, and only forechecks when he thinks he might get a breakaway opportunity. So, why did he win an MVP award? He scored two goals.
Then, I watch someone like my son. I saw a boy who isn't the fastest skater skate as hard as he could back and forth across the ice. He never gets a penalty, but he did a great job digging in the corners and fighting for the puck against the boards. He did a fantastic job keeping the puck in the opposing end or clearing the puck out of our end. Not only did he position himself well, he set up plays, including the play for one of our goals. In that game, he was on the ice for both our goals but not on the ice for a single goal against us.
I guess that is one of the biggest complaints that I have with minor hockey (quite possibly other sports as well)...the way that kids are rewarded or not rewarded. I don't want to take away from our captain's ability as a hockey player. He has a wicked shot! But, I know he has a bunch of MVP awards, because he scores goals. Getting a goal is more memorable than the player who silently works hard for the entire game. In baseball, I've seen kids win the MVP for hitting a homerun, while other players win nothing but had basehits at every bat. I have even seen Most Sportsmanlike awards go to kids for a big play. If these sports are supposed to be for kids, for fun and development, why do we only reward those few shine for a moment? Why can we not also reward those that may not outshine everyone else on the team but do work hard to contribute to the team?
At the end of the day, if my son doesn't win an MVP award, I am fine with that. Truly I am, even if it sounds like I'm whining here. I don't want my kids to depend on something like an award to bolster their self-esteem. While I held a shred of hope for an award yesterday, I long ago accepted that Sam would never win an MVP award in hockey, because he isn't the flashy or high scoring player. I am sincerely happy when I see a child who has worked hard during a game win the award, especially when it isn't one of the golden boys on the team. It doesn't happen as often as I would like it to, but it does happen.
End of gripe.
Yesterday's win was our fifth win of the year! We play two games tomorrow. If we can pull off the impossible and win our first game, we can do no worse than fourth and will play on Tuesday. That's a pretty big IF though. Even if we lose our first game tomorrow, we can be proud. We can finish no lower than 8th out of 12 teams. For a team with our record of losing, we have nothing to lose!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Laundry Overload
Isn't it funny how something smaller than a sesame seed can cause mountain-sized headaches.
Sam checked out clean, and as far as I could tell Abby was also clean. Poor Abby had to endure me slathering conditioner through her hair and combing through in my search. I found nothing, but she'll have soft, shiny hair for a while. :o)
Casey surprised me with his compliance during the special shampoo and comb-a-thon. He doesn't normally sit still well, but his complaints were kept to a minimum. Even today, as I combed through his hair again, he was mostly agreeable. His only complaint about the day has been missing school, and that is only because he will miss out on a special treat from the vice-principal.
I think I've done nearly 20 loads of laundry since yesterday, and I could easily do another load by the end of the day. Thankfully, I am basically caught up. Finally. I didn't get my flannel sheets washed last night, so I had to use my cotton sheets. Kane was happy with that; I was not.
I'm glad spring break begins today. I can get a little more sleep in the mornings; it's been incredibly difficult to get out of bed the past few mornings. I don't work again until Wednesday, so I will have lots of time to hang with the kids, bake, scrapbook, kick back, and do what I want to do.
Sam has a hockey tournament starting tomorrow. Call me pessimistic, but we're going to be walked on. The only consolation I have is that the season is virtually over. Maybe Sam can pop in another goal or two; he's been so close on several occasions.
Sam checked out clean, and as far as I could tell Abby was also clean. Poor Abby had to endure me slathering conditioner through her hair and combing through in my search. I found nothing, but she'll have soft, shiny hair for a while. :o)
Casey surprised me with his compliance during the special shampoo and comb-a-thon. He doesn't normally sit still well, but his complaints were kept to a minimum. Even today, as I combed through his hair again, he was mostly agreeable. His only complaint about the day has been missing school, and that is only because he will miss out on a special treat from the vice-principal.
I think I've done nearly 20 loads of laundry since yesterday, and I could easily do another load by the end of the day. Thankfully, I am basically caught up. Finally. I didn't get my flannel sheets washed last night, so I had to use my cotton sheets. Kane was happy with that; I was not.
I'm glad spring break begins today. I can get a little more sleep in the mornings; it's been incredibly difficult to get out of bed the past few mornings. I don't work again until Wednesday, so I will have lots of time to hang with the kids, bake, scrapbook, kick back, and do what I want to do.
Sam has a hockey tournament starting tomorrow. Call me pessimistic, but we're going to be walked on. The only consolation I have is that the season is virtually over. Maybe Sam can pop in another goal or two; he's been so close on several occasions.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Lice, Mice and Other Tales
subtitle: Stop the Insanity!
Casey has had a particularly itchy scalp for several days. On Tuesday, my scalp began to itch incessantly. Silly me, I couldn't figure out why. Last night, I grudgingly forked over $6.99 for a bottle of Head & Shoulders. (I never spend that much on shampoo.) Today was a day off for me, so I waited until the kids were gone to school before having a bath. While washing my hair, I found two minute creatures. Yup. Lice.
My scalp crawls just thinking about that.
Of course, now I had an answer to why Casey's been so itchy. I was at the school by 9:15 to talk to the secretary and check out Casey's and Abby's hair. Discreetly. Casey was a definite yes, but I couldn't really find anything in Abby's hair. Maybe I just missed it; the lighting wasn't very good in the girls' washroom. Or, hopefully, she's clean! At any rate, I pulled Casey out of school, and we proceeded to the walk-in clinic.
I had planned on taking Casey to the clinic after school anyway, because he's had this blister-like thing under his lip on his gum for nearly two weeks. It hasn't been painful, but it has increased and decreased in size and bled once. Whatever this is, it is directly above the tooth that he broke last year, so there is a good chance the two are related to each other.
Thankfully, the walk-in clinic wasn't busy, and we were in and out rather quickly with a prescription for the blister thing and an info sheet on head lice. We browsed through Zellers while waiting for the prescription to be filled, picking up a new brush for me (I could just disinfect my old brush but I just can't.) and three new pillows.
Our next stop was my workplace. I was supposed to work tomorrow, but I've now got an extended break! I'd rather work. :o( My next scheduled shift is not until Wednesday. While I'm not thrilled with having to deal with lice, it will be nice to have five consecutive days off!
So, Casey and I are home, but my plans for the day have been thrown out the window into the beautiful blue sky. Instead of baking as I had hoped, I am washing my Mount Everest of laundry: all the regular laundry plus sheets, pillow cases, blankets, jackets, hats, and teddy bears. Lucky me, I also get to shampoo and comb Casey's hair, re-check Abby when she's done school, check Sam (at least his hair is much shorter, and of all three kids, he should be fine. I hope.), have my husband do the same to my hair, and vacuum mattresses and sofas. Lovely way to spend a day off, don't you think.
This is our first experience with lice. I've never had them until now either. I don't know what is going on, but I've had enough. This is insane. Since 2006 began, we have had Sam's mysterious fever, pink eye, colds, mice, Casey's blister thing, and now lice. I'm only going to say this once, "Life sucks!" I don't particular like that expression, but sometimes you just can't help but feel that way. At least we haven't seen any evidence of mice for some time now; a small and fragile silver lining.
Casey has had a particularly itchy scalp for several days. On Tuesday, my scalp began to itch incessantly. Silly me, I couldn't figure out why. Last night, I grudgingly forked over $6.99 for a bottle of Head & Shoulders. (I never spend that much on shampoo.) Today was a day off for me, so I waited until the kids were gone to school before having a bath. While washing my hair, I found two minute creatures. Yup. Lice.
My scalp crawls just thinking about that.
Of course, now I had an answer to why Casey's been so itchy. I was at the school by 9:15 to talk to the secretary and check out Casey's and Abby's hair. Discreetly. Casey was a definite yes, but I couldn't really find anything in Abby's hair. Maybe I just missed it; the lighting wasn't very good in the girls' washroom. Or, hopefully, she's clean! At any rate, I pulled Casey out of school, and we proceeded to the walk-in clinic.
I had planned on taking Casey to the clinic after school anyway, because he's had this blister-like thing under his lip on his gum for nearly two weeks. It hasn't been painful, but it has increased and decreased in size and bled once. Whatever this is, it is directly above the tooth that he broke last year, so there is a good chance the two are related to each other.
Thankfully, the walk-in clinic wasn't busy, and we were in and out rather quickly with a prescription for the blister thing and an info sheet on head lice. We browsed through Zellers while waiting for the prescription to be filled, picking up a new brush for me (I could just disinfect my old brush but I just can't.) and three new pillows.
Our next stop was my workplace. I was supposed to work tomorrow, but I've now got an extended break! I'd rather work. :o( My next scheduled shift is not until Wednesday. While I'm not thrilled with having to deal with lice, it will be nice to have five consecutive days off!
So, Casey and I are home, but my plans for the day have been thrown out the window into the beautiful blue sky. Instead of baking as I had hoped, I am washing my Mount Everest of laundry: all the regular laundry plus sheets, pillow cases, blankets, jackets, hats, and teddy bears. Lucky me, I also get to shampoo and comb Casey's hair, re-check Abby when she's done school, check Sam (at least his hair is much shorter, and of all three kids, he should be fine. I hope.), have my husband do the same to my hair, and vacuum mattresses and sofas. Lovely way to spend a day off, don't you think.
This is our first experience with lice. I've never had them until now either. I don't know what is going on, but I've had enough. This is insane. Since 2006 began, we have had Sam's mysterious fever, pink eye, colds, mice, Casey's blister thing, and now lice. I'm only going to say this once, "Life sucks!" I don't particular like that expression, but sometimes you just can't help but feel that way. At least we haven't seen any evidence of mice for some time now; a small and fragile silver lining.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
That's Entertainment
Okay, I confess...I am hooked on 24! I'll also admit that I couldn't help but gasp and let loose some tears at the ending to Monday night's episode. Maybe it is just because I'm a female, or maybe not, but I do get emotionally drawn into many storylines whether on a TV show, a movie, or in a book. Even when I think the movie or show is really stupid, I can get sucked into a sappy or sad moment in a heartbeat. I hate that my tear ducts so easily betray me, but I suppose it lets me know that I am alive rather than stone cold.
I checked a book out from the library last week, which I haven't yet delved into but will soon. It is really a juvenile historical fiction novel, but it was written by a woman who goes to our church. Her name is Karen Autio, and her book is entitled Second Watch. It is about the sinking of the Empress of Ireland; Canada's worst non-wartime nautical disaster. I thoroughly enjoy historical fiction, so I'm looking forward to reading this book.
Another book that I am reading is Kiss the Girls by James Patterson. I've read virtually all his books and quite enjoy the Alex Cross series; this book is the second in the series. It is simply time to read them through again.
I checked a book out from the library last week, which I haven't yet delved into but will soon. It is really a juvenile historical fiction novel, but it was written by a woman who goes to our church. Her name is Karen Autio, and her book is entitled Second Watch. It is about the sinking of the Empress of Ireland; Canada's worst non-wartime nautical disaster. I thoroughly enjoy historical fiction, so I'm looking forward to reading this book.
Another book that I am reading is Kiss the Girls by James Patterson. I've read virtually all his books and quite enjoy the Alex Cross series; this book is the second in the series. It is simply time to read them through again.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Big Band Lesson
I missed Sam's band concerts this morning. I hate that, but there really wasn't anything I could do. The school didn't send a notice about these concerts until last week, by which time I already had received my work schedule.
It just about breaks my heart, especially when Sam has repeatedly asked for me to come. I would have loved to go and see him play, but I was already obligated to work. Even this morning, Sam asked me once again. To have my 'almost a teenager' son ask for my presence...well, it thrills me to pieces! He is not cuddly and hasn't been for a long time. Any displays of affection are received with a look of disgust, but he is still our little boy. He doesn't want a hug, but Dad better not forget to tuck him in! All girls are slime, but he desperately wants Mom to watch him play.
And I missed it.
So, I got home from work a short while ago, listened to the voice mail. Sam had called earlier this morning. Apparently, he forgot that he was supposed to wear a white shirt for the concerts; could I bring it for him? Obviously not, as I was already at work by the time he called. I feel bad about that but not very much; it's a lesson in responsibility!
It just about breaks my heart, especially when Sam has repeatedly asked for me to come. I would have loved to go and see him play, but I was already obligated to work. Even this morning, Sam asked me once again. To have my 'almost a teenager' son ask for my presence...well, it thrills me to pieces! He is not cuddly and hasn't been for a long time. Any displays of affection are received with a look of disgust, but he is still our little boy. He doesn't want a hug, but Dad better not forget to tuck him in! All girls are slime, but he desperately wants Mom to watch him play.
And I missed it.
So, I got home from work a short while ago, listened to the voice mail. Sam had called earlier this morning. Apparently, he forgot that he was supposed to wear a white shirt for the concerts; could I bring it for him? Obviously not, as I was already at work by the time he called. I feel bad about that but not very much; it's a lesson in responsibility!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
An Earful of Rant
Settle in for a nice, long rant, and forgive me if I ramble or branch out into different directions.
Okay. I just walked in the door a few minutes ago after working 5 long, busy hours. Shortly before I left for work this morning, Kane was called out for a service call, but he would be back shortly after noon. I left a 'to do' list for Kane and the kids, and I specifically told Sam and Casey what I expected of them before I left. Several times I repeated myself, knowing that they weren't truly listening to me.
On the list were: vacuum, sweep, dust, take the empty bottles to the depot, tidy bedrooms, wash the van, deliver papers, and Sam had to do trombone practice and homework. Now, everything on that list wasn't high on the priority list, and Kane's service call changed plans a little. For example, I now had to take my van to work, so it couldn't be washed. In my opinion, the top priorities were Sam's homework and band practice.
When I got home, the house was almost unnaturally quiet. At first I thought no one was home, but I soon realized that it was quiet because Sam and Casey weren't here. They are playing at a friend's house.
I couldn't help myself. I was irritated before I walked in the door. Driving home, I wondered how much would be accomplished, knowing that the odds weren't good. Outside our carport sat the newspapers still waiting to be delivered; not a good sign. The quiet house only made me grouchier.
I changed out of my uniform and threw it in the wash, all the while deciding whether I should ask the BIG questions or not. I was certain of how Kane would answer, but I had to ask anyway.
Did Sam practice his trombone or do homework?
Of course, Kane felt it was more important for the boys to go play with a friend than it was for Sam to stay home and do his work. Obviously, I disagree. For some strange reason, I seem to believe that it is important to teach our kids the importance of responsibilities and time management. You want to play with your friend on the weekend? Great, how about you work on your homework first? Even just for an hour! Think how motivated Sam would be to put his nose to his books rather than dragging things out.
Kane got a little snarky back at me; we've had this disagreement before. In his defense, he said that he would make sure Sam does his homework later. When later? Tonight? Tomorrow? Hmmm...we still need to have supper. Kids need to shower and get to bed at a decent time, preferably by 8:30 (roughly 3 hours from now). Tomorrow morning, we have church, after which I go to work and they go to hockey. The way I see it, homework won't be started until mid-afternoon tomorrow! Nothing like leaving homework until the last few hours of the weekend. Also, Sam's music practice should be done on a regular basis, at least 3 or 4 times a week. A big part of his grade for band comes from the number of minutes he practices at home each month. There are already enough days where he physically doesn't have the time to practice, and he's struggled to get in enough minutes for a decent grade the past few months. He just needs 20 minutes a day!
Sometimes I feel like Kane and I are operating on completely different principles. We are two quite different people so there are natural variances in the way we see and do things, but I am getting so frustrated!!!! His "big" thing is friends and having fun, and since it isn't my big thing, Kane thinks that I am opposed to developing friendships. Wrong. I just want a more balanced approach. Friends are important. Having fun is important, but there are more important things I want to develop in my children.
Casey has had more sleepovers since September than I ever had as a child. He's had more than Kane has ever had. Is Casey happy about that? No, because he still doesn't think he's had enough. He's hard done by, don't you know. Life is not fair towards Casey and all the world is against him. Casey operates his life on the principle that he deserves it all and then some. It's all about Casey. So not what I want my children to believe.
Sam struggles with schoolwork. He needs to spend more time studying and working to improve his study, reading, spelling, and math skills. His teachers know that. Sam knows that. I know that. Kane knows that. Trouble is that Sam does not manage his time well, in part because he just doesn't know how. I'm trying to teach him that, but it doesn't work well when Dad doesn't reinforce the same ideas. Kane is quick to question Sam on his low grades, but he's also quick to give him a reprieve from the homework.
I'm not the best housekeeper. I know that and admit it freely. When I started working in September, Kane promised that he'd help out more around the house and get the kids involved more. Sure. I will say that Kane has improved in that area. It isn't necessarily up to my standards, which aren't terribly high to begin with, but he does make the effort. He's begun asking for a 'to do' list, because he tends to lose focus and follow his own little rabbit trails. It worked out well last week; he washed all the sheets! Today, he did get the vacuuming and sweeping done, and he cleaned the kitchen, but he did it. The boys didn't do anything that I'm aware of. Abby either.
I'm tired of sounding like a broken record, not that my kids have any idea what that sounds like! I'm tired of being the mean parent. And, I'm weary of butting heads with Kane over this. On the one hand, he preaches to Sam how important school work is and how Sam needs to work harder to do well, but then he flips the opposite way and tells the kids that it is more important to go play with your friends than it is to do homework. Is it any wonder that when I say "no" to the kids, they go ask their dad? I know all kids do this to some degree, but Casey has really milked this to extremes. More often than not, Kane falls for it, too.
Better stop now...the anger has given way to something more mellow and depressing.
Okay. I just walked in the door a few minutes ago after working 5 long, busy hours. Shortly before I left for work this morning, Kane was called out for a service call, but he would be back shortly after noon. I left a 'to do' list for Kane and the kids, and I specifically told Sam and Casey what I expected of them before I left. Several times I repeated myself, knowing that they weren't truly listening to me.
On the list were: vacuum, sweep, dust, take the empty bottles to the depot, tidy bedrooms, wash the van, deliver papers, and Sam had to do trombone practice and homework. Now, everything on that list wasn't high on the priority list, and Kane's service call changed plans a little. For example, I now had to take my van to work, so it couldn't be washed. In my opinion, the top priorities were Sam's homework and band practice.
When I got home, the house was almost unnaturally quiet. At first I thought no one was home, but I soon realized that it was quiet because Sam and Casey weren't here. They are playing at a friend's house.
I couldn't help myself. I was irritated before I walked in the door. Driving home, I wondered how much would be accomplished, knowing that the odds weren't good. Outside our carport sat the newspapers still waiting to be delivered; not a good sign. The quiet house only made me grouchier.
I changed out of my uniform and threw it in the wash, all the while deciding whether I should ask the BIG questions or not. I was certain of how Kane would answer, but I had to ask anyway.
Did Sam practice his trombone or do homework?
Of course, Kane felt it was more important for the boys to go play with a friend than it was for Sam to stay home and do his work. Obviously, I disagree. For some strange reason, I seem to believe that it is important to teach our kids the importance of responsibilities and time management. You want to play with your friend on the weekend? Great, how about you work on your homework first? Even just for an hour! Think how motivated Sam would be to put his nose to his books rather than dragging things out.
Kane got a little snarky back at me; we've had this disagreement before. In his defense, he said that he would make sure Sam does his homework later. When later? Tonight? Tomorrow? Hmmm...we still need to have supper. Kids need to shower and get to bed at a decent time, preferably by 8:30 (roughly 3 hours from now). Tomorrow morning, we have church, after which I go to work and they go to hockey. The way I see it, homework won't be started until mid-afternoon tomorrow! Nothing like leaving homework until the last few hours of the weekend. Also, Sam's music practice should be done on a regular basis, at least 3 or 4 times a week. A big part of his grade for band comes from the number of minutes he practices at home each month. There are already enough days where he physically doesn't have the time to practice, and he's struggled to get in enough minutes for a decent grade the past few months. He just needs 20 minutes a day!
Sometimes I feel like Kane and I are operating on completely different principles. We are two quite different people so there are natural variances in the way we see and do things, but I am getting so frustrated!!!! His "big" thing is friends and having fun, and since it isn't my big thing, Kane thinks that I am opposed to developing friendships. Wrong. I just want a more balanced approach. Friends are important. Having fun is important, but there are more important things I want to develop in my children.
Casey has had more sleepovers since September than I ever had as a child. He's had more than Kane has ever had. Is Casey happy about that? No, because he still doesn't think he's had enough. He's hard done by, don't you know. Life is not fair towards Casey and all the world is against him. Casey operates his life on the principle that he deserves it all and then some. It's all about Casey. So not what I want my children to believe.
Sam struggles with schoolwork. He needs to spend more time studying and working to improve his study, reading, spelling, and math skills. His teachers know that. Sam knows that. I know that. Kane knows that. Trouble is that Sam does not manage his time well, in part because he just doesn't know how. I'm trying to teach him that, but it doesn't work well when Dad doesn't reinforce the same ideas. Kane is quick to question Sam on his low grades, but he's also quick to give him a reprieve from the homework.
I'm not the best housekeeper. I know that and admit it freely. When I started working in September, Kane promised that he'd help out more around the house and get the kids involved more. Sure. I will say that Kane has improved in that area. It isn't necessarily up to my standards, which aren't terribly high to begin with, but he does make the effort. He's begun asking for a 'to do' list, because he tends to lose focus and follow his own little rabbit trails. It worked out well last week; he washed all the sheets! Today, he did get the vacuuming and sweeping done, and he cleaned the kitchen, but he did it. The boys didn't do anything that I'm aware of. Abby either.
I'm tired of sounding like a broken record, not that my kids have any idea what that sounds like! I'm tired of being the mean parent. And, I'm weary of butting heads with Kane over this. On the one hand, he preaches to Sam how important school work is and how Sam needs to work harder to do well, but then he flips the opposite way and tells the kids that it is more important to go play with your friends than it is to do homework. Is it any wonder that when I say "no" to the kids, they go ask their dad? I know all kids do this to some degree, but Casey has really milked this to extremes. More often than not, Kane falls for it, too.
Better stop now...the anger has given way to something more mellow and depressing.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Kane and I went to see the movie Firewall tonight. Harrison Ford is one of my all-time favourite actors. I've begun to like Paul Bettany since seeing Master & Commander a couple of years ago. The movie, Firewall, was good. We liked it, but then again, we're not professional critics. I like what I like; a list of some of my favourite movies can be found under my profile.
Deciding upon a movie to see wasn't cut and dried. Sometimes it is and sometimes not. I like a wide variety of movies from drama to action to "chick flicks" to science fiction and beyond. The only exceptions are movies that look utterly stupid and horror movies. I'll watch them on rare occasions only. Once, years and years ago, I was taken to see a Hellraiser movie. I don't think I've ever been as repulsed as I was watching that movie.
There is usually some movie or movies that we want to see, but we tend to wait for video releases, saving the theatre for the big effects blockbusters. I really would have liked to have gone to Underworld Evolution but didn't want to go to the only time it was playing...9:45pm. Too late for me these days. I want to see the Pink Panther and 16 Blocks, but they're best for viewing on my small TV screen, I think. 16 Blocks sounds predictable and the Pink Panther looks funny but sad. Curious George looks stupid. I have no desire to see Brokeback Mountain either. Harrison Ford it is.
The popcorn was disgusting. I don't know if they changed a product or if it was just stale, but it was awful. We only had to sit through one commercial and two previews. Frankly, I like watching the previews. We saw the trailer for Poseidon. Yup, I want to see that one. We have a VHS of the original Poseidon Adventure; I like it. I like Ernest Borgnine, too. Whether this remake is any good or not will remain to be seen, but I'm sure I'll like it.
A movie is generally meant to entertain. Guess I'm easily entertained.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Deciding upon a movie to see wasn't cut and dried. Sometimes it is and sometimes not. I like a wide variety of movies from drama to action to "chick flicks" to science fiction and beyond. The only exceptions are movies that look utterly stupid and horror movies. I'll watch them on rare occasions only. Once, years and years ago, I was taken to see a Hellraiser movie. I don't think I've ever been as repulsed as I was watching that movie.
There is usually some movie or movies that we want to see, but we tend to wait for video releases, saving the theatre for the big effects blockbusters. I really would have liked to have gone to Underworld Evolution but didn't want to go to the only time it was playing...9:45pm. Too late for me these days. I want to see the Pink Panther and 16 Blocks, but they're best for viewing on my small TV screen, I think. 16 Blocks sounds predictable and the Pink Panther looks funny but sad. Curious George looks stupid. I have no desire to see Brokeback Mountain either. Harrison Ford it is.
The popcorn was disgusting. I don't know if they changed a product or if it was just stale, but it was awful. We only had to sit through one commercial and two previews. Frankly, I like watching the previews. We saw the trailer for Poseidon. Yup, I want to see that one. We have a VHS of the original Poseidon Adventure; I like it. I like Ernest Borgnine, too. Whether this remake is any good or not will remain to be seen, but I'm sure I'll like it.
A movie is generally meant to entertain. Guess I'm easily entertained.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Work was incredibly busy today; apparently this has been the norm for the past few days! Naturally, it was busy, so someone had to fail to show up for their shift, leaving us a man, er lady short.
About 1:35 or so, the lights started flickering. At first, I thought the power was going out, but some lights stayed on. Others were off. In the kitchen, one light was flickering so quickly, we could have started a disco. The staff bathroom light was also flickering off and on, just not quite as rapidly as the other light. Thankfully, no one had epilepsy! A few minutes later, all power was gone!
It is amazingly quiet in a fast food restaurant when the power is out. Even when there aren't many customers during a normal day, there is simply so much background noise: machines, monitors, fans, refrigerators, and so on. Without power, all those noises stop, except for this persistent beeping from the printer.
How insane will work be tomorrow?

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
About 1:35 or so, the lights started flickering. At first, I thought the power was going out, but some lights stayed on. Others were off. In the kitchen, one light was flickering so quickly, we could have started a disco. The staff bathroom light was also flickering off and on, just not quite as rapidly as the other light. Thankfully, no one had epilepsy! A few minutes later, all power was gone!
It is amazingly quiet in a fast food restaurant when the power is out. Even when there aren't many customers during a normal day, there is simply so much background noise: machines, monitors, fans, refrigerators, and so on. Without power, all those noises stop, except for this persistent beeping from the printer.
How insane will work be tomorrow?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5 Canada License.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Making a list...
Okay, I'm telling myself that today will be more productive. It has to be; tomorrow begins a stretch of six working days. While I want to enjoy this day of "leisure", I also need to prepare my house for the days of chaos to come. Kane does make a good effort, and I am thankful for that, but he doesn't operate under the same priorities or brainwaves as I do.
Time is ticking away; it is already 8:30, and I am still in my pjs.
Here's my To Do list for today, in no particular order:
-make molten chocolate cakes for dessert (already started; it is labour intensive!) (done, and were they good!)
-take out the recycling and garbage (done)
-sweep the floors (done)
-tidy the living room (done), dining room (done), kitchen (done) and bathroom (done)
-decide what to make for supper and prepare (done)
-shower (done)
-drop Casey's guitar off at school (done)
-pick Sam up after school (Kane phoned; he's going to do it); and Abby, too (done)
-put that link on the baseball website (done!!!! I'm always so proud of myself after finally figuring out how to do something on my computer.)
-read my Bible and do some journaling (done)
-empty the dishwasher (done)
-maybe fit in some scrapbooking, too (I didn't actually scrapbook, but I did do some journalling in Casey's)
-baseball executive meeting tonight (done)
-nag Sam about homework (I gave up on this one; it wasn't due until Monday anyway. However, I did nag about trombone practice)
-clean out the van (done)
-fill out baseball registration forms (done)
-order more cheques (done)
-divide and freeze the ground beef I bought yesterday (done)
Time is ticking away; it is already 8:30, and I am still in my pjs.
Here's my To Do list for today, in no particular order:
-make molten chocolate cakes for dessert (already started; it is labour intensive!) (done, and were they good!)
-take out the recycling and garbage (done)
-sweep the floors (done)
-tidy the living room (done), dining room (done), kitchen (done) and bathroom (done)
-decide what to make for supper and prepare (done)
-shower (done)
-drop Casey's guitar off at school (done)
-pick Sam up after school (Kane phoned; he's going to do it); and Abby, too (done)
-put that link on the baseball website (done!!!! I'm always so proud of myself after finally figuring out how to do something on my computer.)
-read my Bible and do some journaling (done)
-empty the dishwasher (done)
-maybe fit in some scrapbooking, too (I didn't actually scrapbook, but I did do some journalling in Casey's)
-baseball executive meeting tonight (done)
-nag Sam about homework (I gave up on this one; it wasn't due until Monday anyway. However, I did nag about trombone practice)
-clean out the van (done)
-fill out baseball registration forms (done)
-order more cheques (done)
-divide and freeze the ground beef I bought yesterday (done)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Check up
So, I have two days off, and what did I accomplish today? To the casual observer, nothing. It's pathetic. I know.
Rather than beat myself up over what I didn't get done, I am choosing to think about what I did do.
I went grocery shopping. I know, not very exciting, but it is productive. After all, we do need to eat. Also, getting in and out of Superstore in less than an hour is an accomplishment I can be quite proud of.
I worked on some scrapbooking, doing a few pages in Casey's book and a page or two in our family book. There are so many more pages and photos to work my way through, but it takes time and more creativity than I think I have. But, I keep plodding along...
I took care of some baseball business, answering some emails and trying to add some links to the website. After struggling for several minutes, I gave up, only to find out later that I had been given an incorrect link. No wonder it wouldn't work! So now I have to go back and try it again. Tomorrow.
I sat down and read my Bible. I finished working my way through the book of Matthew a week or so ago. My original plan was to work my way through the New Testament in consecutive order, but after getting through the first chapter or two of Mark, I realized I wasn't really excited about rehashing the same stuff. So, I'm in the book of Acts; read chapters 7-9 today. Also spent some time journalling.
A load of laundry is in the wash. My mom washed a bunch of our laundry yesterday, so I didn't have to do too much. Casey fell in the muck yesterday, leaving his wet and muddy jeans in my bathtub. Thank you. I guess he could have left them on the floor in his room.
Supper is in the oven. Glazed chicken breasts and rice. I haven't quite decided on a vegetable yet. Superstore had asparagus on sale, but I don't really have the time (or motivation) to prepare it tonight. There are plenty of leftover veggies in the fridge which can be reheated instead. We'll have the asparagus tomorrow!
And now I'm out of time! Abby needs to be picked up from church, and I need to throw the sauce on the chicken before I go so everything will be ready when I get back. Sam's whining about his math homework which needs to be done before youth group tonight.
Gotta go...
Rather than beat myself up over what I didn't get done, I am choosing to think about what I did do.
I went grocery shopping. I know, not very exciting, but it is productive. After all, we do need to eat. Also, getting in and out of Superstore in less than an hour is an accomplishment I can be quite proud of.
I worked on some scrapbooking, doing a few pages in Casey's book and a page or two in our family book. There are so many more pages and photos to work my way through, but it takes time and more creativity than I think I have. But, I keep plodding along...
I took care of some baseball business, answering some emails and trying to add some links to the website. After struggling for several minutes, I gave up, only to find out later that I had been given an incorrect link. No wonder it wouldn't work! So now I have to go back and try it again. Tomorrow.
I sat down and read my Bible. I finished working my way through the book of Matthew a week or so ago. My original plan was to work my way through the New Testament in consecutive order, but after getting through the first chapter or two of Mark, I realized I wasn't really excited about rehashing the same stuff. So, I'm in the book of Acts; read chapters 7-9 today. Also spent some time journalling.
A load of laundry is in the wash. My mom washed a bunch of our laundry yesterday, so I didn't have to do too much. Casey fell in the muck yesterday, leaving his wet and muddy jeans in my bathtub. Thank you. I guess he could have left them on the floor in his room.
Supper is in the oven. Glazed chicken breasts and rice. I haven't quite decided on a vegetable yet. Superstore had asparagus on sale, but I don't really have the time (or motivation) to prepare it tonight. There are plenty of leftover veggies in the fridge which can be reheated instead. We'll have the asparagus tomorrow!
And now I'm out of time! Abby needs to be picked up from church, and I need to throw the sauce on the chicken before I go so everything will be ready when I get back. Sam's whining about his math homework which needs to be done before youth group tonight.
Gotta go...
Short Stories by Sam
Sam surprised me the other a good way. He's going to make a book of very short, funny stories, sell them and make lots of money! Problem. Sam has never liked writing and has always struggled with his language arts skills. However, it thrills me to see my son exercising his creativity, even if he tends to be somewhat weird, and he's so excited about it! He's been nagging me to begin work on editing, and he's producing new stories at every turn.
In typical Sam-fashion, the stories are very short, very weird, and often short on sense, but I don't care. This is the fire that I have wanted to see in Sam for a long time; the desire to create and improve and work towards a goal. I took my red pen to his stories last night, underlining, circling and crossing out. This morning when he looked at the pages, he wasn't dismayed by the amount of red. We'll need to find time to sit down together and work through some of the changes that need to take place. His spelling is still bad, but there is definite improvement. Yeah! Sam is moving in the right last.
Here's one of his stories, as he wrote it (well, I'll correct the spelling as I go; otherwise, you might never understand it):
In typical Sam-fashion, the stories are very short, very weird, and often short on sense, but I don't care. This is the fire that I have wanted to see in Sam for a long time; the desire to create and improve and work towards a goal. I took my red pen to his stories last night, underlining, circling and crossing out. This morning when he looked at the pages, he wasn't dismayed by the amount of red. We'll need to find time to sit down together and work through some of the changes that need to take place. His spelling is still bad, but there is definite improvement. Yeah! Sam is moving in the right last.
Here's one of his stories, as he wrote it (well, I'll correct the spelling as I go; otherwise, you might never understand it):
Taylor and the Killer Outfield Grass
Taylor is an outfielder. He likes it out there, but something happened. He missed an easy catch and got so mad he kicked and hit and punched the ground as hard as he could. That made the grass mad. So the grass gave a hard time to Taylor. Whenever Taylor moved from where he just was the grass would trip him. Finally Taylor has had enough. He grabbed the grass and pulled but the grass wouldn't quit and stayed together. The grass got longer and longer but wouldn't rip. Now the grass is 5 feet long then gave the deses (sorry, I'm not even sure what that word is supposed to be?!) to all of right field which is where Taylor plays. But the grass wouldn't give up because every time the ball came to Taylor, the grass would tangle him up until the ball went away but will not do it to anyone else and will do that to Taylor for all eternity.
Here's another...
Jesse and the Vomiting Referee
Jesse plays hockey. This is his seventh year playing hockey. Jesse has never had an embarrassing moment in his seven years. But this year he gets embarrassed big time. There is a referee that vomits every half a minute, and he is reffing this game. Last period and it is tied 0-0 with a minute left in the game. Jesse is in the open and open for a breakaway. He gets the pass. He dekes left. He dekes right. He gets hooked. Jesse has got a penalty shot but he gets mad at the kid who hooked him. There is a fight between Jesse and the hooker kid. Soon the ref is going to vomit, but he has to stop the fight. So he went in the middle of the fight and by accident the ref vomits on Jesse's face. Jesse got so mad he grabbed the ref's head and threw him across the ice head first. He slid right into the post and hit his private spot without a cup on. Jesse quit the game without his penalty shot and he got suspended for the rest of the season and lost the game.
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