A new year is rapidly approaching. January 1st is simply another date on the calendar, yet we place such a burden of hope and expectation upon it. We see the beginning of a new year as a slate wiped clean of mistakes and trials. The reality is that our past errors and the troubles we've gone through cannot be put out the door for a yearly garbage pick-up. Instead, those things we would desperately love to leave behind grab hold of us and tag along.
The new year is also a time for making vows and promises that we know we will not keep, but we make them anyway. Why is that? Are our good intentions more important to us than results? Sadly, we tend to brush off our resolution failures as if they were merely crumbs on our lap. We joke about making resolutions, and we joke about failing to keep them. I can't help but feel that the joke is really on us.
Over the past few years, I have been discovering changes within myself. New Year's eve parties just don't have the same appeal to me anymore, and while I still make resolutions (of a sort), I'm finding my focus changing. I still enjoy a good party. I still want to lose weight and get in shape, but these goals exist because of battles within my soul. My resolutions have taken on a more internal nature.
I still look forward to a new year of possibilities, but I also take the time to reflect, to look back. Have I grown? What have I learned this year? Not only do I see my own progress, but I can see God's hand at work. We may not always recognize God's hand in the moment, but looking back allows us to see it much more clearly. This was an answer to prayer! This is where He carried me. This is how He used me, or this is where He used someone to bless me.
And so, here are my goals for 2006:
1. I want to continue to grow and mature in my relationship with God. I did spend more time in the Word in 2005 than I have in the past, but I need to continue to set aside that quiet time with God.
2. I want to be a better wife and mom. I am not bad at either, but improvement is always welcome. As my kids get older and life happens, I am learning that, sometimes, I need to make adjustments or re-evaluate the way that I parent or react or respond or think.
3. I want to be a better steward of my life in all the areas that encompass it; finances and health are the main ones. Who doesn't need more physical activity and a healthier lifestyle? Who doesn't need to keep a close eye on their wallet?
4. Simplify! This makes my list every year; it is my heart's cry. I have made progress here, too. I see it and feel it, but I know that I still have too many things that clutter my life. Clutter can be physical, emotional or spiritual. Just as I remove the physical clutter from my house, I need to keep the spiritual clutter in check, as well.
This far have I come. What awaits me in 2006, besides another birthday?
I guess I'll just wait and see!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Christmas Vacation
Finally a chance to sit down and recap our Christmas...
In a nutshell, it was nice; different but good.
We left home last Friday morning. The roads were in good shape, and the weather was fine until we cleared the mountains. Then, we had rain for a while off and on. We made good time and arrived at the ferry terminal three hours early for our reservation. Thankfully, we were able to get on the next ferry, so we only had a short wait.
The ferry ride was about 90 minutes; exciting in a way, but also a bit boring. It was raining and getting dark, so we didn't spend much time on the outer deck. Our return ferry trip felt quicker, but I think it was just more interesting. The sun was shining for that trip, so we did spend some time on the outer deck.
When we arrived on the Island, it was dark and raining hard and there was lots of traffic. We didn't have a map, but we did have directions. We did well for most of the directions, but we did get lost at one point having exited the highway at the wrong spot. However, we only really lost about a half hour, and we did manage to find our way to the in-laws. (We bought a map the next morning.)
It was good to finally arrive, to shed the jackets and shoes, and relax. It's a little stressful driving in a foreign area in the dark and pouring rain. We had supper, chatted, and settled in. The next morning was Christmas eve. We went with my brother-in-law to help with some last minute shopping in the morning. After supper, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood, looking at Christmas lights and decorations. Sam remarked on more than one occasion how it felt like a horror movie because of the dark and fog. Yes, there was a lot of fog, and the air just had this quiet, almost eerie feel to it, but it was also very calming.
Christmas day was nice, too. The kids weren't up as early as I thought they might be. We opened presents, had a late breakfast, and watched a couple of movies. The kids played outside for a while, and we had turkey dinner. The food was good, although it did feel strange for me to be on the sidelines instead of doing all the cooking.
We left Victoria on Boxing day morning to catch the 1pm ferry. Once we hit the mainland, we drove into Vancouver to spend the night at a friend's home. We had a good visit with our friends.
During the course of our trip, we were both under and over the Fraser River. The kids had been excited about driving through a tunnel under the river, but they were disappointed to discover that there were no windows in it! Really, I would much prefer my tunnels to be strong and reinforced.
Yesterday morning, we left our friend's home and began to head for home. We stopped at Kane's cousin's place for a quick visit. Of course, there really isn't such a thing as a quick visit with Kane's cousin, but we did manage to get out of there after about an hour and a half. Then, we began the drive home.
The weather on our return was not as nice as on our approach. We had a lot of rain. On the Coquihalla highway, we had snow for a short while. At one point, we had heavy fog, too. Still, we made it home around 6pm, safe and sound but tired. I also had a killer headache which had started while we were visiting Kane's cousin and slowly worsened.
I guess I could also say that we walked through the Empress Hotel and walked up to the Parliament buildings, while we were in Victoria. We really didn't have enough time to do anything touristy, but we'd like to get back in the summer.
In a nutshell, it was nice; different but good.
We left home last Friday morning. The roads were in good shape, and the weather was fine until we cleared the mountains. Then, we had rain for a while off and on. We made good time and arrived at the ferry terminal three hours early for our reservation. Thankfully, we were able to get on the next ferry, so we only had a short wait.
The ferry ride was about 90 minutes; exciting in a way, but also a bit boring. It was raining and getting dark, so we didn't spend much time on the outer deck. Our return ferry trip felt quicker, but I think it was just more interesting. The sun was shining for that trip, so we did spend some time on the outer deck.
When we arrived on the Island, it was dark and raining hard and there was lots of traffic. We didn't have a map, but we did have directions. We did well for most of the directions, but we did get lost at one point having exited the highway at the wrong spot. However, we only really lost about a half hour, and we did manage to find our way to the in-laws. (We bought a map the next morning.)
It was good to finally arrive, to shed the jackets and shoes, and relax. It's a little stressful driving in a foreign area in the dark and pouring rain. We had supper, chatted, and settled in. The next morning was Christmas eve. We went with my brother-in-law to help with some last minute shopping in the morning. After supper, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood, looking at Christmas lights and decorations. Sam remarked on more than one occasion how it felt like a horror movie because of the dark and fog. Yes, there was a lot of fog, and the air just had this quiet, almost eerie feel to it, but it was also very calming.
Christmas day was nice, too. The kids weren't up as early as I thought they might be. We opened presents, had a late breakfast, and watched a couple of movies. The kids played outside for a while, and we had turkey dinner. The food was good, although it did feel strange for me to be on the sidelines instead of doing all the cooking.
We left Victoria on Boxing day morning to catch the 1pm ferry. Once we hit the mainland, we drove into Vancouver to spend the night at a friend's home. We had a good visit with our friends.
During the course of our trip, we were both under and over the Fraser River. The kids had been excited about driving through a tunnel under the river, but they were disappointed to discover that there were no windows in it! Really, I would much prefer my tunnels to be strong and reinforced.
Yesterday morning, we left our friend's home and began to head for home. We stopped at Kane's cousin's place for a quick visit. Of course, there really isn't such a thing as a quick visit with Kane's cousin, but we did manage to get out of there after about an hour and a half. Then, we began the drive home.
The weather on our return was not as nice as on our approach. We had a lot of rain. On the Coquihalla highway, we had snow for a short while. At one point, we had heavy fog, too. Still, we made it home around 6pm, safe and sound but tired. I also had a killer headache which had started while we were visiting Kane's cousin and slowly worsened.
I guess I could also say that we walked through the Empress Hotel and walked up to the Parliament buildings, while we were in Victoria. We really didn't have enough time to do anything touristy, but we'd like to get back in the summer.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Twas the night before...
Before I get caught up in all the hustle and bustle of last minute packing and travel details, I just want to say, "Merry Christmas!"
I won't be updating my blog while we're away, because I won't have a computer to do so. However, I will be bringing my journal.
We're back home either on the 26th or the 27th, though it is looking like it will be the 27th. I work on the 28th, so I might not be updating before then.
I won't be updating my blog while we're away, because I won't have a computer to do so. However, I will be bringing my journal.
We're back home either on the 26th or the 27th, though it is looking like it will be the 27th. I work on the 28th, so I might not be updating before then.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Count Down
Only 4 more sleeps until Christmas! I can't believe it is so close already...I think I'm still back in October.
Today should be an interesting day. Last night, we rented a video game for the kids to play today. They were told that they could play it when they woke up this morning. So, what time did they get up?
5:00 am!!!!
Kane wasn't very impressed. Of course, he was a tad grouchy about it, as he didn't get to sleep until around 2:30am. He was angry enough to tear down the hall with a bellow and a roar, but he was tired enough not to force them back to bed. So, all my kids have been up since 5, and they're going to bed early tonight!
Abby is playing at a friend's house today. I just put a batch of cookies in the oven. This is the last of any baking that I will be doing for the rest of this year. The plan is to take it with us on Friday, but Kane has been munching away on the biscotti. I pulled the suitcase out yesterday, so I need to work on packing. All the presents are wrapped but one. Well, another gift hasn't been wrapped yet, because it is still in transit. It should arrive on Friday, but we'll be gone by then. Sam will need to wait until we return before receiving that present.
I work tomorrow, so I'd like to get as much done today as I can. Yet to do:
-clean out the van
-finish packing
-box up the presents
-reserve a spot on the ferry for our return
-take in our empty beverage containers for refund
-finish cleaning the kitchen
-scoop the cat litter/ change the hamster bedding
-gather stuff for the kids' entertainment while traveling
I think that is it...at least until something else pops up.
Today should be an interesting day. Last night, we rented a video game for the kids to play today. They were told that they could play it when they woke up this morning. So, what time did they get up?
5:00 am!!!!
Kane wasn't very impressed. Of course, he was a tad grouchy about it, as he didn't get to sleep until around 2:30am. He was angry enough to tear down the hall with a bellow and a roar, but he was tired enough not to force them back to bed. So, all my kids have been up since 5, and they're going to bed early tonight!
Abby is playing at a friend's house today. I just put a batch of cookies in the oven. This is the last of any baking that I will be doing for the rest of this year. The plan is to take it with us on Friday, but Kane has been munching away on the biscotti. I pulled the suitcase out yesterday, so I need to work on packing. All the presents are wrapped but one. Well, another gift hasn't been wrapped yet, because it is still in transit. It should arrive on Friday, but we'll be gone by then. Sam will need to wait until we return before receiving that present.
I work tomorrow, so I'd like to get as much done today as I can. Yet to do:
-clean out the van
-finish packing
-box up the presents
-reserve a spot on the ferry for our return
-take in our empty beverage containers for refund
-finish cleaning the kitchen
-scoop the cat litter/ change the hamster bedding
-gather stuff for the kids' entertainment while traveling
I think that is it...at least until something else pops up.
We're leaving Friday morning.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Weekend Synopsis
Sam's 6:30am Saturday morning hockey game was cancelled. Unfortunately, the ice scheduler neglected to let our coaches know that our game was being dropped to accommodate a midget tournament, so a whole whack of parents (including me) were less than thrilled. I don't wake up at 5:30 in the morning unless I have a very good reason. Losing that extra couple of hours of sleep messed me up for the rest of the day.
Casey's birthday party on Saturday afternoon was a success. In his eyes. I am thankful to have worked for most of his party. The final hour that I was home for was more than enough birthday party for me! Remember that I was operating on little sleep, then try walking into chaos. Six 10 year old boys, a 12 year old boy, and a 7 year old girl with Kane at the helm results in a loud, whirlwind affair. My house looked like the Tasmanian Devil had gone for a stroll through it.
Yesterday, our family lit the advent candle in church. The kids did well. They weren't looking forward to talking in front of everyone once, let alone for two services, but they spoke clearly and well.
Last night was our church Christmas dinner. Being still new to the church, we're not sure what normal is when it comes to affairs like this. It was alright, but we left rather hungry. With about two-thirds of the people through the line, they ran out of turkey. We were in the final third. All the side dishes were cold by the time we dished up, and even then, the pickings were slim. I'm just glad that the tickets were reasonably cheap; otherwise, we'd feel very disappointed for what we got.
After the dinner, we went to see The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I liked it. They did a great job on the movie, staying fairly faithful to the book. Of course, now we have this ongoing argument between Sam and Casey as to who is like King Peter or King Edmund. Both want to be King Peter, but I have to admit that Casey really is much more like Edmund.
Less than a week until Christmas! I think I'm finally just about ready. Of course, I need to prepare and pack for our trip, but that will be the easy part.
Casey's birthday party on Saturday afternoon was a success. In his eyes. I am thankful to have worked for most of his party. The final hour that I was home for was more than enough birthday party for me! Remember that I was operating on little sleep, then try walking into chaos. Six 10 year old boys, a 12 year old boy, and a 7 year old girl with Kane at the helm results in a loud, whirlwind affair. My house looked like the Tasmanian Devil had gone for a stroll through it.
Yesterday, our family lit the advent candle in church. The kids did well. They weren't looking forward to talking in front of everyone once, let alone for two services, but they spoke clearly and well.
Last night was our church Christmas dinner. Being still new to the church, we're not sure what normal is when it comes to affairs like this. It was alright, but we left rather hungry. With about two-thirds of the people through the line, they ran out of turkey. We were in the final third. All the side dishes were cold by the time we dished up, and even then, the pickings were slim. I'm just glad that the tickets were reasonably cheap; otherwise, we'd feel very disappointed for what we got.
After the dinner, we went to see The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I liked it. They did a great job on the movie, staying fairly faithful to the book. Of course, now we have this ongoing argument between Sam and Casey as to who is like King Peter or King Edmund. Both want to be King Peter, but I have to admit that Casey really is much more like Edmund.
Less than a week until Christmas! I think I'm finally just about ready. Of course, I need to prepare and pack for our trip, but that will be the easy part.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Christmas Poems by Casey
Just like last year, everyone in Casey's class had to write a poem for Christmas. I really enjoyed last year's poem...
Jesus' Birthday
The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus' Birthday.
They made Christmas on Jesus' Birthday because that is when he was born.
Jesus is the man who made Christmas.
He is the living God.
He is the only God.
Jesus' Birthday is the twenty-fifth of December.
And my birthday is the twenty-third.
This year's poem has a similar tone to it, but it is sweet and cute, nonetheless.
Christmas is about Jesus.
Jesus' birthday is the twenty-fifth
And mine is the twenty-third
Even though I like presents
I don't know if you do
Even though we can't see him
He is still alive.
Jesus' Birthday
The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus' Birthday.
They made Christmas on Jesus' Birthday because that is when he was born.
Jesus is the man who made Christmas.
He is the living God.
He is the only God.
Jesus' Birthday is the twenty-fifth of December.
And my birthday is the twenty-third.
This year's poem has a similar tone to it, but it is sweet and cute, nonetheless.
Christmas is about Jesus.
Jesus' birthday is the twenty-fifth
And mine is the twenty-third
Even though I like presents
I don't know if you do
Even though we can't see him
He is still alive.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Appetizing Aromas and Joyful Noises
The rest of the house feels chilled, but the kitchen is toasty warm and filled with wonderful smells. I've been baking!
I was struck with the thought to bring baking with us when we go to my brother-in-law's for Christmas. Honestly, I have no idea if my sister-in-law does very much baking. We aren't close by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a good thing to do.
So, I made rolled ginger cookies; an annual tradition. I love this recipe, because it is similar to gingerbread but not as strong in flavour. The kids love to decorate the cookies, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow for that.
I also tried a new recipe called Mocha Bites. I came across it in December's issue of Canadian Living magazine( http://www.canadianliving.com ). It looked like a good recipe to use for a cookie exchange, but for reasons beyond my control, I couldn't take part in our annual exchange this year. Still, it sounded like an interesting recipe, and it tastes okay...for having coffee in it. I do not drink coffee, nor do I like the taste. I take my coffee Crisp.
Next up, blueberry muffins and blueberry pie. Just because I have a lot of frozen blueberries.
If I can pick up some more flour tomorrow, then I am hoping to make some biscotti.
Yesterday was Abby's class Christmas concert. My attempts to take some photos were rather in vain. Of course, Abby was standing at the back of the group with someone standing directly in front of her. Even if I could have moved, difficult in the crowded gymnasium, I would have had no clearer a shot.
Last night, Sam had his band concert. Once again, Sam was at the back of the group, sitting directly behind a boy taller than Sam, and in direct line with the conductor. Of course, I was also sitting in direct line with the conductor! We'll just need to wait and see if any of the pictures are of any value. The concert was great. The grade 7's played well, but I really enjoyed the grade 9 jazz band and the final song played by the grade 9 concert band: The Lord of the Rings. Oh, and Sam looked very sharp in his black pants and white dress shirt, but don't tell him that.
Tonight, Casey's class is performing their guitar concert. Every year, Mr. Averill teaches his class the guitar, and they put on a concert for their parents. As Mr. Averill teaches a grade 4/5 split, this is Casey's second year learning the guitar. Last year's concert was so entertaining; I'm looking forward to all the same jokes and songs.
I was struck with the thought to bring baking with us when we go to my brother-in-law's for Christmas. Honestly, I have no idea if my sister-in-law does very much baking. We aren't close by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a good thing to do.
So, I made rolled ginger cookies; an annual tradition. I love this recipe, because it is similar to gingerbread but not as strong in flavour. The kids love to decorate the cookies, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow for that.
I also tried a new recipe called Mocha Bites. I came across it in December's issue of Canadian Living magazine( http://www.canadianliving.com ). It looked like a good recipe to use for a cookie exchange, but for reasons beyond my control, I couldn't take part in our annual exchange this year. Still, it sounded like an interesting recipe, and it tastes okay...for having coffee in it. I do not drink coffee, nor do I like the taste. I take my coffee Crisp.
Next up, blueberry muffins and blueberry pie. Just because I have a lot of frozen blueberries.
If I can pick up some more flour tomorrow, then I am hoping to make some biscotti.
Yesterday was Abby's class Christmas concert. My attempts to take some photos were rather in vain. Of course, Abby was standing at the back of the group with someone standing directly in front of her. Even if I could have moved, difficult in the crowded gymnasium, I would have had no clearer a shot.
Last night, Sam had his band concert. Once again, Sam was at the back of the group, sitting directly behind a boy taller than Sam, and in direct line with the conductor. Of course, I was also sitting in direct line with the conductor! We'll just need to wait and see if any of the pictures are of any value. The concert was great. The grade 7's played well, but I really enjoyed the grade 9 jazz band and the final song played by the grade 9 concert band: The Lord of the Rings. Oh, and Sam looked very sharp in his black pants and white dress shirt, but don't tell him that.
Tonight, Casey's class is performing their guitar concert. Every year, Mr. Averill teaches his class the guitar, and they put on a concert for their parents. As Mr. Averill teaches a grade 4/5 split, this is Casey's second year learning the guitar. Last year's concert was so entertaining; I'm looking forward to all the same jokes and songs.
You are a Brainy Girl! |
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! |
In the Mood for Some Quizzes
You Are A Lily |
You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist. People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you. You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words. Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize. |
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
A Who Down in Whoville
Another overdue bill notice arrived in the mail today. How I hate the feeling of being squeezed by money pressures. It seems that we just keep struggling to keep our heads above water. When we start to think that the water level is receding, something breaks down and the water comes rushing back in at an alarming rate.
These past few months have seemed extraordinarily tight, even though I am now working and bringing in a small income. How can that be?! My income is supposed to be put towards reducing our debt load, but we haven't even been able to begin using my income for that purpose yet.
Christmas is in 12 days, and we are far from prepared. So far, I have only one gift purchased. Casey's birthday party is on Saturday, and I have no present and no supplies for the party yet. Bills are overdue, and there really is no money. We're supposed to go away for Christmas (courtesy of the in-laws), but I'm silently stressing.
I'm not ready for Christmas! Never have I been so ill-prepared, which adds another burr to my already chafed skin. I am the organized one; the one who makes lists and plans ahead. But not this year. Not this time.
My favourite Christmas story, aside from the birth of Jesus, is How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. At the end of the day, the Grinch could not steal Christmas, nor stop it from coming. He stole all the presents, the food, the Christmas trees and decorations, but the spirit of Christmas wasn't truly found in them. While the Grinch waited to hear weeping on Christmas morning, he heard instead only joyful singing! His heart grew three sizes that day, because he finally "got" it. It was the Grinch's "light bulb" moment.
This children's story speaks so loud and clear about the spiritual as well. No one, no thing could stop Jesus from being born. It did not matter that Jesus was born in a stable instead of a maternity ward. Herod couldn't stop the King of Kings from being born, even though he slaughtered many children in that process. Satan could not sway Jesus from His calling, no matter the temptation laid before Him.
Now here I sit, some 2000 years later, and I have choices to make, a life to live out. Will I be like the Grinch who lost sight of the real meaning of Christmas? Or, will I be like a Who, rejoicing in the Reason for the Season?
This Christmas might be sparse for us, but we are richly blessed in so many ways. We may not be overloaded with gifts, but we already have the best Gift, an eternal one. Christmas Day may not look the way we want it to, but may we never get so wrapped up in the wrappings, that we lose sight of Jesus. I want to be singing songs down in Whoville, instead of sulking on my lonely mountain with a bag full of traditions and trappings.
These past few months have seemed extraordinarily tight, even though I am now working and bringing in a small income. How can that be?! My income is supposed to be put towards reducing our debt load, but we haven't even been able to begin using my income for that purpose yet.
Christmas is in 12 days, and we are far from prepared. So far, I have only one gift purchased. Casey's birthday party is on Saturday, and I have no present and no supplies for the party yet. Bills are overdue, and there really is no money. We're supposed to go away for Christmas (courtesy of the in-laws), but I'm silently stressing.
I'm not ready for Christmas! Never have I been so ill-prepared, which adds another burr to my already chafed skin. I am the organized one; the one who makes lists and plans ahead. But not this year. Not this time.
My favourite Christmas story, aside from the birth of Jesus, is How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. At the end of the day, the Grinch could not steal Christmas, nor stop it from coming. He stole all the presents, the food, the Christmas trees and decorations, but the spirit of Christmas wasn't truly found in them. While the Grinch waited to hear weeping on Christmas morning, he heard instead only joyful singing! His heart grew three sizes that day, because he finally "got" it. It was the Grinch's "light bulb" moment.
This children's story speaks so loud and clear about the spiritual as well. No one, no thing could stop Jesus from being born. It did not matter that Jesus was born in a stable instead of a maternity ward. Herod couldn't stop the King of Kings from being born, even though he slaughtered many children in that process. Satan could not sway Jesus from His calling, no matter the temptation laid before Him.
Now here I sit, some 2000 years later, and I have choices to make, a life to live out. Will I be like the Grinch who lost sight of the real meaning of Christmas? Or, will I be like a Who, rejoicing in the Reason for the Season?
This Christmas might be sparse for us, but we are richly blessed in so many ways. We may not be overloaded with gifts, but we already have the best Gift, an eternal one. Christmas Day may not look the way we want it to, but may we never get so wrapped up in the wrappings, that we lose sight of Jesus. I want to be singing songs down in Whoville, instead of sulking on my lonely mountain with a bag full of traditions and trappings.
Monday, December 12, 2005
We Won!
Mighty Casey Has Struck Out

I should have known...
Of course, Casey wouldn't, couldn't have his melt-down yesterday while I was at work! No, that would be too easy on me. Instead, he saved the melt-down for after supper today. Casey ran up behind Sam and gave him a shove. Supposedly, Sam had "cheated" during their little hockey game five minutes previously, and thus deserved it.
Act and react. If caught, deny everything. If that doesn't work, cast blame on the victim and claim amnesia!
*I included this photo of Casey for the simple reason that it makes me smile...Casey's personal protection plan.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Zombie in the House
Last night, Sam attended the annual junior youth all-nighter! The very nature of the event was to be up all night long, and Sam fulfilled that obligation. I knew that he would; he's a night owl like his mom. However, when Kane picked him up at 8:00am, Sam was talking a mile a minute and rapidly fading. No sooner did he get home than he crawled into bed for a nap. Kane woke Sam up around 1:30pm, but he couldn't get Sam physically out of bed for an hour.
Casey spent last night at a friend's house. As I drove him over, I reminded Casey that he did not need to stay up all night just because it was a sleep-over. I also reminded him of how ornery he becomes when suffering from lack of sleep. He agreed with me and promised to get some sleep.
So, Kane picked me up from work at 5pm, and I learned that Casey would be spending a second night at his friend's house. Uh oh. Kane assured me that he had talked to David's dad, the boys had slept a lot last night, and they would have Casey ready for pick-up by 8:00am. I think we'll even be taking David to church with us.
I wonder how much sleep Casey really did get last night, or how much he'll receive tonight? How many hours will he have spent in front of the TV screen playing Playstation? When his natural high wears off after church tomorrow, how far will he crash and burn?
Hmmm...I work tomorrow afternoon, so I could very well miss the entire crash and burn sequence!
Is it bad of me to have this smug feeling of glee?
Casey spent last night at a friend's house. As I drove him over, I reminded Casey that he did not need to stay up all night just because it was a sleep-over. I also reminded him of how ornery he becomes when suffering from lack of sleep. He agreed with me and promised to get some sleep.
So, Kane picked me up from work at 5pm, and I learned that Casey would be spending a second night at his friend's house. Uh oh. Kane assured me that he had talked to David's dad, the boys had slept a lot last night, and they would have Casey ready for pick-up by 8:00am. I think we'll even be taking David to church with us.
I wonder how much sleep Casey really did get last night, or how much he'll receive tonight? How many hours will he have spent in front of the TV screen playing Playstation? When his natural high wears off after church tomorrow, how far will he crash and burn?
Hmmm...I work tomorrow afternoon, so I could very well miss the entire crash and burn sequence!
Is it bad of me to have this smug feeling of glee?
Friday, December 09, 2005
Casey, Casey, Casey.
He came home from school yesterday bursting with good cheer; just like every other day. It wasn't until I was tucking him into bed that he gave the slightest indication that something was wrong.
"I'm going to hate tomorrow," he mumbled.
"And, why are you going to hate it?" I asked.
After some prodding and poking, the truth was revealed. Casey and another boy would have to stay inside during lunch recess today, because they were being punished. Aha!
Of course, with Casey being Casey, Kane and I still do not really know the 'rest of the story'. Obviously, it wasn't terribly serious, or the school would have called us.
I wish that we could take the words of our middle child at face value, but we just can't do that. He lies. He exaggerates. He twists and stretches the truth until it barely resembles what it started out as. Casey. My emotional son. The one that just might give me grey hair and sleepless nights.
Tonight, I drove Casey to a friend's for a sleepover. The drive took all of 5 minutes, but our conversation touched on competition, seeking personal glory, and people without hands or arms. Yes, I don't know where that last topic came from, but we discussed it, nonetheless! Even as he gathered his bag and pillow to step out of the van, he asked me, "What happens to make them have no hands?"
I don't think he even heard my answer; he was too busy rushing to his friend's door.
He came home from school yesterday bursting with good cheer; just like every other day. It wasn't until I was tucking him into bed that he gave the slightest indication that something was wrong.
"I'm going to hate tomorrow," he mumbled.
"And, why are you going to hate it?" I asked.
After some prodding and poking, the truth was revealed. Casey and another boy would have to stay inside during lunch recess today, because they were being punished. Aha!
Of course, with Casey being Casey, Kane and I still do not really know the 'rest of the story'. Obviously, it wasn't terribly serious, or the school would have called us.
I wish that we could take the words of our middle child at face value, but we just can't do that. He lies. He exaggerates. He twists and stretches the truth until it barely resembles what it started out as. Casey. My emotional son. The one that just might give me grey hair and sleepless nights.
Tonight, I drove Casey to a friend's for a sleepover. The drive took all of 5 minutes, but our conversation touched on competition, seeking personal glory, and people without hands or arms. Yes, I don't know where that last topic came from, but we discussed it, nonetheless! Even as he gathered his bag and pillow to step out of the van, he asked me, "What happens to make them have no hands?"
I don't think he even heard my answer; he was too busy rushing to his friend's door.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Shopping with Sam
In the process of putting current photos of the kids into Kane's wallet this morning, I couldn't help but "aah" over the old kindergarten photo of Sam. Of course, Sam only scrunched up his face and looked at me as if I were a strange alien species; he's a 12 year old boy, who doesn't like to be told how cute he was (or is).
I miss my babies, but I thoroughly love each step that they're in, when they're in it. Okay, I didn't enjoy sleepless nights or trying to give a three year old an enema and a suppository on a daily basis, but each age is unique. I am just as enthralled with my kids today as I was when they were infants.
Last night, I took Sam Christmas shopping. He has been spending his own money on gifts for as long as he has been delivering newspapers...I think about 4 years now. Sam is quite good with his money; he has no problem saving or making wise purchases. For the most part. (Casey is the complete opposite. Give Casey money, and he'll have it spent on cheap junk in no time.) While Sam is quite thrifty, he is also very generous. On his own initiative, he buys presents for more people than I would ever expect of him, and while I caution him not to spend all his money on gifts, he chafes under my restrictions.
Despite my low limit of approximately $5 per person, Sam managed to complete most of his shopping in the hour or so that we had last night. We browsed the toy section of Wal-Mart, but we didn't find too much of interest for the proper ages and the amount of money to spend. I told Sam that there were lots of possibilities that didn't include toys; he thought I was nuts! But, in the end, I think Sam did well.
Naturally, Casey is very anxious to go out and do his shopping now. Just the thought causes me stress! My two sons are complete opposites in looks and personalities. Maybe, I'll just take Casey to a dollar store...it might cut down on the battles and keep him on track better than my constant nagging.
I miss my babies, but I thoroughly love each step that they're in, when they're in it. Okay, I didn't enjoy sleepless nights or trying to give a three year old an enema and a suppository on a daily basis, but each age is unique. I am just as enthralled with my kids today as I was when they were infants.
Last night, I took Sam Christmas shopping. He has been spending his own money on gifts for as long as he has been delivering newspapers...I think about 4 years now. Sam is quite good with his money; he has no problem saving or making wise purchases. For the most part. (Casey is the complete opposite. Give Casey money, and he'll have it spent on cheap junk in no time.) While Sam is quite thrifty, he is also very generous. On his own initiative, he buys presents for more people than I would ever expect of him, and while I caution him not to spend all his money on gifts, he chafes under my restrictions.
Despite my low limit of approximately $5 per person, Sam managed to complete most of his shopping in the hour or so that we had last night. We browsed the toy section of Wal-Mart, but we didn't find too much of interest for the proper ages and the amount of money to spend. I told Sam that there were lots of possibilities that didn't include toys; he thought I was nuts! But, in the end, I think Sam did well.
Naturally, Casey is very anxious to go out and do his shopping now. Just the thought causes me stress! My two sons are complete opposites in looks and personalities. Maybe, I'll just take Casey to a dollar store...it might cut down on the battles and keep him on track better than my constant nagging.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Make Lemonade
My wonderful supervisor at work last night sent me home at 5pm, so that I could watch Sam play hockey! I love Ruth!
We lost the game. Big surprise...just another in a long list of losses. In fact, the only game we didn't lose was our very first game of the season, a 5-5 tie.
Frustration. It is everywhere. You can see frustration on the ice as our kids get a little chippier and the penalty minutes increase. You can hear it in the voices of the parents as they talk in small groups.
Kane and I are not happy with the coaching, and we are continuously hearing similar sentiments from other parents. Our goalie's mom was talking with us after the game while the kids changed. The coach had approached her once at practice to say that it wouldn't be long before the kids started getting upset with her son, because we're losing so many games.
Um, yeah, because our goalie is the only player out on the ice?! Don't we have 15 other players on the team who are equally responsible for the outcome of the game? And what role does coaching play in the performance of a team? Or, team unity and morale?
In professional sports, when a team doesn't perform well, the coach is quite often the first person to lose their head. I realize that our coaches are not professionals. They are not paid; they volunteer. Wonderful! Without volunteers, there wouldn't be a lot of programs and activities for anyone! Volunteers work hard and need to be recognized and appreciated. Yes.
However, as a coach, you can dictate the mood and tone of the team. We've seen good coaches and bad and mediocre. The good coaches are literally worth their weight in gold (or oil), while the bad ones can completely demoralize a player, a team, an entire season. We've had this particular coach before, two years ago. He did not impress us then, and there is little chance of that now.
What I find even more disturbing is that this man holds the title of Christian. Maybe he is a different person away from the hockey rink...I don't know. If so, I only find that more disappointing.
Grrrr. There is so much that I could say, but I should bite my tongue. I should. I should. I should.
Despite the lemons he's been handed this season, Sam continues to improve and make lemonade. He's a smart player, which surprises me. Just when has he learned how to position himself? As much as he loves hockey, he rarely watches more than the highlights...of course, unless the Leafs are on, but even then, he'll watch a few minutes, go play, and come back. Last year, Sam's coaches did work a bit on positioning but not a lot. Practice drills are monotonous and consistent. Year in, year out. Skate in circles. Pass the puck. Shoot the puck. Back and forth. Yet, somewhere, somehow, Sam has found a secret source of inside hockey information. He isn't the fastest skater, but he thinks things through and plays as a team player.
Win or lose, he makes me proud!
We lost the game. Big surprise...just another in a long list of losses. In fact, the only game we didn't lose was our very first game of the season, a 5-5 tie.
Frustration. It is everywhere. You can see frustration on the ice as our kids get a little chippier and the penalty minutes increase. You can hear it in the voices of the parents as they talk in small groups.
Kane and I are not happy with the coaching, and we are continuously hearing similar sentiments from other parents. Our goalie's mom was talking with us after the game while the kids changed. The coach had approached her once at practice to say that it wouldn't be long before the kids started getting upset with her son, because we're losing so many games.
Um, yeah, because our goalie is the only player out on the ice?! Don't we have 15 other players on the team who are equally responsible for the outcome of the game? And what role does coaching play in the performance of a team? Or, team unity and morale?
In professional sports, when a team doesn't perform well, the coach is quite often the first person to lose their head. I realize that our coaches are not professionals. They are not paid; they volunteer. Wonderful! Without volunteers, there wouldn't be a lot of programs and activities for anyone! Volunteers work hard and need to be recognized and appreciated. Yes.
However, as a coach, you can dictate the mood and tone of the team. We've seen good coaches and bad and mediocre. The good coaches are literally worth their weight in gold (or oil), while the bad ones can completely demoralize a player, a team, an entire season. We've had this particular coach before, two years ago. He did not impress us then, and there is little chance of that now.
What I find even more disturbing is that this man holds the title of Christian. Maybe he is a different person away from the hockey rink...I don't know. If so, I only find that more disappointing.
Grrrr. There is so much that I could say, but I should bite my tongue. I should. I should. I should.
Despite the lemons he's been handed this season, Sam continues to improve and make lemonade. He's a smart player, which surprises me. Just when has he learned how to position himself? As much as he loves hockey, he rarely watches more than the highlights...of course, unless the Leafs are on, but even then, he'll watch a few minutes, go play, and come back. Last year, Sam's coaches did work a bit on positioning but not a lot. Practice drills are monotonous and consistent. Year in, year out. Skate in circles. Pass the puck. Shoot the puck. Back and forth. Yet, somewhere, somehow, Sam has found a secret source of inside hockey information. He isn't the fastest skater, but he thinks things through and plays as a team player.
Win or lose, he makes me proud!
Run Away?
"There is no doubt that running away on a fresh, blue morning can be exhilarating."
Jean Rhys
Jean Rhys
Wish I could...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Hockey Day
Yet another hockey game played and lost. 6-1 was the final score. While I know that winning isn't everything, losing every game is not fun. Tension was running a little high for most of this game, and the referees kept their whistles handy. Unfortunately, while a lot of penalties were called, they weren't always the right call and many were still missed. Why did an opposing player get called for cross-checking, when it was our player that did the cross-checking? Everyone, from the coaches to the time keepers and spectators, were flabbergasted with that call. Later, one of our players intentionally kneed another player, but the offense went unnoticed by the officials, but I saw it. And then, after the end-of-game handshakes, two players started circling each other, swearing, and a punch was even thrown.
I've heard the rumblings from other parents, and I know how I feel about this year's coaches. One parent commented to another, after this game, our team had only 10 passes in the entire third period, while the other team had 10 passes in just one shift. We have too many individuals on our team and not enough players. Ironically, the individuals belong to our coaches and wear the letters "C" and "A".
Despite another loss, I think Sam played well. He had a handful of good opportunities and even a couple of break-aways. Sam isn't the fastest skater, and he's not the most confident with his stick, but he works hard and thinks. Of course, I am utterly and completely biased; he's my son! But watching Sam play, it is hard to imagine that four years ago, he could not even skate! His progress and success have been a result of his own drive and effort.
If only he'd extend the same effort and drive into other areas of his life, like school and helping around the house.
Sam has another game tonight; I won't be at that game. It will be a tough game. They're playing Sam's best friend's team, and they're undefeated, I think.
I've heard the rumblings from other parents, and I know how I feel about this year's coaches. One parent commented to another, after this game, our team had only 10 passes in the entire third period, while the other team had 10 passes in just one shift. We have too many individuals on our team and not enough players. Ironically, the individuals belong to our coaches and wear the letters "C" and "A".
Despite another loss, I think Sam played well. He had a handful of good opportunities and even a couple of break-aways. Sam isn't the fastest skater, and he's not the most confident with his stick, but he works hard and thinks. Of course, I am utterly and completely biased; he's my son! But watching Sam play, it is hard to imagine that four years ago, he could not even skate! His progress and success have been a result of his own drive and effort.
If only he'd extend the same effort and drive into other areas of his life, like school and helping around the house.
Sam has another game tonight; I won't be at that game. It will be a tough game. They're playing Sam's best friend's team, and they're undefeated, I think.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Lost Time
I worked today. Abby had a friend over in the morning, and Kane took the kids to their cousin's birthday party in the afternoon. In other words, nothing was really done at home!
Tomorrow, I will be taking Sam to his hockey game in the morning, while Kane takes Casey and Abby to church. I go to work just after lunch, so Kane will take the kids to Sam's game in the evening. How much will get done tomorrow?
I don't sweat the housework very much, but I do have concerns about Sam's homework. It wasn't done yesterday. It wasn't done today. It needs to be done before Monday. If I'm not home, Kane doesn't always crack the whip.
And, Sam definitely needs someone cracking the whip! He really struggles with his schoolwork. Or more appropriately, he's never been interested in schoolwork, nor willing to put enough effort into it. We have begun to see small changes in Sam's attitudes (good changes) and a new willingness to apply a little more elbow grease (he does still groans though).
It is too late to be thinking about this...9:40pm isn't really late, but I'm tired. I don't want to nag; I'd like to be the fun parent sometimes. Why should dads get all the fun?
I worked today. Abby had a friend over in the morning, and Kane took the kids to their cousin's birthday party in the afternoon. In other words, nothing was really done at home!
Tomorrow, I will be taking Sam to his hockey game in the morning, while Kane takes Casey and Abby to church. I go to work just after lunch, so Kane will take the kids to Sam's game in the evening. How much will get done tomorrow?
I don't sweat the housework very much, but I do have concerns about Sam's homework. It wasn't done yesterday. It wasn't done today. It needs to be done before Monday. If I'm not home, Kane doesn't always crack the whip.
And, Sam definitely needs someone cracking the whip! He really struggles with his schoolwork. Or more appropriately, he's never been interested in schoolwork, nor willing to put enough effort into it. We have begun to see small changes in Sam's attitudes (good changes) and a new willingness to apply a little more elbow grease (he does still groans though).
It is too late to be thinking about this...9:40pm isn't really late, but I'm tired. I don't want to nag; I'd like to be the fun parent sometimes. Why should dads get all the fun?
Friday, December 02, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Ever feel like you don't know what to say, or even how to say it? Welcome to my world! There are words and questions and statements swirling around inside my head, but the instant I actually need to say something, they're gone. Vanished like vapour on a windy day.
My journaling journey began with a gift from a friend on the celebration of my graduating from high school in June of 1990. The friend was a youth leader at church. The gift was a journal with a scripture passage written inside the cover:
Jeremiah 1:6, 7, 8.
"Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
Fifteen years and five months later, I am still journaling, both in a journal and online. I still write. I also still question my effectiveness and my voice. Do I know how to speak or write? Who would want to listen to what I have to say? Is this really what I am supposed to say? Always more questions and doubts than answers!
The scripture passage given to me all those years ago has become well-loved and cherished. I want to be used by God, yet there is a part of me that cannot see why God would ever choose me to be His tool. I feel like I'm back in school, afraid to raise my hand to answer the teacher's question, afraid of looking stupid or foolish, afraid of looking like I know all the answers. But you know, more often than not, as I sat silent at my desk while someone else was called upon, I discovered that I knew more answers than I thought I did, and even when I didn't know the answer, I wasn't the only one who had been wrong.
I may not be a prophet, but God can use me, and He doesn't see my insecurities as a barrier to His message or His will.
My journaling journey began with a gift from a friend on the celebration of my graduating from high school in June of 1990. The friend was a youth leader at church. The gift was a journal with a scripture passage written inside the cover:
Jeremiah 1:6, 7, 8.
"Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
Fifteen years and five months later, I am still journaling, both in a journal and online. I still write. I also still question my effectiveness and my voice. Do I know how to speak or write? Who would want to listen to what I have to say? Is this really what I am supposed to say? Always more questions and doubts than answers!
The scripture passage given to me all those years ago has become well-loved and cherished. I want to be used by God, yet there is a part of me that cannot see why God would ever choose me to be His tool. I feel like I'm back in school, afraid to raise my hand to answer the teacher's question, afraid of looking stupid or foolish, afraid of looking like I know all the answers. But you know, more often than not, as I sat silent at my desk while someone else was called upon, I discovered that I knew more answers than I thought I did, and even when I didn't know the answer, I wasn't the only one who had been wrong.
I may not be a prophet, but God can use me, and He doesn't see my insecurities as a barrier to His message or His will.
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